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托福口语TPO 23

来源:新航道 原创作者:常州新航道 浏览:0 发布日期:2018-01-29 11:30


托福口语TPO 23
Task 1
There can be several advantages to spending time living in another country. Talk about one advantage and explain how living in another country provides that advantages. Use details and examples in your response.
Task 2
Some people enjoy spending their free time alone in activities such as reading, thinking, or writing. Others enjoy spending their free time in shared activities with other people. Which do you prefer and why?
Task 3
No More International News
For the past few years, the daily campus newspaper has included a one-page international news section covering a few of the major stories in world news. Starting next month, the section will be eliminated. One of the reasons the newspaper editors gave for the decision to cut the section is that other news sources are better able to provide wider and more up-to-date international news coverage. The editors also noted that the change would create space for a new calendar page that will list events and activities around campus.
The woman expresses her opinion about the plan announced in the article. Briefly summarize the plan. Then state her opinion about the plan and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.
Reference Groups
Our thinking and behavior are often influenced by other people. When we admire and respect someone, we naturally try to imitate their behavior and attitudes. Groups of people whom we admire and whose behavior and attitudes we tend to imitate are known as reference groups. Reference groups provide a model-a frame of reference-that can shape how we think and behave. Over the course of a lifetime, we may be influenced by many different reference groups. As we grow older, or encounter new circumstances, our reference groups may change, and our attitudes and behavior may change accordingly.
Using the example from the lecture, explain how people’s behavior is affected by reference groups.
Task 5
Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then state which solution you would recommend. Explain the reason for your recommendation.
Task 6
Using the examples of the Venus flytrap and the sundew, describe two ways that carnivorous plants get their nutrients.


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