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《剑14》Test 3 小作文范文解析,制作工序的流程图咋写?

来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2019-05-20 14:20


今天,给同学们分享《剑14》Test 3 的小作文高分范文及解析,搬好小板凳,来看鸭~

《剑14》Test 3 小作文:流程图





The diagram is an illustration of how electrical power is produced in hydraulic electricity power plant.

[上来就是一个重要的点:不要按照图面上的进展顺序(从左到右)来,而是仔细观察图面后发现,其实这个发电厂的工作分成“白班” (Day)和“晚班”(Night).] The power station works two shifts – the morning shift and the night shift. [句话提示读者,作者的信息分组方式:“白班”(Day)和“晚班”(Night).] During the day, electricity is generated. The dam obstructs the river’s waterflow and creates a reservoir at a height [这是可数名词:“高处”]. At the bottom of the dam is a point of entry, open during the day, and water is injected, through it, into the tube [对于图中不明确的空间的理解], reaching the reversible turbines and turning them. [理解图中的文字信息从而理解工作原理,而不直接用图中给出的文字信息去措辞] With the turbines spinning, the generator is activated and produces electrical power. As soon as electricity is produced, it is transmitted to the national grid. Meanwhile, water does not stay in the chamber [对于图中不明确的空间的理解] where the turbines are placed and instead enters the low-level reservoir. 

[流程图的词汇重点在于动词:obstruct, create, inject, spin, activate, transmit]

The night shift works in reverse [固定词组:“相反地”]. Water is pumped back via the daytime route, and it is noticeable that water does not flow through at the intake point, which is closed at night.

Overall, the plant works around the clock, and the whole process is a rather simple cycle.


