Describe a person whocan speak a foreign language well
Describe a well-dressedperson.
Describe a famousperson you want to meet from news
Describe a person whosejob is useful to the society
Describe a familymember you spend most time with
Describe a person wholikes travelling by plane
Describe a park orgarden
Describe a historicalbuilding
Describe a place torelax (not your home)
Describe a street youvisited before
Describe a café orrestaurant you like to visit
Describe a place where youcan read or write (not your home)
Describe a house or anapartment you would like to live in
Describe a foreigncountry you would like to visit but you haven’t been to before
Describe a picture orphoto you like
Describe a gift that tookyou a long time to select/choose
Describe an electronicdevice or machine you want to buy.
Describe an occasionyou remember that you got up extremely early
Describe something akid did before that made you laugh
Describe an indoor gameyou played when you were a little child
Describe a time whenyou and your friend had a disagreement
Describe a happy eventwith your family
Describe a time whenyou got lost
Describe an educationaltrip you had before
Describe a surprisethat made you happy
Describe a time youlooked at the sky
Describe an activitythat helps you keep fit
Describe a special tripyou would like to have in the future
Describe an artisticactivity you did at school
Describe a long distancewalk
Describe a time youwaited for something
Describe something youwould like to do if you were given a day off from your college or work
Describe an importantfestival in your country
Describe a time youborrowed something useful from others
Describe an importantthing that you have forgotten
Describe an occasionsomeone or something made noise
Describe a long journeyby car
Describe a smallsuccessful company
Describe a movie youlike watching
Describe an educationalTV program
Describe a team youtook part in before
Describe a paid job youor someone enjoyed doing
Describe a change thatwill improve your local area
Describe a stage/ageyou enjoyed mostly in your life
Describe an article youread from magazine or the Internet about healthy life
Describe something youwant to learn more about
Describe a law aboutenvironmental protection
Describe an impressiveor meaningful song
Describe an advertisementyou saw before
Describe an importantconversation
Describe a success youhad in your life
Describe a new skillyou would like to develop