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常州新航道 > 雅思机经 > 雅思7分猎手:2015年9-12月雅思口语话题整理与预测PART1


来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2015-09-15 11:15



Where do you come from?/Where are you from?

Is it a big city or a small town?

Tell me something about the city you come from.

Has your hometown changed a lot during last few years?

What are the things you don’t like about your hometown?

Is your hometown a good place to grow up?



Are you a student or do you have a job?

Will you continue your study in the future?

What is your major?

How do you like your major?

What is the most interesting part of your major?

What is your favorite subject?

What is your least favorite subject?

Will you keep in touch with your old classmates in thefuture?

Do you prefer studying in the morning or in theafternoon?

How was your first day of school?

Do you think it is important to work as a groupsometimes?

Is it important to have a short break in your study?

What will you do when you graduate?

Do you think teacher is more important than classmates ineducation?



What kind of accommodation you are living in at themoment? a flat or a house?

What kind of accommodation you would like to live in inthe future?

Which room do you love best about your flat?

What is the area where you live like?

Are there many shops and facilities around youraccommodation?

Will you move in the future?



What colour do youlike?

Was colour importantwhen you choose something when you were a child?

Do you prefer lightcolours or dark ones?


Doing things in a hurry

Have you doneanything in a hurry?

Do you like doingthings in a hurry?

Do you think it isdifficult to do something in a hurry?

What kinds of thingsyou usually do in a hurry?

What you will neverdo in a hurry?


Fruit and Vegetables

Do you prefer havingfruit or vegetables?

Did you like eatingfruit when you were a little child?

Do you think is itgood to have fruit and vegetables every day?

What kind of fruit doyou like when you were a little child?

Is it easy to buysome fruits or vegetables where you live?

Do you have anyfruits or vegetables every day?

Do you think someunhealthy food should be banned by advertisements?

What are benefits forchildren from eating fruit and vegetables?



Do you prefer writingor typing?

Do you think computer will replacehandwriting?

What impression does a person’s handwritinghave on other people?


Hang out with Friends

How often do you hangout with your friends?

What do you usuallydo together?

Do you prefer hangingout with bunch of friends or with one or two friends only?

When was last timeyou hang out with your friends?



Do you like helpingpeople?

Did you parents teachyou how to help others when you were a child?

Is it important tohelp someone?

Did you help someonebefore?

Did anyone help youbefore?

When was the lasttime you helped someone?


Letters and emails

Do you prefer to makea phone call or text someone?

Did you write aletter to someone before?

Do you prefer writinga letter or sending an email?

Why do you think somepeople prefer texting their friends rather than making a phone call?



How do you learn math?

Do you like (learning) math?

Do you think it is important to learn math well?

Do you often use a calculator (when you are learningmath)?

When did you start learning math?



How to memorizesomething?

Do you have somethingthat you forgot recently?

Do you have somethingyou have to remember?



Do you like watchingmovies?

What kind of moviesdo you like to watch?

Do you like makingyour own movie?

Do you preferwatching movies alone or with your friends?

Where do you often goto watch movies?

How often do youwatch movies?



Do you like history?

Do you like historyclass?

Do you like visitingmuseums?

Have you ever been toany museums before?

Would you like tohave a job at museums?

What kind of museumsdo you like visiting?

Do you prefervisiting museums alone or with your friends?

When was the last time you read a historybook?



What type of music doyou like to listen to?

When was the lasttime you went to a concert or watched a musical video?

What are differences betweenlistening to live music and a CD?



Do you like takingphotos?

Do you like having aselfie?

When do you normallytake photos?


Public Holiday

What’s your favoritepublic holiday?

What did you do duringyour last public holiday?

Do you think you needmore public holidays?


Reading and books

Do you like readingbooks?

What was the lastbook you read?

How often do you readan English book?

What type of books doyou like to read when you were a little child ?

Do you prefer readingbooks or magazines?

Do you think parentsshould choose books as presents for kids?

Where do people liketo read in your country?

Where is the worstplace to read?

Do you prefer readingalone or with a group of people together?

Have you read anyforeign books before?



Do you like yourteachers?

Would you like to bea teacher in the future?

What is yourdefinition about a good teacher?


Time Management

Do you know how tomanage time?

How do you usuallymanage your time?

Are you good atmanaging time?

What will you do ifyou have any free time?



How is publictransport in city where you live?

Do you prefer takingpublic transport or private transport?

When was the lasttime you took public transport?

What kind of publictransport you would like to recommend to visitors?



Do you like havingsnacks?

What kind of snacksdo you like to eat?

What kind of snacksyou love best when you were a child?

Do you like having thesame kind of snacks as the ones when you were a child?


Social Network

What social networkare you using at the moment?

Do you think peopleuse social network quite frequently in your country?

How did youlearn/know about this social network?

Is this socialnetwork popular in your country?



What’s kind of sportspeople like doing in your country?

When was the lasttime you watched this sports?

What kind of sportsyou would like to learn/try in the future?

What is your favoritesport?

Do you preferwatching sports on TV or on site in person?

Do you prefer doingsports or watching sports matches on TV?


Stay Alone

Do you often stayalone?

What do you usuallydo when you stay alone?

What do you usuallydo when you spend time with others?

Do you prefer stayingalone or spending time with others?

Do you want to havemore time to stay alone?


Stay up late

Do you often stay uplate?

What do you usuallydo when you stay up late?

Did you stay up latewhen you were a little?

How will you feelwhen you wake up in the morning when you stay up late the night before?

Why do you think somany young people like staying up late?



Do you like swimming?

Do people likeswimming in your country?

Do you preferswimming in the sea or a swimming pool?

When did you learnhow to swim?



Do you prefer to readdomestic news or international news?

When did you startreading newspaper?

Is it important toread newspaper?



How do you usuallyplan your weekend?

Do you like weekends?

Do you study/work onweekends?

Do you have any plansfor the coming weekends?

What did you do lastweekend?

Did you have any parttime job on weekends before?`





Describe a person whocan speak a foreign language well

Describe a well-dressedperson.

Describe a famousperson you want to meet from news

Describe a person whosejob is useful to the society

Describe a familymember you spend most time with

Describe a person wholikes travelling by plane



Describe a park orgarden

Describe a historicalbuilding

Describe a place torelax (not your home)

Describe a street youvisited before

Describe a café orrestaurant you like to visit

Describe a place where youcan read or write (not your home)

Describe a house or anapartment you would like to live in

Describe a foreigncountry you would like to visit but you haven’t been to before



Describe a picture orphoto you like

Describe a gift that tookyou a long time to select/choose

Describe an electronicdevice or machine you want to buy.



Describe an occasionyou remember that you got up extremely early

Describe something akid did before that made you laugh

Describe an indoor gameyou played when you were a little child

Describe a time whenyou and your friend had a disagreement

Describe a happy eventwith your family

Describe a time whenyou got lost

Describe an educationaltrip you had before

Describe a surprisethat made you happy

Describe a time youlooked at the sky

Describe an activitythat helps you keep fit

Describe a special tripyou would like to have in the future

Describe an artisticactivity you did at school

Describe a long distancewalk

Describe a time youwaited for something

Describe something youwould like to do if you were given a day off from your college or work

Describe an importantfestival in your country

Describe a time youborrowed something useful from others

Describe an importantthing that you have forgotten

Describe an occasionsomeone or something made noise

Describe a long journeyby car



Describe a smallsuccessful company

Describe a movie youlike watching

Describe an educationalTV program

Describe a team youtook part in before

Describe a paid job youor someone enjoyed doing

Describe a change thatwill improve your local area

Describe a stage/ageyou enjoyed mostly in your life

Describe an article youread from magazine or the Internet about healthy life

Describe something youwant to learn more about

Describe a law aboutenvironmental protection

Describe an impressiveor meaningful song

Describe an advertisementyou saw before

Describe an importantconversation

Describe a success youhad in your life

Describe a new skillyou would like to develop








