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This quote means essentially that people admirepowerful individuals who do not use their power to the utmost to achievetheir goals but rather use only the minimum amount required to attain them. While thisview is admirable in the abstract, the statement is inaccurate in that it fails toreflect how people actually behave.
The popularity of "revenge"movies aptly illustrates that many people are not impressed with individuals who userestraint when exercising their power. In these movies the protagonist is typicallyportrayed as having certain physical abilities that would enable him to easily defeat thevarious adversaries he encounters. In the initial confrontations with these individuals hetypically refrains from using his abilities to defeat them. The audience, however, soongrows tired of this, and when the hero finally loses control and completely demolishes hisopponent, they burst into applause. This homey example strongly suggests that manypeople are more impressed with the use of power than with the restraint of its use.
The Gulf War provides another example of asituation where restraint in the use of power was not widely acclaimed. When theallied forces under the command of General Schwartzkoff showed restraint by notannihilating the retreating Iraqi army, the general was widely criticized by the public for notusing the force available to him to eliminate this potential enemy once and for all. Thisexample shows once again that often people are not impressed by individuals whoexhibit restraint in using their power.
In conclusion, the examples cited aboveclearly indicate that, contrary to the view expressed in the quote, many—if notmost—people are more impressed with individuals who utilize their power to theutmost than with those who exercise restraint in the use of their power