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10月12日(上午场)托福独立写作真题范文 | 新闻要天天看么??

来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2019-10-22 10:11


 2019.10.12(上午) 独立写作题目

  “There are many news stories about current events that help people take a break from reading or listening to the news for a few days or weeks.

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  It is beneficial to stop reading and listening to the news for a few days or weeks.”



  news stories和news是有什么区别么?


  1) news stories会去探究某个新闻事件背后的来龙去脉和各种细节。比如西方国家比较有名的《60 minutes》,是解读新闻事件背后的具体事情的,就内容而言,比简单的news reporting详细。

  2) 而news呢,就是纯粹的新闻播报,是流水账。粗线条的方式告诉读者、观众或者听众最近发生了什么,而不会去探究新闻事件背后的具体情况,比如央视的《新闻联播》。

  3) 然而,题目的提问部分,又没有针对news stories提问。所以,搞不清楚news stories和news的区别,仿佛也不要紧,只要针对题目的提问部分展开讨论就可以了。



  News reporting, in its simplest way, has only a headline and a summary of an event. In such news, details are omitted. Reading or viewing such news may be exhausting, since there are so many things happen on a daily basis, and the browsing may be so repetitive and tedious that people need a break.


  其实可以把body部分的段的内容和introduction形成逻辑联系,让全文更有整体感 → Theboredom is not yet the worst case. What is worse is information overload, and bombarded with information, we feel exhausted. This may be contrary to the common conception that knowledge is power. Indeed, knowing things makes us feel secure. On the other hand, knowing too much is exhausting, since we often are unable to confine our minds to just knowing something. When news provokes our thoughts, our minds may bedisturbed, by our interpretations of the events or by badassociations for the events. If those interpretations or associations are undesirable, we need to take a break, stop receiving the news or a while, toescape from the reality and to detach ourselves from the world for some time. ← 说理很难,双例映证 → For example, when news tells us that the housing prices are surging, we may not have the simplest idea that “wow, properties are getting expensive” but think that “I may never afford a home and be homeless”. News may report a cheerful event that anunprivileged student has managed to enter a prestigious college. However, we may have associations for the country’s college admission system and its inequality.

  Also, news seems to be obsessed with tragic events. Tragedies on the one hand draw attention, and on the other hand, cause discomfort or anxiety. Long-term exposure to such news upsets people. It depresses people, causing negative feelings like disappointment and pessimism. For example, xxx xxx xxx xxx (很容易找到例子去论证此点,此处例子略。)


  We need to take a break and stop receiving news for a moment. A short interval every now and then will break the pattern of constant information bombardment and keep us alive.




