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常州新航道 > 托福 > 常州托福:2019.11.3托福独立写作真题范文 | 选课选教授!!

常州托福:2019.11.3托福独立写作真题范文 | 选课选教授!!

来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2019-11-15 15:03



 2019.11.3 独立写作题目:

“If you need to take a course, which professor’s course would you like to take?

  1. a professor who was voted the most popular;

  2. a professor who has just won an award for an outstanding research”

11月3日托福独立写作真题范文 | 选课选教授!!  



  A student is stuck in a dilemma in which he or she has to decide between a course delivered by a professor voted the most popular and a course taught by an award-winning professor, and the award is an academic one apparently. In fact, this is a commonplace. My personal opinion is that the second professor is preferable, although the first professor, as an option, may be irresistible.


  (Here in this sample essay, we present one paragraph for our readers to learn)

  In the case that it is not the academic excellence but the charisma or other personal qualities that make a professor popular, which is quite common at many institutions, the professor who was voted most liked may not be a plausible choice. We expect the professor to teach us something rather than to imbue us with the adoration for him or her. ← 陈述选项1后,对比论证来陈述选项2 → By contrast, the professor who won an award for outstanding research may not be perfect in teaching, he or she would be at least knowledgeable. Students would therefore learn something from this professor. Also, students would eventually choose a professor more for theyadmire the professor for the academic achievements and less for theyadore the professor for his or her charisma. ← 如果一个段落的篇幅到位了,也不是一定需要举例论证,硬加例子实在没有必要,举例论证完全可以放到后面的段落使用嘛。

  (Here in this sample essay, we present one paragraph for our readers to learn)


  In light of the above, I have just made a quick and reasonable decision in this commonplace dilemma. Although I understand people who consider the other way around and have their reasons, I would like to take the course delivered by the second professor.


