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来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2020-02-29 11:34





  请打开新航道《托福写作真经6》,翻页到Page 237,找到题目。

  题目中的between the ages of 5 to 10是人群的关键特点。于是,在写作中,可以通过从这个年龄段的特点着手,找到最切题的讨论内容。




  Although being helpful is a desirable quality, it does not have to be developed during those critical five or six years of life. It,instead, can wait until a later time. For example, an adult who has never thought of being help to others can quickly learn a lesson that he or she needs to help others in exchange of others’ favor and resource. It seems that this quality does not take time to develop and should not take the time of life’s crucial early stage. In addition, a child at the age of five or six hardly has the ability to help, despite having the strong awareness or will, and older children can barely do more than the five-or-six-year-old. 措辞技巧:反问句:Why don’t we develop this quality until those children have the ability?


  A person of honesty is certainly admirable; however, this personal trait can develop anytime unless lying has become astubborn pathological condition. It, in fact, can develop immediately after a person suffers a loss as a result of being dishonest or untruthful. For example, a cheating student who is caught will learn from the suspension and be disciplined. It seems that this quality may take only one instance to develop and may never develop late.


  请打开新航道托福《教程》,翻页到Page 124,找到题目。

  题目中的at an early age是人群的关键特点。于是,在写作中,可以通过从这个年龄段的特点着手,找到最切题的讨论内容。


  It is critical to consider the young age of those children. ç 留出信息空白:consider the young age,回应信息空白 è Children before the age of seven, except for those gifted ones, are unable to learn through the verbal or textual delivery of knowledge. ç 留出信息空白:are unable to,回应信息空白 è Their cognitive capability does not permit them to understand abstract information. In short, formal education does not suit young children’s way of learning. ç 形成对比 è Instead, for those children, the effective learning material is tangible objects, typically toys, and other physical surroundings with which they make contact. When they play, they make the contact through seeing, touching, feeling, smelling, and hearing, and thereby learn. In brief, they perceive and acquire knowledge to comprehend the world. For example, those young children may be unable to understand the verbal description of the diverse weather conditions, and should go to the outdoors and play in the nature so as to feel the wind and the rain, to taste the snow, and to see the sunlight.常州托福培训小编分享的内容就到这里,更多托福考试写作干货敬请关注新航道托福考试频道,更多关于托福考试个性化问题欢迎咨询新航道官网

