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来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2021-10-11 14:26


  首先大家和新航道常州托福培训班小编一起来了解一下到底什么是生物学(biology),the scientific study of the natural processes of living things.简单翻译一下就是一种研究生命体自然进程的科学。 世界上的动物已知的就有超过百万种,这么庞大的数量会给生物学家(biologist)的工作带来很大的困难,这个时候就要引入分类学(taxonomy)的概念,给动物们分类,那按照分类的标准不同,我们来看看~ 按照骨骼的性质划分:


  Vertebrate / ˈvɜ:rtɪbrət / n脊椎动物

  Invertebrate /ɪn ˈvɜ:rtɪbrət/ n无脊椎动物(考题7 reading passage1:One question was related to evidence that the invertebrate fauna (animals without spines) of the Mediterranean had changed abruptly about 6 million years ago.)


  Amphibian /æmˈfɪbiən/ n两栖动物(考题40 reading passage3:In contrast to mammals and birds,amphibians are unable to produce thermal energy through their metabolic activity)

  Aquatic /əˈkwætɪk/ adj水生的(考题44 reading passage1:they had radiated into almost all availableaquatic habitats)

  Terrestrial /təˈrestriəl/ adj陆地的;陆栖的;陆生的(考题44 reading passage1:One of the most significant evolutionary events that occurred on Earth was the transition of water-dwelling fish to terrestrial tetrapods.)

  而如果要细分到某一种具体物种的分类,要经过七层划分: 从下到上依次是:

  Kingdom /ˈkɪŋdəm/ n界

  phylum /ˈfaɪləm/ n门

  class /klæs/ n纲

  order /ˈɔ:rdə(r)/ n目

  family /ˈfæməli/ n科

  genus /ˈdʒi:nəs/ n属

  species /ˈspi:ʃi:z/ n种

  而光知道一个模糊的分类概念,在托福的文章中是远远不够的,因为通常都会涉及到某个具体的物种。要是不知道他们的意思,在阅读或听力中想要把握文章描写对象的详细特点就会比较困难,那么接下来就是一波具体的物种单词啦。 首先是昆虫(insect)类:

  Larva /ˈlɑ:rvə/ n幼虫,幼体

  Pest /pest/ n害虫,害兽,害鸟

  Worm /wɜ:rm/ n蠕虫


  Turtle /ˈtɜ:rtl/ n龟

  Snake /sneɪk/ n蛇

  Toad /toʊd/蟾蜍(考题25 listening lecture1: But the cane toad itself became a pest and has destroyed much of the wildlife on that continent.)

  Lizard /ˈlɪzərd/n蜥蜴(考题21 listening lecture3: Probably back in some previous biology course you learned that snakes evolved from lizards)

  Chameleon /kəˈmi:liən/ n变色龙

  Crocodile /ˈkrɑ:kdaɪl/ n鳄鱼

  水生动物Aquatic animal:

  Dolphin /ˈdɑ:lfɪn/ n海豚

  Whale /weɪl/ n鲸鱼

  Shrimp /ʃrɪmp/ n小虾

  Prawn /prɔ:n/ n对虾,大虾,明虾

  Lobster /ˈlɑ:b stə(r)/ n龙虾

  Crab /kræb/ n螃蟹

  Clam /klæm/ 蛤蜊,蚌

  Coral /ˈkɔ:rəl; ˈkɑ:rəl/ n珊瑚(考题27 listening lecture1: And there's another technique that's been experimented with to try to help coral reefs recover from bleaching.)

  Seal /si:l/ n海豹

  Octopus /ˈɑ:ktəpəs/ n章鱼(考题17 listening lecture4: The octopus is prey to many species, including humans, so how does it escape its predators?)

  Otter /ˈɑ:tər/ n水獭

  陆生动物Terrestrial animal:

  Gorilla /gəˈrɪlə/ n大猩猩

  Chimpanzee /ˌtʃɪmpænˈzi:/ n黑猩猩

  Baboon /bæˈbu:n/ n狒狒

  Microbe /ˈmaɪkroʊb/ n微生物(考题53 reading passage2: High moisture and temperatures speed the growth of soil microbes that decompose organic compounds)

  Bacteria /bækˈtɪriə/ n细菌

  Virus /ˈvaɪrəs/ n病毒


  Subsist /səbˈsɪst/ v存在,有效/维持度日

  Exist /ɪgˈzɪst/ v存在,实际上有/生活,生存

  Secrete /sɪˈkri:t/ v分泌(考题17 reading passage3: The ants live in large, hollow thorns and eat sugarsecreted by the tree.)

  Assimilate /əˈsɪməleɪt/ v消化,吸收

  Breed /bri:d/ v交配,繁殖/喂养(注意过去式bred,过去分词bred)

  Proliferate /prəˈlɪfəreɪt/ v迅速繁殖(或增殖);猛增

  Propagate /ˈprɑ:pəgeɪt/ v繁殖;增殖(考题9 reading passage3: These plants propagate by producing spores–tiny fertilized cells that contain all the instructions for making a new plant–but the spore are unprotected by any outer coating and carry no supply of nutrient.)

  Evolve /iˈvɑ:lv/ n进化,演化(考题39 listening lecture4: Cows and goats have evolved highly specialized digestive systems that allow them to metabolize cellulose.)

  Darwinism /ˈdɑ:r wɪnɪzəm/ n达尔文主义(查尔斯·达尔文于 19 世纪创立的学说,认为生物通过自然选择而进化)

  Extinct /ɪkˈstɪŋkt/ adj已经毁灭的

  Extinction /ɪkˈstɪŋkʃn/ n灭种


  Immune /ɪˈmju:n/ adj有免疫力的(考题17 reading passage3: In vertebrates, the immune system provides a multiple defense against internal parasites.)

  Immunity /ɪˈmju:nəti/ n免疫力

  Metabolism /məˈtæbəlɪzəm/ n新陈代谢(考题23 reading passage1: The city is an extraordinary processor of mass and energy and has its own metabolism)

  Morphology /mɔ:rˈfɑ:lədʒi/ n形态学

  Microscope /ˈmaɪkrəskoʊp/ n显微镜

  Calorie /ˈkæləri/ n卡路里

  Glucose /ˈglu:koʊs; ˈglu:koʊz/ n葡萄糖(考题18 listening lecture4: In frogs, the extra glucose makes it harder for the winter inside the cells to freeze.

  Protein /ˈproʊti:n/ n蛋白质


