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常州新航道 > 托福 > 托福写作之邮件被现代人摒弃了吗?


来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2021-10-14 11:14




  E-mail has become the most used method of communication in workplaces. Employees use it to communicate with one another and their superiors, or the people who manage their work. But there are employees who are suggesting that workers should spend more time talking to one another in person or on the telephone instead. Which view do you agree with? Why?



  特别长的题目同学们往往在审题时会因为不耐烦从而遗漏信息。这里需要大家注意的是,删去文章的繁琐信息比如第 一句的背景铺垫。找准题目中的but这一重要转折连接词,之后会发现这里其实是一个对比题目,这样整体的思路就会清晰很多。

  既然是对比性题目,那么两个对比主体email和talking in person or on the telephone需要辨析清楚。不同于常规对比题,这道题出现了一对二的对比,写作时需要注意覆盖清楚。

  Prevalent in modern people’s daily life is [倒装句式] telecommunication such as WeChat for instant messages, Dingding for work-related announcement and Twitter for comments sharing.【小列举增加话题关联度】This creates us a picture that emailing, a traditional method for delivering information, absents and is abandoned permanently. It may sound a little bit reasonable but in workplace, I insist the necessity of emailing no matter with coworkers or superiors.

  Ø 开头段:这一话题对于同学们来说其实比较日常熟悉,因此可以考虑在北京铺垫多增加一些细节信息加强语言细节。其次观点表达可以避免太直接的agree or disagree。

  To begin with, emails are invented in order to provide more efficient communication. Decades ago, people preferred to exchange ideas directly or at least by phone call. The demerits are obvious. The former is in need of a suitable occasion. For example, deciding a proper place for work discussion is time consuming. Not all the companies are equipped with abundant meeting rooms and some of them require booking in advance. What if there is an emergent conference? [特殊句式增加表达] In this case, employees have no choice but turn to a café or a restaurant for the talk, which is a rather hard-to-decide matter when looking for a quite occasion. The latter avoids the dilemma but passes the buck to a proper time. Without knowing the actual situation of the counterpart, in most cases, the call is regarded as a sudden disturbance let alone suffering long time talking on the phone.【对比论证中攻击对方来突出我方】Compared with these two disadvantageous options, emailing is a perfect choice. The participants do not need to care about the limitation in place and time while the respondents can feel free to write back.

  Ø 论点一:同学们应该会发现对比题中对比论证的重要性,这也是我们平时授课的重点。要求大家找出不同之处进行论证,切题且有助于论证展开。

  Also, the special relationship here determines sending emails as an optimal mode. Either the direct interaction or telephone calls requires the speaker to be eloquent. For example, in most enterprises, supervisors or managers must handle multiple tasks at the same time. Sparing a minute to listen to the reports from associates is already rare, which means a redundant lecture is impossible. 【说理论证】In this case, those who are not good at speaking may leave a very negative impression. Though a little bit exaggerating, a long and tedious talk may sometimes end up with being neglected or even fired. Why don’t they choose emails? [反问你学会了吗?] It is a way that employees poor in speaking can practice the writing skills to be more accurate in delivering message and can modifying the information in a formal way. If the required details are excessive, relevant attachment will be another alternative.【假设论证】

  Ø 论点二:考虑到托福写作中对于论证方法多样性的要求,在这里我们就不再使用对比而改为直接论述邮件的好处。抓住关键词工作场合进行展开。

  To draw a conclusion, I admit the benefits of interaction in person and phone calls, via which more emotions can be realized especially when people ask for some permission on budget or support. However, solely relying on a moving lecture will never be feasible if the content lacks solid evidence or detailed reports. Under the circumstance, an approach to transfer precise and abundant information—emailing cannot be replaced.

  Ø 本文因为使用了同学们比较喜欢的四段结构,但是结尾相应地就得进行一定的篇幅延伸。否则文章的字数容易不达标。


