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来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2021-10-19 10:08



  Task 1

  Some people like to attend a live performance or live sporting event, while others prefer to stay at home and watch it on TV or other electronic devices. Which do you prefer?




  观点1: 现场演出或比赛

  原因1: 相比于看电视比赛,更能感受现场氛围,体验沉浸其中的乐趣。

  原因2: 能看到全场效果,发现其他人发现不到的细节,而不是只看到电视上有限的镜头。

  观点2: 线上表演

  原因1: 相比于看现场时间更加灵活,可以在家里观看,而不用赶到现场,也省去了门票及往返路费。

  原因2: 在家里的环境更加舒适,不用忍受现场的拥挤和嘈杂。


  Well, I’m prone to watching performance on TV.

  First of all, watching that on TV is more flexible. What I mean is that we can turn on TV within several seconds instead of spending several hours even days on the way to the performance.

  Besides, watching performance on TV enables us to avoid the hustle and bustle. Take myself as example, last weekend, I went to the Olympic Park to watch a football match, which was so disordered that even my purse was stolen. However, my friend Amy who watched that game on TV had a whale of time at home. So I prefer to watch performance on TV.

  Task3 综合口语回忆

  提到了一个概念叫做test marketing。听力的例子是一个拍摄儿童电影的公司,由于该公司第 一次尝试做动画电影,就召集了一群小孩子看他们制作的动画,然后询问他们的意见,这样电影公司就可以对此作一些变化。



  Test Marketing

  Definition: The Test marketing is a tool used by the companies to check the viability of their new product or a marketing campaign before it is being launched in the market on a large scale.

  The market test is generally carried out to ascertain the probable market success in terms of new product’s performance, the level of acceptance of the product, customer satisfaction, and the efficiency of the marketing campaign.

  Through test marketing, a marketer may ascertain the success ratio of the new product and the marketing campaign and can design the marketing mix ( viz. Product, price, place, promotion) very well before its launch.


  本月最后一道题目终于不是生物学讲座了,很多同学可能在刚听到test marketing这一词条时,会感到比较迷茫。但好在其中的例子比较生活化容易理解,有点类似于国外影视剧公司拍摄电视剧时,会根据观众的反应,随机改变剧情走向,以吸引更多观众。如果生活中对这方面有些许了解,相信同学们对听力部分不会感到很难理解。回答过程中,要注意将几个简单句连接成复杂句式,提高language use的得分。


  Test marketing is a tool used by the companies to check the viability of their new product or a marketing campaign before it is being launched in the market.

  In the lecture, professor demonstrates the example of a film company which is specialized in children film. It is the first time for this company to make animation, in order to make it more popular, the company organizes a group of children watching the animation they make, then they pool the ideas from these children to improve their animation.

  For example, some kids love the dog in the animation which is not the main character. After knowing that, this company makes the dog to be the main character, in order to attract more children watching this film.


