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托福口语TPO28 Task1-6文本+范文

来源:新航道 原创作者:常州新航道 浏览:0 发布日期:2018-01-29 12:15


托福口语TPO28 Task1(题目+解析+范文):Various types of academic assignments
托福TPO28口语task1题目 Question:
Students have to complete various types ofacademic assignments in school. Choose one of theassignments below and explain why you think it isbeneficial for students. Research paper Classpresentation Group project
I think class presentation is a very beneficial way of doing academic assignment because of two reasons. First, doing class presentation can cultivate confidence and make students more communicative. This is something very important for one’s future career development. I know most successful people throughout history have the above characteristics. Second, when you do presentation, you are open to feedbacks from the whole class, and then you can quickly correct mistakes and adopt suggestions. This is typically useful to students who are not communicative to others and have no idea of the problems they are probably encountering.
托福口语TPO28 Task2(题目+解析+范文):Protect the health of young children
Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? To protect the health of young children,advertisement for candy and junk food should notbe shown on television. Use specific reasons anddetails in your response.
I agree that advertisement for candy and junk food should be forbidden on television for two considerations. The first one is that advertisements often exaggerate the good taste and the so called “healthiness” to attract children but ignore the negative effects. Some candies are tagged containing vitamin but never mentioned the amount of sugar they actually put in. Also, children generally don’t avoid watching TV but they have not enough cognition of what is bad. Whenever there are such advertisements on TV, they see one, they want to buy the product. No wonder so many children have decayed teeth at such a young age.
托福口语TPO28 Task3(听力+解析+范文):Keep the Music Building Open Later
Reading Part:
Keep the Music Building Open Later
Currently, the campus music building – which haspractice rooms students can reserve for playinginstruments – closes nightly at nine p.m. I think theuniversity should keep the building open until midnight. Often, student musicians want topractice their instruments later at night, and right now there’s no good place for them to dothat. Also, lots of students want to use the practice rooms, so it’s often difficult to reserve one.If the building were open more hours, though, it would be easier to accommodate the largenumber of students who want to reserve rooms.
Now listen to two students discussing the letter.
(woman) Jim, did you see this letter in the papertoday?
(man) Yeah, I did.
(woman) That would be great for us music students. Because I mean, what happens is,students keep practicing in the dorm room because they don’t have anywhere else they can go.
(man) Yeah, I've done that myself a bunch of times playing my violin.
(woman) Me too, and I always feel kind of bad about it, because even if you try to keep thevolume down, it’s still pretty noisy, and other students are nearby in their rooms trying to sleepor study.
(man) That’s true.
(woman) And we really could use more time slots, especially just before the big concerts: thewinter concert and the spring concert, because everybody from all sections of the orchestraneeds to practice then.
(man) I know, I tried to make a reservation to practice before the winter concert, but Icouldn't, because other people from the orchestra had already booked every single time slot.
(woman) Exactly, so this would really help.
The woman expresses her opinion of the proposal. Briefly summarize the proposal, then state her opinion about the proposal, and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.
Someone is proposing in the letter to keep music building open till midnight. The woman totally supports it because firstly, as student musicians, they usually like to practice in the evening but they have nowhere else but to practice in the dorm. Even they keep the volume down, it still disturb other students. Secondly, she mentions that they can use more time slot. If they get more time slot to reserve the building, they can have more chances to practice because before big concerts everyone from all sections of the orchestra will reserve the building to practice.
托福口语TPO28 Task4(听力+解析+范文):Refute-and-Persuade
Reading Part:
Sometimes companies realize that consumers mayhave developed a negative impression of aproduct. One way in which they can resolve thisproblem is by using an advertising technique known as refute-and-persuade. Refute-and-persuade means that in advertising a product, the company first indicates its awareness ofthe product’s disadvantage. But then the company refutes or challenges that disadvantageby demonstrating how the advantage of buying and using the product makes up for anylimitation it may have. In this way, companies can persuade consumers to purchase aproduct despite its drawbacks.
Now listen to part of a lecture in a business class.
(male professor) Ali right, so I actually saw a good example of this just the other day: I watched anadvertisement on television about a well knowncompanies pots and pans, and in the advertisement there was a woman, a professional cook,talking about how she uses the companies pots and pans in her own kitchen. Now the womanin the advertisement began by saying that this company’s pots and pans were expensive. Shejust came right out and admitted to the audience that they cost a lot more than most othercompanies pots and pans. And she also said that she realized that when people went shoppingfor new cookware, they might feel that they just didn’t want to spend all that money on suchexpensive pots and pans since there were so many in the store that cost a lot less.
But then, she went on to explain that the extra cost was worthwhile, because, although thesepots and pans cost more to begin with, they actually saved you money in the long run. How?Well, they came with a special lifetime warranty, which meant that the company would replacethem free if anything ever went wrong, and that’s something most companies that make potsand pans couldn't say about their products.
Explain how the example of the television advertisement for pots and pans from the lecture illustrates the technique of refute and persuade.
第 5 页:TPO口语-范文
In this lecturethe professor talks about the refute-and-persuade advertisement technique,whichmeans the company indicate the awareness of thedisadvantage of the product first, and then refutethe draw back by demonstrating the advantages ofbuying it. The example is the advertisement of a well-known company’s pots and pans, thewoman in the ads. first says that it’s a lot more expensive than most other pots and pans in thestore, and then says the extra cost is worthwhile because the company provide lifetimeguarantee which means they provide free replacement if anything goes wrong. And mostother companies can’t give such guarantee to their products.
托福口语TPO28 Task5(听力+解析+范文):Interview the student director
Listening Part:
Listen to a conversation between two students.
(woman) Hey mike, did you finish that article youwere writing for the campus newspaper? The oneabout the school play.
(man) Not yet. Remember how I was going to interview the student who’s directing it?
(woman): Yeah, you said that was going to be a big part of the article.
(man): Right! And I was going to make my article about what the director said, since sheknows about picking the play, choosing the cast, designing the set…everything! But I justcalled and it turns out that she’s got a bad cold…she’s sick!
(woman): So you can’t interview her?
(man) Not today…no…but I have a couple of options. I could wait until she feels better, andinterview her then…it’s just that then the article wouldn’t be do ne in time to go in this week’spaper.
(woman) Oh…so you’d have to put it in next week’s paper then?
(man): Yeah, and the play’s opening this weekend…I mean, it’s running next weekend too, butit’d make more sense to have the article come out before the play opens.
(woman) I see what you mean. So, what’s your other option?
(man) Well…I could interview an actor instead of the director. I talked with one of the leadactors, and he said he’d be happy to do an interview today.
(woman) Sounds good! Then your article would come out before the play opens.
(man) I know, but it’s just that he probably wouldn’t have as much to say as the director, Imean, he wouldn’t know about everything that went into planning the play the way thedirector does.
Briefly summarize the problem the speakers arediscussing. Then state which of the two solutionsfrom the conversation that you would recommend.Explain the reasons for your recommendation.
The man was going to interview the studentdirector for his article for campus newspaper, butthe student got a bad cold and wouldn’t do theinterview right now. The first solution is to waituntil the student gets better but then the articlewouldn’t be done in time on this week’s paper, andthe play is open this weekend. The second solution is to interview an actor instead. But theactor wouldn’t know as much as the director does. I would recommend the man to take thesecond solution because if he waits for the director, the article will only be on next week’spaper but the article is better to be seen before the opening of the play.
托福口语TPO28 Task6(听力+解析+范文):Lakes can disappear
Listening Part:
Listen to part of a lecture from a geology class.
(female professor)
So, when we look at lakes, they seem to bepermanent, we assume they’ll be around forever.But in fact, lakes aren’t permanent; they can actually disappear. Sometimes they disappearthrough natural processes, and sometimes because of human activities.
First let’s look at one way that lakes can disappear naturally, and that is, by gradually gettingfilled in with organic sediment. This often happens with lakes that have lots of plants growingin them. When the plants die, they break down into a muddy substance, which falls to thebottom of the lake, they’ re then replaced by new plants, which eventually also die and fall tothe bottom.
And over the years, all this dead plant material builds up on the bottom of the lake, and asbuilds up, it starts to fill up the lake, and there’s less and less room for water, and eventuallythe lake gets completely filled in, and disappears.
OK, lakes can also disappear, pretty rapidly sometimes, as a result of human activities. Forexample, we know that farmers need water to irrigate their crops. And sometimes to get thatwater, they pump that water out of a nearby lake. They install pipes that run from the lake totheir farms, and they pump the water out of the lake and into their fields. Now that’s ok if thelake is continually being refilled with rainwater or with water from streams that run into thelake, but if there isn’t enough rainwater or stream water to replace the water the farmers takeout of the lake, the lake will eventually dry up.
Using points and examples from the lecture,describe two ways that lakes can disappear.
In this lecture, the professor talks about how lakes can disappear. He describes two ways lakes can disappear, one is through natural processes, and the other is through human activities. The example of natural processes is lakes that have lots of plants growing in them. With time, the plants grow and die and fall to the bottom, and finally filled up the lake, left no room for water, and then the lake disappears. The demonstration of human activities cause is that famers use lake water to irrigate crops. When there is not enough rain water or stream water to refill the lake to replace the lost water, the lake will finally dry up.


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