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托福口语TPO31 Task1-6文本+题目+范文+MP3

来源:新航道 原创作者:常州新航道 浏览:0 发布日期:2018-01-29 12:20


托福口语TPO31 Task1(题目+范文):Leading children healthy lives
托福TPO31口语task1题目 Question:
Parents need to make sure their children lead healthylives. What can parents do to help their children havehealthy lifestyles?
I think parents need to make sure their kids eat the right way.
First and most importantly, cook healthy and tasty meals for them. In this way, kids would probably not ask their parents to take them to fast food restaurants like McDonald s and Pizzahut. Kids tend to reach for junk food because of the interesting packaging or commercials on TV. However, if they know that the dinner cooked by parents is much better than the ones in the restaurants, then they wouldn't ask for fast food that much.
Also, be a role model and eat regular meals. Most kids would follow their parents' time schedule, so by doing this, if s really helpful for kids to develop good eating habits.
Personally, I would have to say that, um, leading children healthy lives is significant, and like a guild to children, parents should be a good example for their children to follow. They need to be the man who they want their children would be. Such like talking with no dirty words, friendly to others and also hard working. Besides that, the other important thing is teaching their children to take responsibility. Parents should tell them to make decision themselves and accept the consequence. That will lead their children to follow the rules and be far away from dangerous. At the same time, to learn face to the fail and sorrow.
托福口语TPO31 Task2(题目+范文):Take difficult classes
Some university students choose to take difficultclasses even if they know they might not get a goodgrade in the class. Other students prefer to takeeasier classes in which they know they will get a goodgrade. Which do you prefer? Explain why.
I prefer to take difficult classes over easy classes for two reasons. First, I like to see difficult classes as challenges. I like to challenge myself because it can help to increase my abilities and improve my level of knowledge. Secondly, I care about the content of classes more than difficulty level. If there is a class I am interested in, I will choose to take it, even if it is difficult. Therefore, whether a class is difficult or not is not my biggest concern when I am choosing classes and I will not avoid any class just because it is difficult.
托福口语TPO31 Task3(听力+解析+范文):Students Need Access to Movie Collection
Reading Part:
Students Need Access to Movie Collection
The university library has a large collection of filmson video and DVD that students can borrow.However, students aren't allowed to go into the areawhere these items are kept Instead, students need torequest a movie title, and then library staff get it forthem. I think students should be allowed to go into the area where the videos and DVDs arekept. First, it will be easier for students to choose a good movie because then they can easilysee what is available. Also, if students can get movies themselves, the university won't have topay extra library staff to help students
Rebecca Smith
Now listen to two students discussing the letter.
(women) What do you think?
(man)I don't think we need to change anything.
(women) You don't think she is right that it would beeasier?
(man) Well, I just don't think it's that difficult now. Imean, the library has a really good computer system where you can easily see what they havein their collection, see what's available and what's not.
(women) Yeah. You can always look through the titles on the library computers.
(man) Right. And you don't even have to have an exact title in mind. I mean, you can just lookfor certain types of movies or movies with certain actors or whatever.
(women) Good point.
(man) And as far as what she said about the staff, the people who do that work are studentswho really need the money to pay for books and stuff.
(women) True.
(man) Plus, I am sure those students don't get paid that much to do the work. So I don't thinkit's going to put any strain on the university's budget.
The man expresses his opinion about the proposaldescribed in the letter. Briefly summarize theproposal. Then state his opinion about theproposal and explain the reasons he gives forholding that opinion.
托福口语TPO31 Task4(听力+解析+范文):Mental Accounting
Reading Part:
Mental Accounting
Although they may not realize it, people do notalways manage their money in responsible way. Intheir minds, people tend to divide their money intodifferent categories as if they were putting it intoseparate mental bank accounts. This tendency isknown as mental accounting. People mentally store some money in one account to be saved,while they imagine other money being stored in another account from which money can betaken and freely spent. Mental accounting can lead people to spend more money than theyshould, which can make it difficult for them to save enough money to achieve their long-termfinancial goals.
Now listen to part of a lecture in a psychology class.
So a good example of this is something thathappened to me. When I was younger, I had an officejob and I worked there every day during the week.And I made a regular salary from that. But also Iworked as a wait r at a restaurant each weekend, so I made some money from doing that.
Now, around this time, I decided I wanted to buy a house. So every time I got my regularpaycheck from my job at the office, I'd save as much of the money from it as I could after Ibought the basic stuff I needed. But with the money I made as a waiter that was another story.Somehow I guess that money seemed separate from the money I earned at my regular job. SoI used the money I made at the restaurant to go out to dinner, to buy videos or CDs, things Ididn't really need.
But the thing is, it ended up taking me a really long time to save up all the money I needed tobuy the house. And looking back now, I realize I could have bought the house a lot sooner ifonly I had saved more of the money I made working at the restaurant.
Using the example from the professor’ s lecture,explain the concept of mental accounting.
托福口语TPO31 Task5(听力+解析+范文):Picking her grandma up
Listening Part:
Listen to a conversation between two students.
(man) Hey. Lin. What's up?
(women) Oh. Just getting ready for my grandmotherto come to town. She is flying in tomorrow to visitme for a few days at school.
(man) Oh. Yeah. Is she going to stay at your apartment?
(women) Yeah. It would be good. We can spend some time together and I can show her aroundcampus and stuff.
(man) Sounds nice.
(women) Yeah. I am looking forward to it. But I am not sure what to do about picking her upfrom the airport.
(man) What do you mean?
(women) Well, her flight gets in tomorrow. But the problem is, my biology professor scheduleda special review session...uh...for an upcoming biology exam at the same time I am supposed topick her up. I didn't know there' d be this conflict.
(man) Oh. Well, how important is the review session? Do you think you can miss it to pick yourgrandmother up?
(women) It's optional. But this professor's review sessions are usually really helpful, he does agood job going over what's going to be on the exam. So it would be good to go, but... maybeI'll have to miss it.
(man) Is there something else you could do?
(women) Yeah. Actually I spoke with my friend Mary and she offered to pick my grandma upfrom the airport.
(man) Great. Why don't you do that then?
(women) Maybe. But Mary doesn't even know my grandmother. And I don't know how grandmawould feel about being picked up by a stranger. She'd probably be more comfortable beingpicked up by me.
(man) Oh. Well...
Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then state which of the two solutions from the conversation you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your commendation.
The woman’s problem is that she has a time conflictbetween picking her grandma up at the airport andattending a biology review session tomorrow.
There are two solutions. The first solution is thatshe could miss the biology review session and pick upgrandma by herself. The other solution is that shecould ask her friend Mary to pick up grandma.
I think the second solution would be a better choice. First, the biology review session is reallyimportant because it's related to the final exam. If she missed the session, it might influenceher performance in this class. As for asking Mary to pick grandma up, although Mary doesn’tknow her, the woman could probably show Mary a picture of grandma. Plus, if she talks tograndma about her special situation that the final exam is coming up, I’ m sure grandma wouldbe able to understand.
Therefore, I think the second solution is better.
托福口语TPO31 Task6(听力+解析+范文):Special body features
Listening Part:
Listen to part of a lecture in a Biology class.
Even though it's cold and snow-covered, the Arctichouses many species of animals that manage tosurvive the harsh conditions there. These Arctic animals have adapted to the extremely coldtemperatures primarily because of certain body features that help them to survive in the coldArctic climate. Let's look at a few of them.
For one thing, many Arctic animals have developed a protective covering on their feet. Thecovering usually consists of fur or feathers which act as a protective layer between the coldand the animals' skin. Since they spend so much of their time on snowy, icy surfaces, whetherthey are standing on the ground or swimming in the water, they can easily lose heat throughtheir feet. This is especially true of Arctic birds. A bird like the Arctic Snowy Owl, for example,has feathers on its body the way other birds do. But unlike most birds, it also has feathers allover its feet.
This shields and protects the feet from the icy ground so that very little of the owl's footactually touches snowy or icy surfaces, which helps its feet to stay warm.
Another physical characteristic that some Arctic animals share is having smaller bodies andsmaller, shorter body parts. In other words, their bodies are often more compact than otheranimals'. And the parts of their bodies that stick out or protrude like the legs, ears or tails aresmaller and shorter. And the result is that there is less body surface exposed to the cold air. Agreat example is the Arctic wolf. Unlike the larger grey wolves that live in warmer climates,Arctic wolves have relatively small, compact bodies that efficiently retain heat. They alsohave smaller ears and shorter legs so that they lose less body heat than animals with largerbodies or longer body parts. And in the climate where the temperature is below zero most ofthe year, that's very important.
Using the example of the owl and the wolf, explainhow two special body features have helped Arcticanimals adapt to the cold.
There are two body features that have helped Arcticanimals survive in the cold weather.
The first one is that they have protective coveringson their feet, which prevents them from losing heat.For example, the Arctic owl has feathers both on itsbody and all over its feet, so that very little of its feetactually touch the icy ground. In this way, it stays warm.
The second body features is that they have a more compact body and shorter body parts sothat less body surface would be exposed to the cold weather. For example, the Arctic wolf hasa rather small body to help it retain heat. Also, it has small ears and short legs so that it losesless heat. This helps them survive in places where the temperature is below zero degree mostof the time.


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