


来源:新航道 原创作者:常州新航道 浏览:0 发布日期:2018-01-29 13:21


托福口语TPO43 Task1:Your Own Goal
题目:People set a variety of goals for themselves throughout their lives. Describe one goal you would like to achieve in the future, and explain why this goal is important to you. Include specific details in your explanation.
范文:As a senior student that always sit in front of the laptop or books,I think I like a very unhealthy lifestyle,you know, kind of sedentary lifestyle. Actually, I'd like to make some changes to keep fit. As a result,the goal I’d like to achieve in the near future is to keep doing certain exercises at least once a week. Firstly,I need to start with some easy sports,like jogging. These kinds of sports don't need much space and many facilities to do,all you need is just a pair of sneakers. Then,after several months of regular jogging,I will begin to show up in the gym to join the aerobics classes. In this stage,I will need greater amount of exercises and more professional training. Finally,I’d like to book a badminton court at least twice a month to playing badminton with my family members,which can strength the family bonds as well.
It is not easy to achieve this goal for me actually,because I have heavy workloads everyday. But once I decided to make a difference,I will spare my time for sports. Because for me,it’s really important to improve my health condition.
托福口语TPO43 Task2:Full-Time or Part-Time
题目:Some students attend college full-time, while others attend college part-time. Which do you think is better? Explain why.
范文:Some people may believe that they only attend college part-time, but I disagree. I don't understand how university students can expect to learn anything if they don't attend colleges for full-time.
First, in college they gain the benefit of the professor's knowledge preferentially. The best professors do more than just go over the material in the textbooks.
Also, attending colleges on any subject teaches more than just facts. It teaches students how to learn, how to absorb information and then apply what they've learned to other situations. Personal experience can help people learn about themselves and the world outside the classroom, but when it comes to learning about academic subjects, students need to be in college better for a longer time.
At last, if you just attend college for part-time, then you will miss important events and chances to make friends. It is hard to keep the same pace with others. So, I will choose to attend college for full-time.
托福口语TPO43 Task3(听力+阅读+题目+范文):University Makes Changes to Orientation Program
Reading Part:
University Makes Changes to Orientation Program
Madison University is making a change to theorientation program for first-year students . In thepast, as part of orientation, new, incoming studentscould go on a two-day hiking and camping triptogether with other incoming students on the weekend before classes begin. In order toencourage more students to take advantage of the opportunity to get to know one anotherin an informal setting, the university will now offer a choice of activities: students will be ableto either go hiking or participate in organized group games on campus. Additionally, theseactivities will last one day only, not two, a change many students had requested.
M : Interesting, isn't it? I wish they. ve made this change two years ago when we got here. This program is gonna be much more attractive this way to lots more people.
W: Why?
M : Oh, it' s a question of choice. See, not everyone likes the same things. The way it used to be, if like you didn't like sleeping in the tent, you just didn't participate, lots of people didn't.
W : That's true. I didn t go on the camping trip my first year, hiking and camping isn't my thing. But you know, I did feel I missed out something.
M : Right. Plus, the other reason this is going to work is that you don't have to give up your whole weekend any more. There are other things people need to do their first few days, you know, like buy their books, set up their rooms, prepare for the first day classes, that kind of thing. The big time commitment used to get in the way.
The man expresses his opinion about the changedescribed in the article. Briefly summarize thechange. Then, state his opinion about the change andexplain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.
托福TPO综合口语43TASK 3范文:
范文:The orientation program for first-year students will be change into a one- day only trip or campus event. And the man holds a positive view towards the announcement. The first reasons he feels that not everyone likes to do the same things. Many students just missed out the orientation program since they didn’t like it. The orientation program should be involved with multiple activities. Second, the man proposes this change can save the whole weekend for the incoming students. It is better for those who need to prepare for the first few days. Therefore, he agrees with that opinion.
托福口语TPO43 Task4(听力+阅读+题目+范文):Population Changes
Reading Part:
Population Changes
Populations of living beings are constantly changingThe number of humans, animals, insects, or plantsliving in a given area can vary because of two kindsof factors: biotic and abiotic Biotic factors are livingfactors that can influence the size of populations, such as predators or other species competing for food. Abiotic factors are nonliving things inthe surrounding environment that can cause population changes, such as weather orsunlight. Biotic and abiotic factors cause continual changes in the number of individuals thatmake up a population of organisms.
Now listen to part of a lecture on this topic in abiology class
Imagine there is a group of mice living in a large fieldand owls living nearby. Now, owls eat mice, so thenumber of mice there are at any given time dependsupon the number of owls in the area because themore owls there are, the more mice get eaten, right? Now imagine one year, there are moreowls than usual since there are more owls in the area to eat the mice. What do you think willhappen to the number of the mice? As you can imagine, the number will drop, there will befewer mice. As for as the other factor, we can use rabbit to help understand this one. Imaginea population of rabbits live in an area. These rabbits usually start having their young at theend of winter. After the cold winter weather is gone and they keep reproducing until thefollowing winter, when they will stop again while the cold winter weather lasts. But let's say thisyear, the winter season is very short, and you know, it starts getting warm much earlier thanusual. Since winter this year is so short, the rabbits get start reproducing much earlier. Thatmeans the rabbits in that area will have at least one extra reproductive cycle, so of course, oneextra litter of baby rabbits. So the number of rabbits in that area will increase a lot.
Using the examples of mice and rabbits from the lecture, describe the two different types of factors that can cause population changes.
托福TPO综合口语43 TASK 4范文:
范文:In the lecture, the professor mainly talked about two different types of factors that can bring about population changes. The professor presented two examples to explain the biotic and abiotic factors in his speech. The first factor is called biotic, like the predator-prey cycle. For instance, the population of mice varies with the owl’s population since owls treat mice as their prey. If one year there are more owls than usual, then the number of mice would drop. Because there are more owls to eat the mice. The second one is called abiotic, like the weather. For example, the rabbits usually start having their young at the end of winter. And they keep reproducing until the following winter. But if this year will be a short winter season, then the rabbits can start reproducing much earlier than longer winter season. This means the rabbits will experience at least one extra reproductive cycle, so the rabbit’s population would increase.
And that's the two factors the speaker presented in this lecture.
托福口语TPO43 Task5(听力+题目+范文):Campus Photos Monthly
Listen to a conversation between the two studenteditors of a photography magazine called CampusPhotos Monthly.
M : We're in trouble, Barbara. I don't think we canput together next month issue. There just aren'tenough good photos.
W : It' s harder and harder to put together an issue.
M : Yeah, and this month is the worst ever. I don't get it. I mean, students are submitting lotsof photographs and I think we've only got 15 that are worth publishing, and we can't print themagazine with only 15 photographs.
W: Well, maybe we're being too selective. What if we use photos that maybe aren't greatbut...
M : But that aren't horrible?
W : Right, I mean, Some of these photographs we get from beginning photographers may notbe the best, but if we lower our stands just a bit, we'd have a lot more photos to publish.
M : Sure, but we have to be careful, we don't want to get a reputation for publishing lowquality work.
W : Well, maybe, you know maybe we're just publishing too frequently. What if we stoppublishing every month and instead, you know, if we published every two months? We'd have alot more submissions to choose from so we could pick and choose and still publish only the goodones ?
M : I guess, but people on campus sort of expect us to publish every month. I mean, we arecampus photo monthly, aren't we?
The speakers discuss two possible solutions to their problem. Briefly summarize the problem. Then, state which solution you prefer and explain why.
托福TPO综合口语43 TASK 5范文:
范文:In this conversation, the man think he and Barbara is having a hard time dealing with the problem that there aren’t enough good photos to publish on the magazine. He said only fifteen photos are worth publishing. And the woman offers him two possible solutions. One solution is that they can just lower their standards a little, maybe they are too selective. The other one is to publish the magazine every two month rather than monthly. And if it were my choice, I would choose the former one, because they called the photography magazine as Campus Photo Monthly. So it should be published monthly, and other students are looking forward to read their magazines. Although lowering their standards might made the man feeling worried, at least it’ll guarantee there are enough good photos to publish.
托福口语TPO43 Task6(听力+题目+范文):A lecture From a Biology Class
Listen to part of a lecture in a biology class
Ok, so we've been talking about what most animalsdo when they need food. They simply go out and lookfor it, but some animals do something entirelydifferent.When they need food , surprising as it maysound, some animals actually spend a great deal oftime taking care of their own good source, theycultivate it. Some of the way human farmers would. So, it will keep growing until it's ready for them to use. Let's start with an animal thatcultivates plants. There is a certain fish, it's called damso fish that likes to eat a special kind ofseaweed. So wherever a patch of this seaweed grows, there would usually be damso fishswimming above and around it. Now the fish are there to provide protection from other plants. So the seaweed can grow and then regrow as the damso fish eat it. For example, if other plantsstart growing over the seaweed blocking sunlight, the damso fish remove those plants bybiting off the parts that are getting too tall. So by protecting the seaweed from being overrunand damaged by other plants, the damso fish always have a supply of food ready to use. Now, some animals don't cultivate plants, they take care of other animals as a source of food. Takeants for instance,um, there are some species of black ants that care for tiny insects calledaphides. These aphides produce sweet liquids that the ants like to eat, so ants guard theaphides from being eaten by other animals and help feed the aphides. In fact, sometimes theants even carry aphides eggs back to their own nests and raise the young aphides there. Thenthe aphides grow and produce sweet liquid that the ants eat. So the ants make use of theaphides as reliable source of food.
题目:The speakers discuss two possible solutions to theirproblem. Briefly summarize the problem then statewhich solution you prefer and explain why.
范文:In the lecture, the professor puts forward two ways that animal provide themselves with food. Some animals taking care of their own food source and cultivate them, but some don’t. The first way is that fish can cultivates plants, they take seaweed as their food resource. For instance, the certain fish provide protection like biting off the tall parts of plants so the seaweed can grow better. Another way is that ants can take care of other animals. For example, one kind of tiny insects can offer ants with sweet liquid which they like to eat. Therefore, ants guard the insects from other animals and also help feed them, and even bring their eggs back to raise the young insects. And that's the two different ways the speaker presented in this lecture.


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