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吐血整理 | 2月雅思大小作文合辑

来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2018-07-24 15:29



“ Figures show that in some countries, there is an ever-increasing proportion of population aged 15 or younger. What do you think are the effects of current and future on those countries?”






In some poorest countries in Africa, there is an ever-increasingnumber of people who are aged 15 or under. With the growingyoung population, the future of these countries can be either full of threats or opportunities. 


(2)ever-increasing 不断增加的
(3)growing 增长的
(4)threat 威胁


For the present, it is clear that the current scenes across Africa are mostly bad due to problems related to the youngsters. One problem is that the weight of the young generation on the shoulders of the relatively few adults tends to drag downeconomic growth rates. Another problem is youth unemploymentbecause it appears that there would be not enough jobs waiting for them when they grow a little older. Alongside youth unemployment, violent crime is among the highest on the planet. Such negative realities illustrate the threats with Africa’s growing young population.


(2)current 目前的
(3)weight 重量;负重
(4)drag down 拖累
失业(unemployment rate 失业率)
(6)alongside 除了(=besides)


What this trend means in the future of Africa can be either positive or negative, depending on some critical factors. On the one hand, a youthful population usually promises opportunities toboost economies and better people’s lives. It is because an increasing working-age populatio**** **** **** major drive for economic development. On the other hand, lack of meaningful work among young people is playing into frustration that may in some instances contribute to social unrest or unmanageable migration to Europe. Unless political leadership can offer young people something to live for, social stresses like unemployment can make them easy prey to those who offer them something to die for. In view of these two opinions, the future of Africa’s young populatio**** **** ****n uncertainty.


(2)depend on 取决于
(3)boost 提高
(4)better 改进
(5)drive 动力(n.)
(6)frustration 沮丧
(7)prey 猎物
(8)in view of 鉴于;考虑到


In conclusion, because of the expected increase of young population in the next few decades to come, there is no tellingwhat will happen to the poorest parts of Africa. Things are bad enough today, but they might become even worse before ever becoming better. 


(2)decade 十年
(3)there is no telling 无法判断



In some poorest countries in Africa, there is an ever-increasing number of people who are aged 15 or under. With the growing young population, the future of these countries can be either full of threats or opportunities.

For the present, it is clear that the current scenes across Africa are mostly bad due to problems related to the youngsters. One problem is that the weight of the young generation on the shoulders of the relatively few adults tends to drag down economic growth rates. Another problem is youth unemployment because it appears that there would be not enough jobs waiting for them when they grow a little older. Alongside youth unemployment, violent crime is among the highest on the planet. Such negative realities illustrate the threats with Africa’s growing young population.

What this trend means in the future of Africa can be either positive or negative, depending on some critical factors. On the one hand, a youthful population usually promises opportunities to boost economies and better people’s lives. It is because an increasing working-age populatio**** **** **** major drive for economic development. On the other hand, lack of meaningful work among young people is playing into frustration that may in some instances contribute to social unrest or unmanageable migration to Europe. Unless political leadership can offer young people something to live for, social stresses like unemployment can make them easy prey to those who offer them something to die for. In view of these two opinions, the future of Africa’s young populatio**** **** ****n uncertainty.

In conclusion, because of the expected increase of young population in the next few decades to come, there is no telling what will happen to the poorest parts of Africa. Things are bad enough today, but they might become even worse before ever becoming better.
(306 words)


“ The restoration of old buildings in major cities in the world costs numerous governments’ expenditure. This money should be used in new housing and road development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?”








Every city has old buildings. Every year the governments around the world spend large sums of money restoring them. Some people consider this a huge waste of money and they believe the governments’ budget should go to building new houses and roads, while others insist that the restoration of old buildings in cities is well worth the money.


(2)restore 修复;恢复
(3)a huge waste of money 金钱的极大浪费
(4)budget 预算
(5)be well worth 完全值得......


There are a host of reasons why some urban old buildings should not be restored. To start with, the old buildings are no longer suitable for people to live in, therefore they should be destroyed and give way to new buildings so that people, especially young people in the cities have more living spaces. Secondly, the old buildings can cause inconveniences for the city dwellers. Since there is not a direct route through the old buildings, people sometimes have to go to and off work by making a long detouraround them, and in this way much of their time is wasted. Finally, the old buildings may give rise to safety problems. More than 100 people, for example, are killed or injured each year in my city, just because of the collapse of some ancient buildings.


(2)a host of reasons 众多理由
(3)give way to... 让位于......
(4)city dweller 城市居民
(5)make a detour 绕道
(6)give rise to 产生,引起
(7)collapse 倒塌


Yet old buildings - at least some of them - are significanthistorically and culturally, and hence should be restored for that reason. They carry some important messages about the city or even the whole nation. The Summer Palace, for instance, is a perfect reminder of how the imperial family in the Qing Dynasty in feudal China were living and so has great cultural significance. Such old buildings, if well preserved, can become tourist spots and attract thousands of visitors from all around the globe.


(2)significant 重要的
(3)reminder 提醒物
(4)imperial 帝王的
(5)around the globe 全球


We all need a memory of our past. Many old buildings do have historical and cultural value which tells us who we were. We need to take good care of these buildings and keep them as long as possible, however much money it may involve, so that they can tell the stories of the city or the nation to our future generations. Of course, the money squandered on those old buildings with little value should be used to solve more practical problems such as housing and traffic. 


(2)memory 记忆
(3)value 价值
(4)involve 涉及;包含
(5)generation 代;辈
(6)squander 浪费
(7)practical 实际的



Every city has old buildings. Every year the governments around the world spend large sums of money restoring them. Some people consider this a huge waste of money and they believe the governments’ budget should go to building new houses and roads, while others insist that the restoration of old buildings in cities is well worth the money.

There are a host of reasons why some urban old buildings should not be restored. To start with, the old buildings are no longer suitable for people to live in, therefore they should be destroyed and give way to new buildings so that people, especially young people in the cities have more living spaces. Secondly, the old buildings can cause inconveniences for the city dwellers. Since there is not a direct route through the old buildings, people sometimes have to go to and off work by making a long detour around them, and in this way much of their time is wasted. Finally, the old buildings may give rise to safety problems. More than 100 people, for example, are killed or injured each year in my city, just because of the collapse of some ancient buildings.

Yet old buildings - at least some of them - are significant historically and culturally, and hence should be restored for that reason. They carry some important messages about the city or even the whole nation. The Summer Palace, for instance, is a perfect reminder of how the imperial family in the Qing Dynasty in feudal China were living and so has great cultural significance. Such old buildings, if well preserved, can become tourist spots and attract thousands of visitors from all around the globe.

We all need a memory of our past. Many old buildings do have historical and cultural value which tells us who we were. We need to take good care of these buildings and keep them as long as possible, however much money it may involve, so that they can tell the stories of the city or the nation to our future generations. Of course, the money squandered on those old buildings with little value should be used to solve more practical problems such as housing and traffic.
(367 words)


“ It is believed by many that those people who read for pleasure are better in imagination and language skills than those who prefer to watch TV. To what extent do you agree or disagree?”

本题是2013年1月5日的原题重现,最近几次考题都在重复2013年的原题,这或许是巧合,但也提醒各位烤鸭,近期多重视2013年 2014年的原题。

那么,休闲式的阅读(read for pleasure)和看电视到底哪个更有利于培养我们的想象力和语言能力呢?







People can entertain themselves in multiple ways.They can read books, surf the internet, listen to music or watch TV. Many consider that the individuals who often read are better in language skills and creative capabilities like imagination than those who prefer to watch TV. To a certain extent, I am in favor of this argument.


(2)entertain 使......娱乐;招待
(3)multiple 多样的;多种的(=many)
(4)capability 能力
(5)in favor of 赞同


Obviously, when one is reading, he can come across thousands of words and hundreds of grammar points in a very short time. Then he will be required to comprehend the meaning of the words, collocations and sentence structures. Sometimes when he is faced with some unknown words or has no idea about what a paragraph is about, he will be forced to take a guess, which is necessary for language learning and use. By contrast, when a person watches TV, what attracts him is just the changing pictures presented on the screen and he is less likely to pay enough attention to thesubtitles or the background voices, as a consequence, he can hardly improve his language skills. When he has something to say, he may feel the idea is just at the tip of his tongue, but he can barely describe his mind in his own words.


(2)come across 遇到
(3)comprehend 理解
(4)be faced with... 面临
(5)subtitle 字幕
(6)at the tip of one’s tongue 在嘴边



In addition, those who read for pleasure often have to imagine in order to understand the world the words create especially when there are no illustrations. Therefore, the more they read, the better their imagination becomes and the sharper their mind gets. Those who sit in front of TV all day, however, do not have to imagine as often as those who read for pleasure because the pictures on the screen tell them everything they want to know. 


(2)create 创造
(3)illustration (书中的)插图


In conclusion, TV can undoubtedly present knowledge in a much vivid way, but reading is more beneficial. If you want to improve your language skills and imagination, doing more reading is a much better choice.


(2)undoubtedly 毫无疑问地
(3)present 呈现



People can entertain themselves in multiple ways.They can read books, surf the Internet, listen to music or watch TV. Many consider that the individuals who often read are better in language skills and creative capabilities like imagination than those who prefer to watch TV. To a certain extent, I am in favor of this argument.
Obviously, when one is reading, he can come across thousands of words and hundreds of grammar points in a very short time. Then he will be required to comprehend the meaning of the words, collocations and sentence structures. Sometimes when he is faced with some unknown words or has no idea about what the paragraph is about, he will be forced to take a guess, which is necessary for language learning and use. By contrast, when a person watches TV, what attracts him is just the changing pictures presented on the screen and he is less likely to pay enough attention to the subtitles or the background voices, as a consequence, he can hardly improve his language skills. When he has something to say, he may feel the idea is just at the tip of his tongue, but he can barely describe his mind in his own words.

In addition, those who read for pleasure often have to imagine in order to understand the world the words create especially when there are no illustrations. Therefore, the more they read, the better their imagination becomes and the sharper their mind gets. Those who sit in front of TV all day, however, do not have to imagine as often as those who read for pleasure because the pictures on the screen tell them everything they want to know.

In conclusion, TV can undoubtedly present knowledge in a much vivid way, but reading is more beneficial. If you want to improve your language skills and imagination, doing more reading is a much better choice.
(316 words)


“ More and more people buy and use their own car. Do you think the advantages of this trend for individuals outweigh its disadvantages for environment?”




但是,那么多人开私家车,我们又不得不考虑它们对环境的消极影响。这个不难理解。很多都指出,北京的雾霾(其实不只是北京,全世界稍微大点的城市,哪个没有雾霾?只是北京雾霾太严重,于是成了众人讥讽的城市,这有点不公平,大家都是五十步笑百步),很大程度上就是由于这个城市的车太多引起的。车一发动,灰尘(dust)扬起,尾气(exhaust gas)外喷,的确容易污染空气。讨论完私家车对个人的好处以及对环境的坏处后,我们的观点应该是什么呢?这里就没有所谓正确答案了。你可以说自由和方便高于一切,可以开发新的科技来解决由此引起的环境问题;你也可以说环境高于一切,出行的方便可以通过改进公交系统来解决;你还可以说,自由方便和环境都很重要,但呼吁尽量减少用车时间,共同维护美好环境,等等。






Just 50 years ago, to own a car was quite a luxury, but today, cars have found their way into many households. Statistics show in China alone, there are over 140 million cars running on road every day. While cars have brought about conveniences to their users, they have imposed great pressure on the environment.


A. With the development of the society, more and more people buy and use their own car.
B. When it comes to the car ownership and use, many people think they are good to the individuals but very bad to the environment.
(2)luxury 奢华
(3)find one’s way to/into... 进入到...... (比简单的enter显得更为地道,生动!)
(4)in China alone...仅仅在中国 (这里的alone与孤独没有任何关系,表示“仅仅”)
(5)impose pressure on... 给......施加了压力


Modern city life has made the car an indispensable means of transport. Though most cities today have fairly advanced transportation systems like the bus and metro, they tend to be extremely crowded, especially in rush hours. This means you might come to your office late or miss some important appointments. If you drive your own car, these problems may well be avoided. At the same time, when you plan to take your family for a trip out of town, you may also enjoy the flexibility of when to start off and when to return, rather than spending time waiting for the bus to arrive. 


(2)indispensable 不可或缺的
(3)means of transport / transportation 交通运输工具
(4)rush hours (上下班)高峰期
(5)flexibility 灵活性



However, the increased use of cars has caused seriousconsequences for our environment. Many experts, for instance,attributes the worsening air quality in big cities to the cars’exhaust gas emission and the dust that rises after them. This accusation is perhaps well-grounded if you make a little comparison between the air quality 50 years ago and that now. In addition to the waste gas and dust, cars also make unbearable noises, which is a headache to all city dwellers. Just imagine a time you are shocked awake from your cozy dream by the sharp brakingscreech of a car passing by your house!


(2)consequences 后果
(3)attribute...to... 将......归因于......
(4)exhaust gas emission 尾气释放
(5)well-grounded 有依据的
(6)city dweller 城市居民
(7)screech 尖叫声


In my view, it is unrealistic for the government to put a ban on the car ownership or use since the cars have been so important in our daily life, yet we cannot overlook the negative effects they have on the environment. To get out of this dilemma, to my mind,there are two options, the first being to develop car technologyand produce cars that burn less fuel and the second, encourage the car owners to use public transportation whenever possible. 


(2)unrealistic 不现实的
(3)overlook 忽视
(4)dilemma 困境
(5)option 选择
(6)...there are two options, the first being to develop car technology... 该句后半部分是独立主格结构,因此用being,而不能用is。在有把握的前提下,偶尔使用一下这种高端句型,有可能给考官留下好印象。如果没有把握,就要老老实实地写:...there are two options. The first one is to develop car technology...



Just 50 years ago, to own a car was quite a luxury, but today, cars have found their way into many households. Statistics show in China alone, there are over 140 million cars running on road every day. While cars have brought about conveniences to their users, they have imposed great pressure on the environment.

Modern city life has made the car an indispensable means of transport. Though most cities today have fairly advanced transportation systems like the bus and metro, they tend to be extremely crowded, especially in rush hours. This means you might come to your office late or miss some important appointments. If you drive your own car, these problems may well be avoided. At the same time, when you plan to take your family for a trip out of town, you may also enjoy the flexibility of when to start off and when to return, rather than spending time waiting for the bus to arrive.

However, the increased use of cars has caused serious consequences for our environment. Many experts, for instance, attributes the worsening air quality in big cities to the cars’ exhaust gas emission and the dust that rises after them. This accusation is perhaps well-grounded if you make a little comparison between the air quality 50 years ago and that now. In addition to the waste gas and dust, cars also make unbearable noises, which is a headache to all city dwellers. Just imagine a time you are shocked awake from your cozy dream by the sharp braking screech of a car passing by your house!

In my view, it is unrealistic for the government to put a ban on the car ownership or use since the cars have been so important in our daily life, yet we cannot overlook the negative effects they have on the environment. To get out of this dilemma, to my mind, there are two options, the first being to develop car technology and produce cars that burn less fuel and the second, encourage the car owners to use public transportation whenever possible. 
(346 words)

