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吐血整理 | 3月雅思大小作文合辑

来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2018-07-25 09:47



“ In many countries, prison is the most common solution to the problem of crime. However, another effective way is to provide people with better education so that they can not become criminals. To what extent do you agree or disagree?”





Young people who commit serious crimes, such as a robbery or a violent attack should be punished in the same way as adults. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2015/4/25;2015/6/18; 2013/11/9)青少年犯罪是否该受到与成年人一样的惩罚?(出现3次)
Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later. Some people think that they are the best people to talk to school students the danger of committing a crime. Do you agree or disagree? (2015/8/8) 请改造过后的犯人给学生讲犯罪的危害,可否?
People are afraid to leave their homes for fear of crimes. Some people believe that more action should be taken to prevent crimes while others think that little could be done. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. (2015/8/29; 2012/11/3) 我们已经没有办法阻止犯罪吗?(出现2次)
Children are committing more crimes. What are the causes? How to punish them? (2014/8/2; 2010/8/5) 儿童犯罪增多的原因,怎样处罚他们?(出现2次)
Some think most crime is the result of circumstances e.g. poverty and other social problems. Other believe that most crime is caused by people who are bad by nature. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.(2014/11/8) 犯罪的原因到底是社会原因还是人性原因?
In most countries,priso**** **** ****n effective solution to the problem of crime. Some people think it is a more effective solution to provide education for those who violate the law. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2012/5/12) 还有比监狱更好的办法来解决犯罪问题吗?
A recent newspaper article report that a 14 years old boy who seriously destroyed his school got a punishment to clean streets instead of being sent to the prison, Do you think this is right, or the young criminals should be sent to the jail? (2016/1/14) 青少年损坏公物后被罚扫街,这种处罚合适吗?






In many parts of the world, people who have violated the law are put into prison, which is a very effective way of preventing them committing more crimes. However, many experts believe that better education is probably an even more effective way ofaddressing the problem of crime. I would suggest that both prison and education are important and each plays a different role in crime control.



(2)violate the law 犯法 (=break the law; commit crime), law breaker, law violator就是“犯人”的意思,相当于criminal。关于“犯罪”的表达,本文还用了一个变通的表达:do harm to the society and other individuals(第二段末尾),这是为了避免表达重复。
(3)address 此处当然不是“地址”,作为动词,该词的意思是“解决”(问题),相当于deal with, cope with之类。


Prison is certainly a place where criminals can be made to understand what wrong they have done to other people and why what they have done before is not socially acceptable. In this way, these criminals will have a better chance to come back to normal life. On top of the remedial function, prison can serve as adeterrent for those with an inclination to crime. The likelihood of losing freedom in prison can most effectively stop them from doing harms to the society and other individuals.


(1)本段论证监狱的作用,关键词是remedial function(补救功能)和deterrent function(威慑功能)。本段共4句,每个功能均用2句论证。
(2)come back to normal life 回到正常生活
(3)on top of... 除了......(=besides; in addition to)
(4)remedial 补救的
(5)deterrent 威慑(的),震慑(的)
(6)inclination 倾向
(7)likelihood 可能性



Better education can also bring down the overall crime rate in any community, and it is the most desirable preventive measureagainst crime. To start with, education improves people’s moral standards which enable them to tell right from wrong so that they will build a robust inner wall against any antisocial behaviors. More importantly, people with better education are always able to find a satisfying career that will reward them with a decent life, and they will never think of committing any crime.


(1)本段讨论教育对控制犯罪的作用,关键词是“moral standard”(道德水平)和 “decent life”(体面的生活),教育能够提高人的道德水平,带来体面的生活,这样人们就不太可能去犯罪了。
(2)bring down 降低(=reduce)
(3)crime rate 犯罪率
(4)preventive measures 预防性的措施
(5)moral standards 道德标准
(6)antisocial behavior 反社会行为(=crime)
(7)robust 牢固的
(8)reward 回报(n.& v.)
(9)decent 体面的


In conclusion, prison with its remedial and deterrent function and education with its preventive function are both needed in order to make this world a safer place for all of us to live in. 


(2)to make this world a safer place其实也是“降低犯罪率”的另一种表达。



In many parts of the world, people who have violated the law are put into prison, which is a very effective way of preventing them committing more crimes. However, many experts believe that better education is probably an even more effective way of addressing the problem of crime. I would suggest that both prison and education are important and each plays a different role in crime control.

Prison is certainly a place where criminals can be made to understand what wrong they have done to other people and why what they have done before is not socially acceptable. In this way, these criminals will have a better chance to come back to normal life. On top of the remedial function, prison can serve as a deterrent for those with an inclination to crime. The likelihood of losing freedom in prison can most effectively stop them from doing harms to the society and other individuals.

Better education can also bring down the overall crime rate in any community, and it is the most desirable preventive measure against crime. To start with, education improves people’s moral standards which enable them to tell right from wrong so that they will build a robust inner wall against any antisocial behaviors. More importantly, people with better education are always able to find a satisfying career that will reward them with a decent life, and they will never think of committing any crime.

In conclusion, prison with its remedial and deterrent function and education with its preventive function are both needed in order to make this world a safer place for all of us to live in.
273 words




“Increasing the price of cars and petrol is one of the best ways to solve growing traffic and pollution problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree?”




1. 交通类:
2017/1/22: 城市无车日是好还是坏?
2017/1/21: 全天候提供免费交通是解决城市交通阻塞的非常好办法吗?
2. 建筑类:
2016/8/27: 城镇空地里应该多种树,还是多建房?
2017/12/2: 城市旧建筑应该拆除吗?
3. 功能类:
2016/11/3: 过去修建的城市已经不适合现在,什么原因?解决办法?
2017/7/27: 城市实行功能分区好吗?
4. 生活类:
2016/9/24: 城市居民很少相互交往。为什么?怎么解决?
2017/6/3: 生活在大城市不利于身体健康吗?
2017/11/25: 城市扩张给年轻人带来什么问题?怎么解决?


The best way to solve traffic congestion is to provide free public transport 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Do you agree or disagree? (2017/1/21; 2014/1/9)

In some countries, the government has tried to reduce traffic by imposing a congestion tax during rush hour. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?  (2016/1/30)




Recently, it is proposed that the price of cars and petrol be increased to combat the growing traffic and pollution problems. While I think this proposal may be helpful to a certain extent, it isfar from the best solution.


(1)本段是一个常规的雅思作文开头段,直接转述题目中的观点,然后给出自己的观点。注意在转述题目观点时做了一定改变,比如改变了题目句型,用了it is proposed that...,同时将原文中的solve改成了combat。
(2)combat 与...斗争;防止
(3)to a certain extent 在某种程度上
(4)far from... 远非;一点也不


Undoubtedly, the increased price of cars and petrol will discourage people from owning and using their own cars, which will surelycontribute to the solution of traffic congestion and make big cities cleaner. Our modern lifestyle has made cars indispensable, but in many cases we can use public transport services such as buses and metro, or even ride bicycles, rather than driving our own cars. So if driving our own cars were made a great deal more expensive than using the public transport, many of us would very probably give up driving and opt for the more economical means. As a result, the road conditions and air quality in cities will be improved.


(2)discourage people from doing... 阻止人们做......
(3)contribute to... 有助于......
(4)traffic congestion 交通阻塞
(5)indispensable 不可或缺的
(6)opt for... 选择......
(7)economical 经济的


However, increasing the price of cars and petrol may causeunexpected problems. For one thing, it is not fair to those whodepend their life on driving cars. Taxi drivers, for instance, mayfall victim to this policy because the cost of their operation will go up and they can make less money out of this business. For another, as the higher price of cars and petrol prevents people with average income from driving their cars, it can do nothing to those really wealthy. Then we will face an awkward situation where the rich people enjoy the luxury of cars while most others have to suffer in the crowded public transport.


(2)unexpected 意想不到的
(3)depend their life on... 以......维生
(4)fall victim to... 沦为......的牺牲品
(5)awkward 尴尬的
(6)luxury 奢华


Therefore, to deal with the traffic and pollution problems, increasing the price of cars and petrol is not enough. The best thing for the government to do is perhaps make more investmentson the construction of new roads, and introduce stricter traffic laws, rules and regulations. Meanwhile, if new environmentally friendly energy such as solar energy were developed and widely used, the pollution problem would also be effectively lessened.


 (1)本段结论,并提出解决交通阻塞和污染问题的更合理的办法。注意本段在提出建议时使用的两个句型:the best thing for the government to do is perhaps ...; if new environmentally friendly energy were developed, the pollution problem would also be effectively lessened. 这两个句型都避免了使用should, ought to这样口气过于生硬的建议。
(2)investment 投资
(3)construction 建设
(4)introduce 引入
(5)environmentally friendly 对环境友好的
(6)lessen 减少



Recently, it is proposed that the price of cars and petrol be increased to combat the growing traffic and pollution problems. While I think this proposal may be helpful to a certain extent, it is far from the best solution.

Undoubtedly, the increased price of cars and petrol will discourage people from owning and using their own cars, which will surely contribute to the solution of traffic congestion and make big cities cleaner. Our modern lifestyle has made cars indispensable, but in many cases we can use public transport services such as buses and metro, or even ride bicycles, rather than driving our own cars. So if driving our own cars were made a great deal more expensive than using the public transport, many of us would very probably give up driving and opt for the more economical means. As a result, the road conditions and air quality in cities will be improved.

However, increasing the price of cars and petrol may cause unexpected problems. For one thing, it is not fair to those who depend their life on driving cars. Taxi drivers, for instance, may fall victim to this policy because the cost of their operation will go up and they can make less money out of this business. For another, as the higher price of cars and petrol prevents people with average income from driving their cars, it can do nothing to those really wealthy. Then we will face an awkward situation where the rich people enjoy the luxury of cars while most others have to suffer in the crowded public transport.

Therefore, to deal with the traffic and pollution problems, increasing the price of cars and petrol is not enough. The best thing for the government to do is perhaps make more investments on the construction of new roads, and introduce stricter traffic laws, rules and regulations. Meanwhile, if new environmentally friendly energy such as solar energy were developed and widely used, the pollution problem would also be effectively lessened.
 (333 words)


“Some countries spend a lot of money preparing competitors in major sports competition such as Olympic Games and football World Cup etc. It is better to encourage children to take up sports at a young age. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.”




从某种意义上讲,本题也与2014年7月10日(2016年 12月3日复现)的题目很相似,该题如下:
Some countries achieve international sporting success by building specialized facilities to train top athletes instead of providing sports facilities that everyone can use. Do you think it is a positive or negative development? (2014/7/10;2016/****/****)






Investing in sports is an important part of the government’s business to improve the physical fitness of its citizens, particularly young children. While it is necessary to train a few selected individuals to compete in major world sporting events, the government should do more to provide young people with plenty of sports activities.


(2)invest in... 投资于......
(3)physical fitness 身体健康
(4)provide somebody with... (=provide something for...) 为......提供......


To begin with, to motivate children to be physically fit, they should be physically active at grass-root levels, and the key is investing in a variety of sports facilities. Whatever their fitness personality, all young children can be more healthy by doingregular exercise. Generally speaking, if children start doing sports early enough, they will come to regard physical activity as a normal part of everyday life. This shows why money should be spent giving children opportunities to begin sports at an early age.


(1)本段论述给孩子投资体育设施的好处:1. 锻炼可以使孩子身体更健康;2. 早锻炼可以让孩子养成锻炼的习惯。
(2)motivate 激励
(3)at grass-root levels 在草根的层面上
(4)a variety of... 各种各样的
(5)regular 规律的
(6)come to do something 逐渐会做......


At elite levels, every government has a duty to spend money helping its people fulfill their potential, and such events as the Olympics and World Cup can give athletes a goal and young people a chance to believe in themselves. At this point, the question arises about the wisdom of a country (with limited resources) spending too much money and not getting a good return, suggesting that this money should be put elsewhere. Although the answer to the question depends on who you ask, there is evidence that investing in elite athletes is gaining support from people who like to see their stars shining in international competitions. That in turn is an encouragement for young children to do sports at an early age.


(1)本段讨论投资运动员的好处:1. 给有天赋的运动员机会;2.人们喜欢看到运动员闪耀在国际赛场,这也能激励孩子参加运动。
(2)elite 精英的;精英
(3)fulfill 实现;满足
(4)athlete 运动员
(5)arise (问题,情况)出现
(6)in turn 反过来


To conclude, a country has nothing to lose when spending money encouraging young children to be engaged in physical activities at grass-root levels as well as preparing competitors at elite levels. Both investments are valuable, and the only thing for the government to do is balance them out.


(2)be engaged in... 参加;从事
(3)valuable 有价值的
(4)balance out... 平衡......



Investing in sports is an important part of the government’s business to improve the physical fitness of its citizens, particularly young children. While it is necessary to train a few selected individuals to compete in major world sporting events, the government should do more to provide young people with plenty of fun activities.

To begin with, to motivate children to be physically fit, they should be physically active at grass-root levels, and the key is investing in a variety of sports facilities. Whatever their fitness personality, all young children can be more healthy by doing regular exercise. Generally speaking, if children start doing sports early enough, they will come to regard physical activity as a normal part of everyday life. This shows why money should be spent giving children opportunities to begin sports at an early age.

At elite levels, every government has a duty to spend money helping its people fulfill their potential, and such events as the Olympics and World Cup can give athletes a goal and young people a chance to believe in themselves. At this point, the question arises about the wisdom of a country (with limited resources) spending too much money and not getting a good return, suggesting that this money should be put elsewhere. Although the answer to the question depends on who you ask, there is evidence that investing in elite athletes is gaining support from people who like to see their stars shining in international competitions. That in tur**** **** ****n encouragement for young children to do sports at an early age.

To conclude, a country has nothing to lose when spending money encouraging young children to be engaged in physical activities at grass-root levels as well as preparing competitors at elite levels. Both investments are valuable, and the only thing for the government to do is balance them out.
310 words


“Some people believe that newspaper is the best way to learn about news, while others believe that more effective way is through other media. Discuss both views and give your opinion.”



Some people think news has no connection to people's lives, so it is a waste of time to read the news on the newspaper and watch television news programs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?







The newspaper will remain to be an important source of people’s news consumption, even though other media may get the upper hand. Many predict that the print’s days are numbered due to strong competition from television, radio and the Internet. In terms of popularity, newspaper is statistically down but is not emotionally out.


(1)本段引入话题,并提出观点:newspaper is statistically down but emotionally not out。
(2)consumption 消费
(3)get the upper hand 占上风
(4)days are numbered 日子屈指可数了
(5)popularity 受欢迎度;流行度
(6)statistically 数据方面;从数据上讲


Statistically, it can be said that the print news audiences aredwindling, which means newspaper readership is getting eclipsedby other ways of learning about news. It is a long, slow and painful downward spiral to the point that the newspaper, like vinyl records and film cameras, is a relic for collectors. According to research reports on the news industry, local television is the number one source of news for the majority of people, with digital news coming in second, followed by the radio, and then by the newspaper. One possible explanation why the newspaper is beingleft far behind is that many people do not see the point in buying a print newspaper if they believe they can get all the news they need elsewhere for free.


(2)dwindle 减少
(3)eclipse n.(日、月)食;v. 使遮蔽,使失色
(4)spiral 螺旋
(5)relic 遗迹;古物
(6)news industry 新闻业
(7)leave behind...... 落在......后面
(8)for free 免费地



Nevertheless, for emotional reasons, print newspapers will continue to exist for a good while. To begin with, the feeling of a warm newspaper right off the press is one of traditional readers’ favorite moments to begin a regular day. Unlike other ways of delivering news, a print newspaper can be physically held in a reader’s hands, and this is a huge pro for print editions. In addition, newspapers can provide opportunities for longer, more in-depth feature articles that tend to be read in full. Instead of becoming a thing of the past, print newspapers are still widely read and preferred by many audiences.


(2)for a while 相当长时间
(3)pro 支持;加分项
(4)in full 完整地


In conclusion, the golden days of print news are gone forever, but nothing is like the feeling of physically holding a newspaper in hands. After all, the different ways of learning about news are notmutually exclusive. Each news media outlet is effective in its own way.


(2)after all 毕竟
(3)mutually exclusive 互相排斥
(4)outlet 出口



The newspaper will remain to be an important source of people’s news consumption, even though other media may get the upper hand. Many predict that the print’s days are numbered due to strong competition from television, radio and the Internet. In terms of popularity, newspaper is statistically down but is not emotionally out.
Statistically, it can be said that the print news audiences are dwindling, which means newspaper readership is getting eclipsed by other ways of learning about news. It is a long, slow and painful downward spiral to the point that the newspaper, like vinyl records and film cameras, is a relic for collectors. According to research reports on the news industry, local television is the number one source of news for the majority of people, with digital news coming in second, followed by the radio, and then by the newspaper. One possible explanation why the newspaper is being left far behind is that many people do not see the point in buying a print newspaper if they believe they can get all the news they need elsewhere for free.
Nevertheless, for emotional reasons print newspapers will continue to exist for a good while. To begin with, the feeling of a warm newspaper right off  the press is one of traditional readers’ favorite moments to begin a regular day.  Unlike other ways of delivering news, a print newspaper can be physically held in a reader’s hands, and this is a huge pro for print editions. In addition, newspapers can provide opportunities for longer, more in-depth feature articles that tend to be read in full. Instead of becoming a thing of the past, print newspapers are still widely read and preferred by many audiences.
In conclusion, the golden days of print news are gone forever, but nothing is like the feeling of physically holding a newspaper in hands. After all, the different ways of learning about news are not mutually exclusive. Each news media outlet is effective in its own way.
338 words

