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吐血整理 | 5月雅思大小作文合辑

来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2018-07-25 10:00



“Traffic and housing problems in major cities could be solved by moving large companies and factories and their employees to the countryside. To what extent do you agree with this opinion?”





从本期开始,唐老师将结合每周考试真题,给大家谈如何在写作中实现“批判性思维”(critical thinking)。






With the economic boom and rapid development of urbanisation, more and more people are now rushing into big cities, which hasimposed great pressure on the urban housing and traffic. As one of the solutions to this problem, the government encourages businesses to move to the rural area, which I believe will be very effective to solve the problem of housing and traffic in cities.


(1) 开头段,先引出话题(城市交通和住房压力很大),然后提出自己的观点(大企业迁往乡村有助于解决城市交通和住房问题)。注意本段中with和as短语置于句首,丰富了句式。
(2) boom 繁荣
(3) urbanisation 城市化
(4) impose...on... 把......强加给......
(5)urban 城市的


On the one hand, most big cities are suffering from large population and limited resources. If big companies and factories, together with their huge number of employees, move to the countryside, there will be fewer people living in the city, then with the housing pressure reduced, the housing prices will surely go down. Meanwhile, the urban traffic will also improve because the number of commuters to and from work every day is now smaller. On the other hand, businesses moving to rural area will stimulatethe consumption and facilitate infrastructure in this area apart from offering employment opportunities to the local people.


(1) 本段论述企业搬迁到农村能有效解决城市住房和交通问题,论证方法是因果法:大企业搬迁--城市人口减少--住房压力小--房价下跌;同时,大企业搬迁--上下班人减少--交通改善。本段还顺便谈及大企业搬到乡村对乡村的好处(非重点论述部分,应该提及即可,不要详细论证)。注意范文的语言表述方法。
(2)resource 资源
(3)go down 下降
(4)commuter 通勤人员(按时上下班的人)
(5)stimulate 刺激
(6)consumption 消费(n.)
(7)facilitate 加快;促进
(8)infrastructure 基础设施
(9)employment opportunities 就业机会


However, some problems may arise if companies move to the countryside. One problem is that the rural area is generallybackward in transportation and communication system, which may cause great inconveniences for companies. Besides, once manymanufacturing factories rush to the rural areas, the peace and quiet in the areas will be immediately disrupted, hence a lot of environmental and social issues.


(2)arise 出现
(3)backward 落后的
(4)manufacturing 制造的
(5)disrupt 打破;干扰
(6)peace and quiet 和平宁静


Although there may be transportation, communication and environment problems if businesses move to the country area, I believe it is worth trying because it is an effective way to both solve the traffic and housing problems in major cities and improve the rural economy.


(2)be worth doing... 值得做......



With the economic boom and rapid development of urbanisation, more and more people are now rushing into big cities, which has imposed great pressure on the urban housing and traffic. As one of the solutions to this problem, the government encourages businesses to move to the rural area, which I believe will be very effective to solve the problem of housing and traffic in cities.

On the one hand, most big cities are suffering from large population and limited resources. If big companies and factories, together with their huge number of employees, move to the countryside, there will be fewer people living in the city, then with the housing pressure reduced, the housing prices will surely go down. Meanwhile, the urban traffic will also improve because the number of commuters to and from work every day is now smaller. On the other hand, businesses moving to rural area will stimulate the consumption and facilitate infrastructure in this area apart from offering employment opportunities to the local people.

However, some problems may arise if companies move to the countryside. One problem is that the rural area is generally backward in transportation and communication system, which may cause great inconveniences for companies. Besides, once many manufacturing factories rush to the rural areas, the peace and quiet in the areas will be immediately disrupted, hence a lot of environmental and social issues.

Although there may be transportation, communication and environment problems if businesses move to the country area, I believe it is worth trying because it is an effective way to both solve the traffic and housing problems in major cities and improve the rural economy.
(273 words)


“Some people think that arts (such as painting and music) do not directly improve people's life, so government should spend money on other areas. Do you agree or disagree?”






[批判思维提示] 本题的题目结构是“原因+结果”型,考生在论证时如果同意题目观点,需要同时对原因和结果表示支持并进行论证;如果不同意题目观点,则可以承认原因,但不承认结果(比如可以承认艺术的确不能直接改善人们的生活,但并不能因此就认为政府不该投资艺术,因为艺术还有其他很多重要的功能),也可以对原因进行否定(比如认为艺术实际上可以直接改善人们生活),然后对艺术的其他功能也进行论证。本题给我们的启示是:对题目中给出的原因和结果,我们不要急于去同意,而是要去看看这个原因是否正确,原因和结果之间是否存在必然的因果关系。这个角度给我们提供了批判性的思考机会。





Though some art forms, one perfect example of which is Hollywood movies, can bring in huge revenues for the government, most arts, like painting and music, do not directly bear on our life. However,this does not follow that the government should not invest in such arts.


(2)revenue (政府或公司的)收入
(3)bear on 与......相关
(4)this does not follow that... 这并不意味着......


In the first place, even if arts, when compared with education, health care system, and technologies, do not help much with thematerial aspects of our life, they do have much to do with our emotional and spiritual life. In fact, if we admit that our happinessconsists not only in material contentment but also in spiritual satisfaction, we will have to admit that our life could not do without arts. When we feel sad, we can stand in front of the smiling Monalisa and very soon we may recover from our sadness and regain our peace of mind; we when are happy, we can dance with a beautiful piece of music, which will multiply our happiness.


(2)material 物质的
(3)to have much to do with... 与......有很大关系
(4)consist in... 在于......
(5) contentment 满足(n.)
(6) could not do without... 没有......不行
(7)peace of mind 心灵的平静
(8)multiply 倍增;乘


Besides, arts may have an even more important role to play in getting people of a troubled nation united as one and fight the problem they have. We all know how Winston Churchill’s powerful speech had encouraged British people to fight Nazis bravely in the Second World War, and how Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” had motivated African Americans to pursue the social justice they deserved in the Civil Rights Movement. Today, arts that have appeared right after 9/11 terrorist attack have in the same way effectively brought Americans together in face of thenightmare.


(2)a troubled nation 陷入困境的国家
(3)motivate 激励;激发
(4)social justice 社会公正
(5)deserve 应得
(6)nightmare 噩梦


In summary, far from being illusionary and useless as some people might think, arts can be very important in our life, both to the individuals and to the nation as a whole. To maintain a healthy androbust society, therefore, the government should not marginalizethe arts.


(2)illusionary 虚幻的
(3)maintain 维持
(4)robust 稳固的
(5)marginalize 使......边缘化



Though some art forms, one perfect example of which is Hollywood movies, can bring in huge revenues for the government, most arts, like painting and music, do not directly bear on our life. However, this does not follow that the government should not invest in such arts.

In the first place, even if arts, when compared with education, health care system, and technologies, do not help much with the material aspects of our life, they do have much to do with our emotional and spiritual life. In fact, if we admit that our happiness consists not only in material contentment but also in spiritual satisfaction, we will have to admit that our life could not do without arts. When we feel sad, we can stand in front of the smiling Monalisa and very soon we may recover from our sadness and regain our peace of mind; we when are happy, we can dance with a beautiful piece of music, which will multiply our happiness.

Besides, arts may have an even more important role to play in getting people of a troubled nation united as one and fight the problem they have. We all know how Winston Churchill’s powerful speech had encouraged British people to fight Nazis bravely in the Second World War, and how Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” had motivated African Americans to pursue the social justice they deserved in the Civil Rights Movement. Today, arts that have appeared right after 9/11 terrorist attack have in the same way effectively brought Americans together in face of the nightmare.

In summary, far from being illusionary and useless as some people might think, arts can be very important in our life, both to the individuals and to the nation as a whole. To maintain a healthy and robust society, therefore, the government should not marginalize the arts.
(315 words)


“In many countries, people can eat a wide variety of food grown in other areas today. As a result, they eat more food from other regions than local food. Do you think the advantages of the development outweigh disadvantages?”









[批判性思维提示] 本题的核心是:食用外来食品(而非本地食品)到底是好还是坏?唐老师的思路是分两种情况来讨论:对消费者而言,这是增加了食品选择,改善了营养结构,当然是好事;对本地食品业而言,则可能产生负面的影响。那到底是好处多还是坏处多?唐老师则从竞争可以导致质量提高的角度,认为食用外来食品可以提高本地产业的竞争力。因此,在讨论某种现象是好还是坏时,考生可以分不同人群(或不同层次)来进行讨论,任何一个现象都不可能是的坏,也不可能是地坏。这样,我们就获得了一种批判性的思考方式。
[同类真题回顾] “食品”一直是雅思写作考试中的常客,经常出现。以下是历年真题回顾:


 Junk food does harm to people's health. Therefore, some experts find educationan effective way to prevent/stop people from eating the food. However, someone finds the education insignificant. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Today food travel thousands of miles from the farm to the consumers.Why is this? Is it a positive or negative trend?

Shops should not be allowed to sell any food or drink that has been scientifically proved to be bad for people’s health. To what extend do you agree or disagree?

In modern life, it is no longer necessary to use animals as food and in other products like clothing and medicines. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In some countries, it is possible for people to have a variety of food imported from all over the world. To what extent do you think its benefits outweigh the drawbacks? 在一些国家,人们可以吃到各种舶来的食品。你认为这是好还是不好




30 years ago, American fast food brands such as McDonald, KFC, and Subway were basically unheard of in China, but now they have become everyday words to Chinese people who have probablyconsumed the greatest amount of American fast food in the world. Though the introduction of food from other regions is not without negative effects, I do think it is positive to both the individual consumers and the food industry as a whole.


(2)basically 基本上
(3)...is unheard of ......是闻所未闻
(4)consume 消费
(5)...is not without... 不无......
(6)food industry 食品业
(7)as a whole 作为整体地


With greater variety of food coming from outside, we can enjoy a better nutritional structure and greater freedom to choose our favorite food. Now we all know that eggplants and potatoes arevital to our health, but very few know they were originally grown in Mexico and Ireland and were not imported to China until after the 18th century. So the food from other regions has offered us more nutritional choices. Instead of just taking soy bean milk, many people today have cow milk; instead of just taking breads, many people now have sandwiches as well.


(2)variety 种类
(3)nutritional structure 营养结构
(4)vital 至关重要的
(5)originally 首先;起先
(6)not...until... 直到......才......


Some may argue that the importation of foreign food may impairthe local food industry. This may be true in some cases. We have seen many local food brands become obsolete when their foreignreplacements are introduced to the market. However, I believe theintensified competition resulting from the arrival of the foreign food is beneficial to the long-term development of the local food industry, because it will compel the local food companies to improve the quality of their products, which in turn will make them more competitive in the global market.


(3)in some cases 在某些情况下
(7)result from 由......引起
(9)compel 迫使
(10)in turn 反过来
(11)competitive 有竞争力的
(12)global market 全球市场


Thus, that people are able to consume more and more food from other countries and regions gives a favorable opportunity to both the individual consumers and the entire food industry. It is, therefore, advisable for us to embrace this development, rather than rejecting it.


(5)reject 拒绝



30 years ago, American fast food brands such as McDonald, KFC, and Subway were basically unheard of in China, but now they have become everyday words to Chinese people who have probably consumed the greatest amount of American fast food in the world. Though the introduction of food from other regions is not without negative effects, I do think it is positive to both the individual consumers and the food industry as a whole.

With greater variety of food coming from outside, we can enjoy a better nutritional structure and greater freedom to choose our favorite food. Now we all know that eggplants and potatoes are vital to our health, but very few know they were originally grown in Mexico and Ireland and were not imported to China until after the 18th century. So the food from other regions has offered us more nutritional choices. Instead of just taking soy bean milk, many people today have cow milk; instead of just taking breads, many people now have sandwiches as well.

Some may argue that the importation of foreign food may impair the local food industry. This may be true in some cases. We have seen many local food brands become obsolete when their foreign replacements are introduced to the market. However, I believe the intensified competition resulting from the arrival of the foreign food is beneficial to the long-term development of the local food industry, because it will compel the local food companies to improve the quality of their products, which in turn will make them more competitive in the global market.

Thus, that people are able to consume more and more food from other countries and regions gives a favorable opportunity to both the individual consumers and the entire food industry. It is, therefore, advisable for us to embrace this development, rather than rejecting it.
306 words


“Children are facing more pressures nowadays from academic (educational), social and commercial perspectives. What are the causes of these pressures and what measures should be taken to reduce these pressures?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.”









What do you think makes children unhappy today? Researchers arepointing at the pressures from various perspectives—academic, social and commercial. While the causes of these pressures seem clear enough, there are no simple measures to reduce them.


(2)point at 指向......
(3)perspective 角度
(4)reduce 减少;减轻


It is easy to explain why children are facing academic, social and commercial pressures. Firstly, although as parents there are fewpleasures greater than their children succeeding at school, sometimes the pressure is way too much. Parents’unrealistically high expectations can backfire severely and end up causing their children to be unhappy. Secondly, all children have to face peer pressure in school, which is generally beneficial to kids’ growth, yet the ugly reality is that peer pressure reaches its highest intensity at just the age when children tend to be so insensitive, unkind, even cruel as to purposefully make others unhappy. Thirdly, children are easily affected by advertising that attracts them to buy things they cannot possibly afford, and as a result, they may feel unhappy.


(2)pleasure 快乐;愉悦
(3)way too much 太过了
(4)unrealistically 不切实际地
(5)backfire 回火;事与愿违
(6)end up 最终落得个......
(7)peer pressure 同龄人压力
(8)intensity 强度
(9)purposefully 有意地
(10)afford 负担得起


Though it is never easy to fix these feelings of unhappiness, there are possible measures to be taken to enhance the wellbeing of children who are under constant pressures. To begin with, parents have to draw a line on the expectations of their children and find out their true potentials, rather than pushing them to unrealistic limits. Meanwhile, with patience and guidance, parents shouldkeep an eye on their children who fall victims to online pressure through social networking. Simultaneously, the authorities should do more to regulate advertising that are intended for children who are anxious to buy unnecessary things.


(2)fix 解决
(3)enhance 提高
(4)constant 长期的
(5)potential 潜力(的)
(6)keep an eye on... 关注......
(7)fall victim to... 沦为......的牺牲品
(8)simultaneously 同时


In conclusion, there are no easy solutions to the increasing academic, social, and commercial pressures children face today.Frankly, I am quite pessimistic because those factors that bring pressures to children are not likely to go away, at least in the foreseeable future.


(2)frankly 坦白地说
(3)pessimistic 悲观的
(4)in the foreseeable future 在可见的未来



What do you think makes children unhappy today? Researchers are pointing at the pressures from various perspectives—academic, social and commercial. While the causes of these pressures seem clear enough, there are no simple measures to reduce them.
It is easy to explain why children are facing academic, social and commercial pressures. Firstly, although as parents there are few pleasures greater than their children succeeding at school, sometimes the pressure is way too much. Parents’ unrealistically high expectations can backfire severely and end up causing their children to be unhappy. Secondly, all children have to face peer pressure in school, which is generally beneficial to kids’ growth, yet the ugly reality is that peer pressure reaches its highest intensity at just the age when children tend to be so insensitive, unkind, even cruel as to purposefully make others unhappy. Thirdly, children are easily affected by advertising that attracts them to buy things they cannot possibly afford, and as a result, they may feel unhappy.
Though it is never easy to fix these feelings of unhappiness, there are possible measures to be taken to enhance the wellbeing of children who are under constant pressures. To begin with, parents have to draw a line on the expectations of their children and find out their true potentials, rather than pushing them to unrealistic limits. Meanwhile, with patience and guidance, parents should keep an eye on their children who fall victims to online pressure through social networking. Simultaneously, the authorities should do more to regulate advertising that are intended for children who are anxious to buy unnecessary things.
In conclusion, there are no easy solutions to the increasing academic, social, and commercial pressures children face today. Frankly, I am quite pessimistic because those factors that bring pressures to children are not likely to go away, at least in the foreseeable future.
(310 words)

