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来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2018-10-19 10:40






“ We have developed a “throw-away” society and are filling the environment with many plastic bags and rubbish that we cannot fully dispose of. What measures should be taken to combat the problem?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.”



本周考的是一个环境类的老题目。我们现在的社会是一个浪费型的社会(a throw-away society),随处可见被扔弃不用的东西。

本题要求分析这个现象产生的原因及解决办法。就原因而言,大家可能想到的生活水平提高了,物质太丰富了,这是唐老师经常谈到的物质层面上的原因。如果我们再往下想一想,可能就想到,我们乱扔东西,可能还有一个心理层面上的原因:出于方便(out of convenience)。除此之外,当然还有一个社会层面的原因,即消费社会鼓励大家扔弃旧东西,换新时尚。在这类分析原因类的考题中,大家都可以按照这三个层面去思考,就容易写得更有逻辑一些。






Ours is a “throw-away” society strongly influenced byconsumerism as we value convenience over environmental protection. We throw away out of convenience, and societal conventions have us move on to the next fad or technology. For example, we are dumping large quantities of thrash, such as plastic bags and diapers, that we cannot fully dispose of. Likewise, we arediscarding televisions, cell phones, computers and other used items in exchange of new ones that unsurprisingly will become our future garbage. Under these circumstances, environmental pollution is the cruel price we have to pay for the consumerism culture in the age of mass production. Even though our society as a whole is increasingly aware of the environmental pollution, more has to be done to prevent the problem from worsening.





(1) 本段用举例的方式,描写了乱扔垃圾的严重程度,并指出这种状况需要改变。

(2) consumerism 消费主义

(3) out of convenience 出于方便

(4) have somebody do... 让某人做......

(5) fad (一时的)时尚

(6) likewise 同样地

(7) worsen 恶化



In order to relieve the environmental impact of the consumerism culture, we believe that recycling is the most effective solution. It is necessary for governments to make recycling a legalrequirement, and “punish” those who throw away recyclable materials. For example, households will be legally required to separate all rubbish into different bins for recycling, on penaltiesof fines. New waste management rules should be introduced to act as a deterrent and to encourage people to abide by strict recycling standards. At the same time, government-sponsored recycling education programs (through the media) can be useful to increase recycling by changing people’s behavior and create anenvironment-friendly culture.





(1) 本段建议垃圾回收作为解决环境问题的办法,随即提出了具体措施:制定法规、设立回收教育项目。

(2) solution 解决方案

(3) legal 法定的

(4) penalties 惩罚

(5) abide by 遵守

(6) deterrent 威慑(物)

(7) environment-friendly 环境友好的


In conclusion, mandatory laws must be put in place so that people who are used to the lifestyle of convenience will refrain fromthrowing away plastic bags and rubbish. It is important for governments to make recycling everybody’s business; otherwise, environmental protection might become nobody’s business.




(1) 本段为结论段。

(2) mandatory 强制性的

(3) refrain from doing... 避免做......


1. Likewise, we are discarding televisions, cell phones, computers and other used items in exchange of new ones that unsurprisingly will become our future garbage.



2. Even though our society as a whole is increasingly aware of the environmental pollution, more has to be done to prevent the problem from worsening.



3. At the same time, government-sponsored recycling education programs (through the media) can be useful to increase recycling by changing people’s behavior and create anenvironment-friendly culture.



4. In conclusion, mandatory laws must be put in place so that people who are used to the lifestyle of convenience will refrain from throwing away plastic bags and rubbish.



5. It is important for governments to make recycling everybody’s business; otherwise, environmental protection might become nobody’s business.




Ours is a “throw-away” society strongly influenced by consumerism as we value convenience over environmental protection. We throw away out of convenience, and societal conventions have us move on to the next fad or technology. For example, we are dumping large quantities of thrash, such as plastic bags and diapers, that we cannot fully dispose of. Likewise, we are discarding televisions, cell phones, computers and other used items in exchange of new ones that unsurprisingly will become our future garbage. Under these circumstances, environmental pollution is the cruel price we have to pay for the consumerism culture in the age of mass production. Even though our society as a whole is increasingly aware of the environmental pollution, more has to be done to prevent the problem from worsening.


In order to relieve the environmental impact of the consumerism culture, we believe that recycling is the most effective solution. It is necessary for governments to make recycling a legal requirement, and “punish” those who throw away recyclable materials. For example, households will be legally required to separate all rubbish into different bins for recycling, on penalties of fines. New waste management rules should be introduced to act as a deterrent and to encourage people to abide by strict recycling standards. At the same time, government-sponsored recycling education programs (through the media) can be useful to increase recycling by changing people’s behavior and create an environment-friendly culture.


In conclusion, mandatory laws must be put in place so that people who are used to the lifestyle of convenience will refrain from throwing away plastic bags and rubbish. It is important for governments to make recycling everybody’s business; otherwise, environmental protection might become nobody’s business.

(291 words)








“ Some people think that scientific research is a waste of time and money. To what degree do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.”



本周考题要求大家讨论“科学研究是不是在浪费金钱和时间”。相信大家拿到题目,肯定就是一边倒地认为这个观点是错误的,因为科学研究是非常重要的,然后就开始寻找证明科学研究是重要的相关证据(也许能找出很多理由)。如果我们的考生这样写,写得再好,也不可能得到很高的分数,因为没有完整回答题目的问题,在 “task response”这一条上就会丢分。请大家一定要仔细阅读题目,搞清楚题目中所给的所有观点,然后在作文中对这些观点进行必要的回应(无论是赞同还是反对)。





Research is the most important activity to achieve scientific progress for a better future. To a great extent, scientific research is necessary and not a waste of time and money. The bottom lineis that scientific research not only needs more funding, but also “smarter” spending.



(1) 本段为开头段,回应题目中的两个观点:科学研究不是浪费时间和金钱,但要“聪明地”花钱。很多同学在雅思写作中使用一边倒的结构,比如在本题中仅仅讨论科学研究的重要性,却不顾及题目中“很多人认为科学研究是浪费时间和金钱”这个观点,这样写就没有完整回答题目问题,在评分标准中“task response”这项上可能导致丢分。

(2) achieve 达到;实现

(3) to a great extent 在很大程度上

(4) bottom line 底线



Scientific research, although being expensive and laborious, is the engine of human prosperity  by endlessly seeking the truth to clear doubts and find solutions. To begin with, advances acrossvirtually all fields of science show promise for solving puzzles about the nature of the world—from diseases and climate-change to the origin of the universe. For most scientists, the search for truth is the main motivation to a career characterized by long hours and personal sacrifice, but huge money is also required to carry out their research projects successfully. And this is why most people would agree that investments in scientific research pay offin the long run, while only a minority would argue that it is not worth the huge time and money put into it.




(1) 本段讨论科学研究的重要性,以及投资科学研究的必要性。有些同学在讨论科学研究的重要性时,忘记了把它与投资联系起来讨论,这样也可能被视为跑题,因为本题的核心是讨论“科学研究是否值得投入精力和金钱”,考生需要直接回答这个问题。

(2) laborious 辛苦的;艰苦的

(3) prosperity 繁荣

(4) virtually 几乎(=nearly)

(5) origin 来源;起源

(6) characterized by... 以......为特征

(7) pay off 有回报;成功;值得

(8) in the long run 从长远看


Nevertheless, the public needs to be convinced that money (along with time) is being spent wisely since pointless scientific research projects may burn through time and money, which leads to a meaningless waste in both, of course. To avoid that waste, scientists need to prove that their research projects are worth it, and that the spending is in an acceptable manner for scientific advancement. Unfortunately, the inefficiency or uncertainty at both government and university levels where research is being conducted sometimes do make people think that the investment in some unnecessary research projects is not “smart” enough, so to speak. 





(2)to be convinced that... 确信......

(3)pointless 没有意义的

(4)inefficiency 低效率

(5)so to speak 打个比方



In conclusion, it is necessary to invest in research for scientific progress. But scientific research should be done wisely so as not toresult in a waste of time and money. In all events, there would be no better tomorrow without scientific research today.



(1) 本段为结论段:对前面讨论的两个观点进行总结,并明确提出自己的观点。

(2) result in... 导致......

(3) in all events 无论如何


1. Scientific research, although being expensive and laborious, is the engine of human prosperity  by endlessly seeking the truth to clear doubts and find solutions.


2. Advances across virtually all fields of science show promise for solving puzzles about the nature of the world—from diseases and climate-change to the origin of the universe.


3. For most scientists, the search for truth is the main motivation to a career characterized by long hours and personal sacrifice, but huge money is also required to carry out their research projects successfully.


4. Unfortunately, the inefficiency or uncertainty at both government and university levels where research is being conducted sometimes do make people think that the investment in some unnecessary research projects is not “smart” enough,so to speak.


5.Scientific research should be done wisely so as not to result ina waste of time and money.




Research is the most important activity to achieve scientific progress for a better future. To a great extent, scientific research is necessary and not a waste of time and money. The bottom line is that scientific research not only needs more funding, but also “smarter” spending.

Scientific research, although being expensive and laborious, is the engine of human prosperity  by endlessly seeking the truth to clear doubts and find solutions. To begin with, advances across virtually all fields of science show promise for solving puzzles about the nature of the world—from diseases and climate-change to the origin of the universe. For most scientists, the search for truth is the main motivation to a career characterized by long hours and personal sacrifice, but huge money is also required to carry out their research projects successfully. And this is why most people would agree that investments in scientific research pay off in the long run, while only a minority would argue that it is not worth the huge time and money put into it.

Nevertheless, the public needs to be convinced that money (along with time) is being spent wisely since pointless scientific research projects may burn through time and money, which leads to a meaningless waste in both, of course. To avoid that waste, scientists need to prove that their research projects are worth it, and that the spending is in an acceptable manner for scientific advancement. Unfortunately, the inefficiency or uncertainty at both government and university levels where research is being conducted sometimes do make people think that the investment in some unnecessary research projects is not “smart” enough, so to speak.

In conclusion, it is necessary to invest in research for scientific progress. But scientific research should be done wisely so as not to result in a waste of time and money. In all events, there would be no better tomorrow without scientific research today.

(322 words)







The table presents Australians’ visits to cinemas in 5 separate years, [注意:不是从1994年到2002年,而是分开的5年,这一点注意事项与9月8日的考试一样。] and in the line graph, Australians are divided into 4 age groups, each group’s average [此处为名词,“平均数”] of annual number of visits from 1994 to 2002 is shown.

In terms of the viewers’ proportion out of the whole Australian population, the year of 1998 stands out as the figure – 76 percent [同位语] – in that year was the highest. In the other 4 years, the percentage was within a narrow range of 68 to 72. As for the frequency, the approximate number of 11 times per year in 1994 and 1996 was obviously higher than the ones in the other 3 years.

To view Australians’ cinema visits by age, it [形式主语,指代后面that引导的名词性从句] is clear that [主语从句] the 14-24 group was most likely to watch movies in cinemas. What is also noteworthy is the constant fluctuations – up to 13 times and down to 9 times – during the period. With the increase of age, Australians’ interest in going to the cinema decreased, and the frequency was relatively stable in the three older groups, and it [不是形式主语,而是只带上一句中的主语] is particularly stable in the 50-plus group, where the annual number of visits was around 5.

Overall, variations are rather easy to notice between the years and between the 4 age groups. [不要出现数据,粗线条的概述整个图表,抓整体且突出重点]





“ In many countries today, women as well as men work full-time, so it is logical for women and men to share household tasks equally. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.”




本题问的是:现在女性和男性都一样全职工作,那么在家里,夫妻是不是应该共同分担家务呢?我们应该注意,原题里有一个词 “logical”,因此准确地说,本题问的是,你是否同意“从逻辑上讲,夫妻是否应该分担家务”这个观点?








With dual-income families, it seems logic that the domesticburdens should be equally shouldered as an issue of gender equality as well as happy relationships. These days, there is evidence that the gender gap in housework has been narrowed gradually. Men are increasingly getting involved in housework, particularly if both men and women are employed in full-time jobs. For example, some husbands are having their share of household duties, such as cleaning, cooking, washing, and looking after children. In appearance, the zero gender gap is becoming a reality, in the sense that, since both men and women are equally the family’s bread-earners working from nine to five, both should share the housework equally. 




(1) 本段直接进入正题,讨论在夫妻双方都在工作的前提下,分担家务是非常符合逻辑的,而且事实上好像也的确是按照这个逻辑在发生。本段回应的是题目中“夫妻分担家务是符合逻辑的”这个观点。

(2) domestic 家庭(内)的

(3) as an issue of... 作为......问题

(4) gender gap 性别差异

(5) in appearance 表面上看

(6) bread-owner 挣钱养家的人



For happy relationships, however, men and women equally sharing the housework is often not as important as what it seems.Ironically, the main reason for the persistence of inequality at home may be women themselves. Even in relationships in which the dual-earner couple aims to share the domestic burdens, most women would like to keep their men away from traditional tasks and childcare-giving activities. So, despite the best intentions of men, their women might think that, although sharing household chores may do no harm, it may do little to contribute to a happy marriage. On this issue, there may be no need to seek 50/50 gender equality because men will always be men and women will always be women. Given that both males and females are created equal, the two genders are not meant to share housework equally.Believe it or not, most women at heart may not expect this to happen.




(1) 本段表达对“分担家务”的看法:分担家务并不一定带来婚姻幸福,并认为多数女性并不真正期待与丈夫平分家务。这个观点不一定正确,但肯定与多数同学的观点不一样,因此从某种程度上会给阅卷人带来一定的新鲜感。当然,这种内容的新鲜感不一定能提高考生的分数,但至少可以让考官看出学生在思维上的独特性,在语言水平同等的情况下,可能会给考生带来一个令人意想不到的分数。

(2) ironically 讽刺的是......

(3) persistence 坚持;持续

(4) intention 意图

(5) given that... 尽管......

(6) believe it or not 无论你信还是不信



It is proper to conclude that happy relationships have little to do with sharing the same amount of housework, even when women like men have full-time jobs. In this regard, gender equality and a happy marriage may have a logic different from equally sharing the housework. 





(2)to have little to do with... 与......没有什么关系

(3)in this regard 在这一方面


1. In appearance, the zero gender gap is becoming a reality, in the sense that, since both men and women are equally the family’s bread-earners working from nine to five, both should share the housework equally.


2. Even in relationships in which the dual-earner couple aims to share the domestic burdens, most women would like to keep their men away from traditional tasks and childcare-giving activities.


3. Despite the best intentions of men, their women might think that, although sharing household chores may do no harm, it may do little to contribute to a happy marriage.


4. Given that both males and females are created equal, the two genders are not meant to share housework equally.


5. It is proper to conclude that happy relationships have little to do with sharing the same amount of housework, even when women like men have full-time jobs.




With dual-income families, it seems logic that the domestic burdens should be equally shouldered as an issue of gender equality as well as happy relationships. These days, there is evidence that the gender gap in housework has been narrowed gradually. Men are increasingly getting involved in housework, particularly if both men and women are employed in full-time jobs. For example, some husbands are having their share of household duties, such as cleaning, cooking, washing, and looking after children. In appearance, the zero gender gap is becoming a reality, in the sense that, since both men and women are equally the family’s bread-earners working from nine to five, both should share the housework equally.

For happy relationships, however, men and women equally sharing the housework is often not as important as what it seems. Ironically, the main reason for the persistence of inequality at home may be women themselves. Even in relationships in which the dual-earner couple aims to share the domestic burdens, most women would like to keep their men away from traditional tasks and childcare-giving activities. So, despite the best intentions of men, their women might think that, although sharing household chores may do no harm, it may do little to contribute to a happy marriage. On this issue, there may be no need to seek 50/50 gender equality because men will always be men and women will always be women. Given that both males and females are created equal, the two genders are not meant to share housework equally. Believe it or not, most women at heart may not expect this to happen.

It is proper to conclude that happy relationships have little to do with sharing the same amount of housework, even when women like men have full-time jobs. In this regard, gender equality and a happy marriage may have a logic different from equally sharing the housework.

(313 words)








The bar chart is an illustration of the car ownership of households in a European country in four separate years.


First, 1971 and 1991 are the two years that are most noteworthy.The highest percentage of having no cars was in the year of 1971, and that of having one car was in the year of 1991; the two figureswere coincidentally the same (approx. 47 percent). Second, in the four years, households with two or more cars were the fewest, and the figure could be as low as 15 percent. Third, in the years of 1981 and 2001, the three types of car ownership were roughly even, each accounting for 30 percent or modestly more.


Overall, the pattern of car ownership varied vastly from year to year, except between the year of 1981 and the year of 2001. Also, the years of 1971 and 1991 saw the extremely large or small proportion of at least one car ownership.

[159 words]





“ Team/group activities can teach more important skills for life than those activities which are played alone. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.”





唐老师认为,在这个题目中,团队活动和个人活动并不是相互排斥的(mutually exclusive),因此我们完全可以辩证地认为这两种活动对于我们培养生活技能而言都很重要,而一旦采取这个思路,我们要解决的问题就变成:团队活动和个人活动各有利于培养哪些生活技能?因此,我们就有必要对生活技能进行分类:自信、责任心、社交能力、合作精神……,然后论证这些能力到底应该在团队活动还是在个人活动中来培养。比如,我们可以论证个人活动有利于培养我们的自信和责任心,而团队活动有利于培养社交能力和合作精神。

因此,本题立论的核心就是找出题目中的life skills这一关键词,将其进行分类,再结合另外两个关键词即group activities和activities played alone进行分别讨论。





Are activities played as a team better than those playedindividually when it comes to learning life skills? The answer, I think, depends on the life skills in question —self-reliance, responsibility, cooperation, sportsmanship, or the ability to feel happy.





(2)individually 个体地;个人地

(3)when it comes to… 当谈到……

(4)depend on 取决于……

(5)in question 讨论中的

(6)sportsmanship 体育精神



Activities that are played alone can develop the sense of self-reliance and responsibility in young people. This is because in such activities, success is entirely a matter of personal efforts, and young people will have to learn to rely on themselves and consider the consequences of their own decisions and actions. Further, playing alone requires one to motivate oneself as there is no team pressure and there is nobody else to blame for failure. Thisintrinsic motivation as a life skill is perhaps more powerful than external motivation in a team. Further still, people can perhapsderive more happiness and satisfaction from their success in individual sports, and this sense of self-recognition is an essential skill in their work and life. 




(1) 本段论述个人从事的活动对培养生活技能的重要性,包括自强、责任心、内在驱动力、自我认同,等。

(2)  consequence 后果

(3)  motivate 激励

(4)  intrinsic 内在的

(5)  derive … from… 从……获得……

(6)  self-recognition 自我认同


Group activities such as team sports can teach at least three life skills that benefit young people forever. Firstly, the social aspect of group activities might be what appeals to young people in the first place. Participation in such activities gives young people an opportunity to spend time with peers in a learning environment and practice their social skills. Secondly, by learning to positively handle the winning and losing outcome in group activities, young people can foster their fair-play sportsmanship, a trait extremely important both in their youth-hood and adulthood. Thirdly, group activities will help people understand the value of cooperation. They will get to know that working as a team is key to success in life, though this sometimes might mean personal sacrifices. 




(1) 本段讨论团队活动对培养人们(尤其是年轻人)社交能力,体育精神和合作精神的作用。

(2)  appeal to 吸引

(3)  foster 培养

(4)  sacrifice 牺牲



To conclude, though group activities can teach people many important life skills, people can gain a lot of other essential skills from solo activities as well. As it is hard to tell which set of skills is more important, we cannot reach the consensus of opinion as towhich kind of activities is more useful in the development of our life skills. 





(2)essential 核心的;重要的

(3)consensus of opinion 一致意见

(4)as to 关于



Are activities played as a team better than those played individually when it comes to learning life skills? The answer, I think, depends on the life skills in question —self-reliance, responsibility, cooperation, sportsmanship, or the ability to feel happy.

Activities that are played alone can develop the sense of self-reliance and responsibility in young people. This is because in such activities, success is entirely a matter of personal efforts, and young people will have to learn to rely on themselves and consider the consequences of their own decisions and actions. Further, playing alone requires one to motivate oneself as there is no team pressure and there is nobody else to blame for failure. This intrinsic motivation as a life skill is perhaps more powerful than external motivation in a team. Further still, people can perhaps derive more happiness and satisfaction from their success in individual sports, and this sense of self-recognition is an essential skill in their work and life.

Group activities such as team sports can teach at least three life skills that benefit young people forever. Firstly, the social aspect of group activities might be what appeals to young people in the first place. Participation in such activities gives young people an opportunity to spend time with peers in a learning environment and practice their social skills. Secondly, by learning to positively handle the winning and losing outcome in group activities, young people can foster their fair-play sportsmanship, a trait extremely important both in their youth-hood and adulthood. Thirdly, group activities will help people understand the value of cooperation. They will get to know that working as a team is key to success in life, though this sometimes might mean personal sacrifices.

To conclude, though group activities can teach people many important life skills, people can gain a lot of other essential skills from solo activities as well. As it is hard to tell which set of skills is more important, we cannot reach the consensus of opinion as to which kind of activities is more useful in the development of our life skills.

(346 words)



