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常州新航道 > 雅思 > 2018年10月13日写作真题参考范文 | 女性休产假的利与弊

2018年10月13日写作真题参考范文 | 女性休产假的利与弊

来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2018-10-19 13:42





“ In many countries women are allowed to take maternity leave from their jobs during the first months after the birth of their baby. Does advantages outweigh disadvantages? ”




本题是2016年2月27日雅思写作的原题重现,问题的核心是:女性生完小孩后是否该休产假?可能有些同学看到maternity就晕了,其实,如果联系到take...leave(请假)和后面的“during the first months after the birth of their baby"(生完小孩后的头几个月),我们就不难想到,这里的take maternity leave就是 “休产假”。





It is a customary practice for most countries in the world to give women a few months of maternity leave after they give birth to the baby. To spend a few months away from work after giving birth, however, has disadvantages as well as advantages.




(1) 文章段提出产假有利有弊。

(2) customary practice 常规做法



To be sure, the newly-born baby is the one who benefits the most from the maternity leave. As we know, the first few months of the new life are always the most dangerous time, during which the baby faces many dangers, some quite unexpected, that may be deadly. Therefore, the concentrated and intensive care from the mother is critical for the survival of the baby. I have just read a newspaper report which compares the infant mortality rate between the countries which practice maternity leave and those which do not and concludes that infant death rate in the former is 25% lower than that in the latter. Besides, taking a few months off her work after the baby is born is also a good way to release the anxiety and stress the mother must have experienced during her pregnancy, so she will more likely behave normal after going back to work.




(1) 本段主要论述产假的好处,分成以下两个方面:其一是新生儿面临危险,母亲的照顾保证新生儿的存活。其二是母亲能释放产期焦虑以便正常回归工作。两个层次之间用besides承接。

(2) to be sure=it is sure that=certainly

(3) release the anxiety and stress 释放焦虑和压力



Like anything else, maternity leave may also bring about some negative effects. In some female-dominated professions like nursing, the few months leave may cause a serious shortage of labor. And we have seen many women who simply cannot perform their job after the leave because they have totally forgotten how to do their job properly. Meanwhile, many women who used to be slender and beautiful have become fat and ugly after the few months of no work and over eating.




(1) 本段主要论述产假的三方面的坏处:以女性为主工作有时会有严重的劳动力短缺;女性假后无法胜任工作;女性产假期间变得肥胖而丑陋。用meanwhile来衔接

(2) female-dominated女性为主的



Taking into account both the advantages and disadvantages, I believe maternity leave is a good thing. After all, the baby's survival and the mother's health are much more important than the possible side-effects of labor shortage, temporary forgetfulness of the work and physical ugliness. If the maternity leave time is wisely used, the new mothers may just as well return to their work as energetic and beautiful as before. 




(1) 结合前面的分析得出结论,自己的观点:产假是好事,有利于婴儿的存活和母亲的健康,其不利影响比起这两点就不足道了。

(2) take into account 考虑在内

(3) after all 毕竟

(4) be wisely used=be reasonably used 合理利用



It is a customary practice for most countries in the world to give women a few months of maternity leave after they give birth to the baby. To spend a few months away from work after giving birth, however, has disadvantages as well as advantages.

To be sure, the newly-born baby is the one who benefits the most from the maternity leave. As we know, the first few months of the new life are always the most dangerous time, during which the baby faces many dangers, some quite unexpected, that may be deadly. Therefore, the concentrated and intensive care from the mother is critical for the survival of the baby. I have just read a newspaper report which compares the infant mortality rate between the countries which practice maternity leave and those which do not and concludes that infant death rate in the former is 25% lower than that in the latter. Besides, taking a few months off her work after the baby is born is also a good way to release the anxiety and stress the mother must have experienced during her pregnancy, so she will more likely behave normal after going back to work.

Like anything else, maternity leave may also bring about some negative effects. In some female-dominated professions like nursing, the few months leave may cause a serious shortage of labor. And we have seen many women who simply cannot perform their job after the leave because they have totally forgotten how to do their job properly. Meanwhile, many women who used to be slender and beautiful have become fat and ugly after the few months of no work and over eating.

Taking into account both the advantages and disadvantages, I believe maternity leave is a good thing. After all, the baby's survival and the mother's health are much more important than the possible side-effects of labor shortage, temporary forgetfulness of the work and physical ugliness. If the maternity leave time is wisely used, the new mothers may just as well return to their work as energetic and beautiful as before. 




1. 世界上大多数国家的习惯做法是在女性生完孩子之后给他们放几个月的产假。

It is a customary practice for most countries in the world to give women a few months of maternity leave after they give birth to the baby.

2. I have just read a newspaper report which compares the infant mortality rate between the countries which practice maternity leave and those which do not and concludes that infant death rate in the former is 25% lower than that in the latter.


3. Besides, taking a few months off her work after the baby is born is also a good way to release the anxiety and stress the mother must have experienced during her pregnancy, so she will more likely behave normal after going back to work.


4.We have seen many women who simply cannot perform their job after the leave because they have totally forgotten how to do their job properly.


5. If the maternity leave time is wisely used, the new mothers may just as well return to their work as energetic and beautiful as before.




