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常州新航道 > 雅思 > 2018年10月雅思大小作文合辑


来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2018-11-06 13:46




Recent years witnessed a criticism that the disparity in access to advanced education still exists between rural and urban regions, especially when the equal education chances are emphasized in some poor areas. Personally, the situation that differences in educational resources do need to be solved urgently. 【话语需要简洁一些。】

Recent years are witnessing a growing criticism on the unequal access to tertiaryeducation. Students from rural areas are less likely to be admitted than are urban students. Personally, I believe that the inequality does need to be resolvedurgently.

The first reason is that due to the lack qualified teachers and sufficient facilities in rural high school, only a minority of university students come from rural backgrounds.【TR方面:“穷困”不是理由,“能克服穷困”才是理由。】For example, without the correct guidance and the abundant knowledge accomulation, students could not get the qualifications to go to universities, which means being a more skillful person in the future could be quite impossible. 【TR方面:ta们的“无能”不是理由。】Second, although some hardworking students may overcome the barriers of examinations, suffering from the notoriously expensive tuition fee, they finally choose to give up since it could definitely be a financial challenge to their families. So in short, what measures should we do to handle this problem?

The first reason is that the easier access to college education would be an award for those students from the rural background, most likelyunprivileged students, whose desire for knowledge and ability to overcome the difficulty are admirable. If those students had 【虚拟,说明“没有”】abundant educational resources, including qualified teachers, state-of-the-art facilities, and an updated curriculum, they wouldoutperform themselves who suffer the inadequate resources but manage to achieve acceptable levels. 【GRA方面:每个body段落有一个长难句即可。】【LR方面:表述正/负评价的词汇。】

Second, although some hardworking students may overcome the barriers of examinations, suffering from the notoriously expensive tuition fee, they finally choose to give up since it could definitely be a financial challenge to their families. 【TR方面:理由的核心意思不明确。】


Second, the institutions’ generosity can be appreciated by those beneficiaries. The disadvantaged groups, since they receive aid without which they would not be in college, are highly likely to show gratitude to the favor and to pay thedebt when they one day become capable. They are unlike urban students, theungrateful privileged youngsters, who tend to take their opportunity for granted. For example, their charitable actions inspired by their universities’ kindness to them, many philanthropists from a humble rural background are generous in giving back to society.

So in short, what measures should we do to handle this problem? To begin with, institutions of higher education, including the most selective colleges and universities, have to think about ways to recruit students from rural communities and enhance services to retain those less fortunate undergraduates. As a beginning step, it is necessary for government authorities in charge to help establish partnerships between high schools and universities, thus creating a fast track for more rural students to be enrolled through some special admission process. In addition, governments should make it a policy to reserve a certain percentage of entry into an undergraduate course. 【TR方面:凉了,都是废话,题目没有问“怎么办”。】

In conclusion, effective measures should be implement to make it less difficult for rural students to pursue universities studies. As a principle of equality for all, each student should not be left behind. Otherwise, there will be a widening gap between students who are from cities and those who are not. 【body凉,conclusion铁凉】

In conclusion, easier admission should be available for students from rural backgrounds for at least two reasons. These youngsters deserve the opportunity and will appreciate the opportunity. 【通过deserve和appreciate两个动词笼统总结全文。】








Women, as long as since they would can be vulnerable physically and mentally after finishing childbirth, should all be engaged into a allowed to maternity leave take some time off work. In many countries, allowing female employees to take a break of a few months break and look after their babies 【主语嫌长,不是英语习惯】 is a basic right 【“休假”是权利,“允许”不是权利】 → it is a basic entitlement that females have a time of reasonable length to recover and look after the infants, and it seems to be the best solution to balance their work and health. 【赘述】Personally, I believe there can be more beneficial consequences than passive the negative effects.

Maternity leave is legally available in some countries and practiced.【“引入”环节一定要快】 I think that it has multiple benefits and only a few drawbacks. 【multiple对应 a few避开无聊的比较级也能表明孰多孰少】


First, the availability of a few-months leave 【语言要“扁平”一些】 leaving work for a time of reasonable length ensures that their infantscould definitely be are taken good care of well attended. During this time, women can dedicate themselves into to their babies and also prevent them from some unpredictable danger which may imperil lives 【赘述】. Meanwhile, 【文脉在此处不顺】 Experts advocate that breastfeeding has more benefits for both babies and mothers, since itwas is an original instinct and nobody have has the ability to replacethem the mothers. By doing this, the attachment / bond that forms【多余】between them can be strengthened , which is for the reason that the newborn has a vital psychological need for the mother’s attention.


First, experts point out that breast milk is beneficial for the babies. Sinceit is only the mothers who can breastfeed the infants【状语从句里的强调句】,the leave is necessary for the sake of children’s health. Experts also say that mothers too benefit from breastfeeding. For example, breast cancer is less likely, and the chance of obesity after giving birthdiminishes. In addition, it is believed that breastfeeding strengthens the bond between a child and the parent.

Second, newly new mothers are therefore more likely to recover after production. They can achieve have more 【不要乱用比较级】time to take a good rest and fully recover from the hardship of pregnancy and production. It is a common sense that the birth of a baby indicates the conscientious childcare from his or her mother, which leads to arduous and energy-consuming efforts. 【嗯?】

Second, the few months are needed also because it takes time for the new mothers to recover. During the time, women restore their energy 【细化recover】since childbirth consumes too much physically, and they also return to their best state 【细化recover】mentally. 【篇幅不用再延展了,后面还有drawback要写呢,不愁字数不够】

However 【转折意义的逻辑衔接词等于在否定上面的两点advantages,和你的立场相悖了】 Admittedly, the existence【语言不“扁平”】of some negative effects should not be overlooked. Taking maternity leave means sometimes women may suffer from  【此处语意重了】be at the risk of losing their jobs, especially during an economic downturn when the job market is in recession. Also, this behavior can impact a woman’s career development, as they may find it hard to readapt to the previous work environment after the gap, or her position may be replaced 【“岗位”不会被取代,“人”被取代】filled 【“岗位”被填上】by another personpermanently.

In conclusion, the policy or law of maternity benefits all female employees and their families in most cases. and some passive results accompanied by this should also be thought highly of Although the disadvantages cannot be disregarded, they are minor effects.





“ Report shows that it is increasingly expensive to keep museums open to public. Find the best way to fund museums among these funding possibilities—governments, businesses, individuals.  

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.”










Many museums have been faced with financial problems over the past years of recession and lagging economic recovery. As it is increasingly expensive to maintain museums, sufficient money must be raised from both government sources and private (either businesses or individuals) donations, in order to keep them open to public.



(1) 段提出话题:博物馆需要从政府或者个人获得资金来维持运转。

(2) be faced with... 面临......

(3) recession 倒退

(4) lagging 落后的;缓慢的

(5) maintain 维持;维修



Investment from governments must form a bigger proportion of the income of many museums at different levels. As a major way to fund museums, the public sector should always do more, and there may be no substitutes for the government support for museums, especially in the long-lasting financial crisis when that government support is more urgently needed. Although, in the face of such adversity, museums have shown great resilience and creativity in generating new sources of revenue, those troubled institutions can only be sustained with stronger government backing. Considering that museums preserve a country’s collective memory for future generations, the importance of public funding in museums could never be overestimated.



(1) 本段主要论述政府投资的重要性,以及原因。

(2) proportion 部分

(3) substitute 替代品

(4) urgently 急迫地

(5) adversity 不利的环境;对手

(6) resilience 弹性

(7) generate 产生

(8) sustain 持续;维持

(9) overestimate 过高估计


Private donations also occupy an important part in keeping a museum, especially when government funding is limited. This way of funding can be done by providing money for new programs and spaces, as well as giving works of art as gifts to the museum’s collections. The museums may in turn tailor themselves to the needs of the donors byaffording certain privileges to them, including the right to use the museum’s space to hold some special events such as promotion campaigns. This has given rise to complaints and worries in the general public that receiving individual donations may leave the museums ruined.



(1) 本段主要论述私人捐款的作用及其问题:好处是补充政府投资,坏处是可能损坏博物馆。

(2) occupy 占据

(3) in turn 反过来

(4) tailor oneself to the needs of... 调整自己以适应......的需求

(5) afford 给与

(6) give rise to... 引起



In my view, among all the funding possibilities, government funding should always remain the best way of operating a museum, because it can ensure the maximum independence of the museum as an institution to educate the public. Donations from the private sector are necessary only when the museum cannot obtain sufficient support from the government and are acceptable only on the condition that they do not interfere with the public roles of the museum.



(1) 本段给出自己的观点:政府资助是办法,同时提出接受私人捐赠的两个前提:政府资助不够,私人不妨碍博物馆的正常功能。

(2) operate 运作;操作

(3) ensure

(4) maximum 非常大的

(5) sufficient 足够的

(6) on the condition that... 以......为条件

(7) interfere with 干涉;妨碍





“ Some people think that young people should spend more of their free time at home with their family instead of entertaining outside. Others disagree. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. ”



唐老师在与很多烤鸭交流的过程中发现,同学们喜欢采取非此即彼的思维方式,即采用一边倒的结构方式。这种方式也不是不正确,甚至有些题目用这种方式写起来更顺畅,但我们千万不要忘记,如果题目中有两个对立的观点,我们必须要对他们都进行讨论。即使在一边倒的结构中,我们也要对对立的观点进行驳斥,不能对其置之不理。如果你对题目中给出的反方观点置之不理,你在Task Response这一项上就会丢分。






Today’s young people tend to see themselves as the masters of their own free time, and they can do whatever they want to do. In my opinion, however, parents need to help the youngsters toexercise their freedom in a more balanced way,consciously between family love and entertainment fun.



(1) 段提出话题,并提出自己的观点。

(2) exercise 行使;练习

(3) balanced 均衡的

(4) consciously 有意识地



On the one hand, enjoying quality time together is very important for a strong family. It is because the more opportunities the family have for quality time, the stronger the family are in terms of emotional bond. The family activities that young people canengage in include eating meals together, talking about the events of the day, sharing joys and defeats, doing household chores together and spending evenings watching TV. All these things can send a strong message of family love, which is theoverall positive side about juveniles staying more at home. To some, these activities may seem not always necessary, but without them, it is impossible for young people to learn to love the family. 



(1) 本段主要论述孩子们多与家人一起的重要性。本段没有列举各种重要性,而是将重点放在“家人之爱”(family love)这一点上。

(2) bond 纽带

(3) engage in 从事

(4) household chores 家务活

(5) overall 整体的

(6) juvenile 青少年(的)


On the other hand, the younger generation may want their fun time outside and get away from the boring daily routine. This is also important because young people are full of energy which needs to be channeled in positive forms. For example, shopping in malls or going to parties can be a good form that helps young people to grow up healthily from adolescence to adulthood by making them more independent and responsible. In fact, they need to do things for fun, in order to explore their own interests or make friends. Of course, when going to extremes, this trend might bring negative effects, including the widening of generation gap between parents and children.



(1) 本段主要论述年轻人应该在外参加娱乐活动的原因:摆脱无聊的日常琐事;疏导能量,健康成长;发展兴趣交朋友。

(2) routine 日常需要做的事情

(3) channel 渠道;疏导

(4) adolescence 青春期

(5) explore 发现;探索



In conclusion, there are positive effects about young people who spend their free time for both family love and entertainment fun. Parents need to see to it that youth under their care should live a more balanced life. Young people themselves also need to be prudent in making their choices.



(1) 本段给出自己的观点:两种做法都有好处,因此应该均衡。

(2) see to it that... 为......负责;......

(3) prudent 谨慎的



Today’s young people tend to see themselves as the masters of their own free time, and they can do whatever they want to do. In my opinion, however, parents need to help the youngsters to exercise their freedom in a more balanced way, consciously between family love and entertainment fun.

On the one hand, enjoying quality time together is very important for a strong family. It is because the more opportunities the family have for quality time, the stronger the family are in terms of emotional bond. The family activities that young people can engage in include eating meals together, talking about the events of the day, sharing joys and defeats, doing household chores together and spending evenings watching TV. All these things can send a strong message of family love, which is the overall positive side about juveniles staying more at home. To some, these activities may seem not always necessary, but without them, it is impossible for young people to learn to love the family.

On the other hand, the younger generation may want their fun time outside and get away from the boring daily routine. This is also important because young people are full of energy which needs to be channeled in positive forms. For example, shopping in malls or going to parties can be a good form that helps young people to grow up healthily from adolescence to adulthood by making them more independent and responsible. In fact, they need to do things for fun, in order to explore their own interests or make friends. Of course, when going to extremes, this trend might bring negative effects, including the widening of generation gap between parents and children.

In conclusion, there are positive effects about young people who spend their free time for both family love and entertainment fun. Parents need to see to it that youth under their care should live a more balanced life. Young people themselves also need to be prudent in making their choices.

(333 words)




1. In my opinion, however, parents need to help the youngsters toexercise their freedom in a more balanced way,consciously between family love and entertainment fun.


2. The more opportunities the family have for quality time, the stronger the family are in terms of emotional bond.


3. Shopping in malls or going to parties can be a good form that helps young people to grow up healthily from adolescence to adulthood by making them more independent and responsible.


4. Parents need to see to it that youth under their care should live a more balanced life.





