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9分达人作者原创 2018.12.13写作真题参考范文

来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2018-12-19 15:15




“Some people believe that young people know about international pop and movie stars they like, but they know less about famous people from the history in their own country. Why is this? How can more interest be created in young people to gain more knowledge about their own famous people from history? ”



1. 国际明星曝光率高,媒体报道多,而本国历史人物鲜有报道

2. 年轻人天生喜欢眼前的时尚,而不是过时的东西


1. 增加本国历史人物的报道

2. 以年轻人喜欢的方式去宣传历史人物




Generally speaking, young people of the present Information Age know much more about international pop and movie stars but they know much less about famous people in their own country. Why this is so, and how to increase young people’s interest in national celebrities in history?



(1) 开头段描述现象,然后提出问题。

(2) celebrity 名人


The first reason for this difference of knowledge has much to do with the visibility. In a mass-media culture, celebrities, such as pop and movie stars on the international stage, are usually more visible than the famous people in a local country. As a result, young people have stronger feelings for celebrities across the world who appear in mass media a great deal more often than the famous people in their own country who lived in the past. Another important reason is that young people are naturally drawn to the fashionable things NOW rather than anything, however great, in the past. It is not that young people do not understand the importance of these people from history, but that they simply do not care to know more about them. 




(2)visibility 可见度

(3)It is not that..., but that... 不是...,而是...



In order to attract young people's attention to the famous individuals from the history in the country where they live, the news media outlets, including television and online publications, had better be encouraged to make widely visible those famous people of historical significance to the domestic audience. Meanwhile, these famous people should be presented in media in such a way that young people can accept them as their role models. Only in this way will young people be interested in knowing more about them. 




(2)people of historical significance 具有历史意义的人

(3)domestic 国内的

(4)role model 榜样



In conclusion, young people know more about international celebrities who enjoy more visibility than the famous people in their own country. Increasing their visibility and making them more attractive are the two things that must be done in order to draw young people's greater attention to the local famous people. 




(2)attractive 有吸引力的

(3)draw one’s attention to... 吸引某人关注......



Generally speaking, young people of the present Information Age know much more about international pop and movie stars but they know much less about famous people in their own country. Why this is so, and how to increase young people’s interest in national celebrities in history?

The first reason for this difference of knowledge has much to do with the visibility. In a mass-media culture, celebrities, such as pop and movie stars on the international stage, are usually more visible than the famous people in a local country. As a result, young people have stronger feelings for celebrities across the world who appear in mass media a great deal more often than the famous people in their own country who lived in the past. Another important reason is that young people are naturally drawn to the fashionable things NOW rather than anything, however great, in the past. It is not that young people do not understand the importance of these people from history, but that they simply do not care to know more about them.

In order to attract young people's attention to the famous individuals from the history in the country where they live, the news media outlets, including television and online publications, had better be encouraged to make widely visible those famous people of historical significance to the domestic audience. Meanwhile, these famous people should be presented in media in such a way that young people can accept them as their role models. Only in this way will young people be interested in knowing more about them.

In conclusion, young people know more about international celebrities who enjoy more visibility than the famous people in their own country. Increasing their visibility and making them more attractive are the two things that must be done in order to draw young people's greater attention to the local famous people.

(308 words)



1. Generally speaking, young people of the present Information Age know much more about international pop and movie stars but they know much less about famous people in their own country.


2. In a mass-media culture, celebrities, such as pop and movie stars on the international stage, are usually more visible than the famous people in a local country.


3. Another important reason is that young people are naturally drawn to the fashionable things NOW rather than anything, however great, in the past.


4. In order to attract young people's attention to the famous individuals from the history in the country where they live, the news media outlets, including television and online publications, had better be encouraged to make widely visible those famous people of historical significance to the domestic audience.


5. Increasing their visibility and making them more attractive are the two things that must be done in order to draw young people's greater attention to the local famous people.




