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来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2018-12-29 09:24


TASK 1小作文 

1. 题型分析




2. 备考建议

a) 数据类小作文(线图,饼图,柱状图和表格)还是考察重点,考前一定要充分熟悉相关句型,尤其是Describing Trends(描述趋势),Describing Numbers(读取数据)以及Comparatives(比较),以上都可以在大家的课上笔记或补充讲义里找到;

b) 和之前一样,柱状图独得考官“恩宠”,2019年估计也会有此趋势;另外表格和线图数量也不少,要引起重视;

c) 数据类小作文(线图,饼图,柱状图和表格)大都以2016年左右的旧题为主,建议大家可以去找2015-2017年的小作文真题复习,说不定会在明年的考试中有意想不到的“收获”;

d) 非数据类小作文(地图和流程图)出现频率不低,建议在备考时还是要花时间好好复习,尤其是地图,预计还会是明年的“重头戏”;

e) 最后,剑桥真题4-10后面考官提供的小作文高分范文(每本书只有2篇),文章的写作思路值得借鉴,经典的词汇和句式应该要熟记。

TASK 2 大作文 

1. 题型分析

'Agree or Disagree (or Opinion)'依旧是出现频率的题型;相比之下,其他提问方式出题较少。

2. 话题分析

话题分析,Education(教育)以及Government & Society(政府与社会)出现频率,其他出现率低,但话题丰富多样。

3. 备考建议

a) 明年的重点题型(Question Types)预计还会是'Agree or Disagree (or Opinion)',所以大家一定要牢牢掌握住此类题型的写作思路和结构;其他题型也需要复习,尽管出题数量较少;

b) 无论什么题型,一定要理解大作文的写作任务要求(Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience),可概括为A - R - E,即Answer/Argument - Reason - Example,只有这样,考官才能真正读懂你的作文;

c) 考试时一定要注意审题!审题!审题!


TASK 2 (Government & Society): Some people think that spending money on developing technology for space exploration is unjustifiable, there are more beneficial ways to spend money.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

投资在developing technology for space exploration和more beneficial ways都要写到!少一个都是不完整的回答!

d) 大作文常见话题分析,还是以教育(Education)以及政府和社会(Government & Society)为主,大家在平时要多注意积累这两个话题的写作素材(考官范文,报纸,杂志,国外论坛等);此外,本季度大作文的话题呈现出丰富多样的趋势,这无疑会增加备考的难度,大家可以下载“新航道雅思”App,有往年的真题和高分范文,帮助大家了解这些话题并积累写作思路(Overcoming Knowledge Gaps)。





TASK 1: Line Graph

TASK 2 (Education): Some groups, such as poor people or people from rural areas find it difficult to access the university education. Universities should make it especially easy for the students coming from the rural areas to get an access to the university.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?



TASK 1: Map

TASK 2 (Gender): In many countries, women are allowed to take maternity leaves from their jobs during the first month after the birth of their baby.

Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?



TASK 1: Bar Chart

TASK 2 (Government & Society): Reports show that it is increasingly expensive to keep museum open to the public.

What do you think is the best way of funding them(e.g. the government, businesses or individuals)?



TASK 1: Map

TASK 2 (Family): Some people think that young people should spend more of their free time at home with their family instead of entertaining outside. Others disagree.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.



TASK 1: Bar Chart

TASK 2 (Government & Society): Public transport should be funded by the government so that it can be free for the people who use it.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?



TASK 1: Table

TASK 2 (Crime): It is showed that many criminals have a low level of education. Some people argue that the best way to reduce crime is to educate criminals in prison to help them find jobs when they leave prison.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?



TASK 1: Table

TASK 2 (Work): Many employers think that social skills are as important as good qualifications for employing people.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?



TASK 1: Line Graph

TASK 2 (Education): The quantities a person needs to become truly successful cannot be learnt at a university or similar academic institution.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?



TASK 1: Bar Chart

TASK 2 (Government & Society): Some people think that spending money on developing technology for space exploration is unjustifiable, there are more beneficial ways to spend money.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?



TASK 1: Mixed (Pie Chart & Table)

TASK 2 (Education): Some people think that schools should select their pupils according to their academic ability. Others think that young people with different abilities should be educated together.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.



TASK 1: Diagram

TASK 2 (Government & Society): Many young people today know more about international pop and movie stars than about famous people in the history in their country.

Why is this? What can be done to increase young people's interest in famous people in the history of their country?



TASK 1: Bar Chart

TASK 2 (Housing & Architecture): In some cities, there is less control over the design and construction of new homes and office buildings. People can build in whatever style they like.

Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?


