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常州新航道 > 雅思 > 2019.1.26.雅思大作文真题参考范文


来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2019-01-29 16:47






“Some people believe that women should play an equal role as men in a country's police force or military force, while others think women are not suitable for these kinds of jobs. Discuss both views and give your opinion.”


本题与2016年5月19日的话题几乎重合,但2016年5月 19日题目没有涉及police force,只涉及military force。尽管如此,两次考题性质几乎是一样的。



这个题目吊诡的地方就是,有些同学可能担心自己的“政治正确性”(political correctness),即比较害怕讨论第二个观点,似乎这样就是不尊重女性,就是歧视女性。但唐老师认为,如果你觉得第二个观点更好表达,你完全可以写第二个观点(当然,你可以想办法把自己的观点表达得更加soft一些)。雅思考试一般不会因为你的政治正确性来扣分,主要还是看你是否通过恰当的语言表达出了你需要表达的观点。





Just 100 years ago, policewomen or women soldiers were basically unheard of, yet now in many countries, women can be part of the police force and military force. Not afraid of the accusation of being biased against women or even male chauvinistic, I strongly believe that men and only men should be members of the police and military force.




(2)basically 基本上

(3)accusation 指责

(4)bias 偏见

(5)chauvinistic 大男人主义的



In the first place, being a policeman or soldier is extremely demanding physically. With very few exceptions, women are not possibly able to withstand the long hours of military training. For example, a policeman or a soldier sometimes has to remain exposed to the strong sunlight or the heavy storms hours after hours, or run many miles with heavy things carried with him. This means a soldier must possess great strength, stamina and endurance.While I am not willing to say that all women are lacking in these qualities, I am pretty sure that most women are not physically fit to do all this.




(2)demanding 要求很高的

(3)exception 例外

(4)withstand 受得住

(5)expose...to... 置身于......中

(6)stamina 耐力

(7)be lacking in... 缺乏......



Furthermore, if a woman plans to join the police or the army, she will have to deal with a number of social issues. For instance, her parents may have strong objections to this choice of hers, because with a daughter in the police or army, they may meet with inquiring and doubtful eye from their neighbors and friends. It was for this reason that my cousin sister had to give up her dream of becoming a soldier. Even if a woman does become part of the police or the army, she will have to learn to face a world full of the opposite sex. She may feel completely at odds with the rules and disciplines which are designed predominantly for men. 




(2)objection 反对

(3)inquiring 询问的

(4)the opposite sex 异性

(5)be at odds with... 与......格格不入

(6)predominantly 主要地



To conclude, physically, emotionally, and socially speaking, women are not suitable to serve in the police or armed forces. However, this does not mean that women do not have their share of responsibility to protect their country. As a supporter of "labor distribution" theory, I think women can help the men serving in the police and the army by taking care of their parents, children, and the family. This is as important as working in the police or the army themselves.




(2)This does not mean that... 这并不意味着......

(3)Share of responsibility 责任分担

(4)Labor distribution 劳动分工



Just 100 years ago, policewomen or women soldiers were basically unheard of, yet now in many countries, women can be part of the police force and military force. Not afraid of the accusation of being biased against women or even male chauvinistic, I strongly believe that men and only men should be members of the police and military force.

In the first place, being a policeman or soldier is extremely demanding physically. With very few exceptions, women are not possibly able to withstand the long hours of military training. For example, a policeman or a soldier sometimes has to remain exposed to the strong sunlight or the heavy storms hours after hours, or run many miles with heavy things carried with him. This means a soldier must possess great strength, stamina and endurance.While I am not willing to say that all women are lacking in these qualities, I am pretty sure that most women are not physically fit to do all this.

Furthermore, if a woman plans to join the police or the army, she will have to deal with a number of social issues. For instance, her parents may have strong objections to this choice of hers, because with a daughter in the police or army, they may meet with inquiring and doubtful eye from their neighbors and friends. It was for this reason that my cousin sister had to give up her dream of becoming a soldier. Even if a woman does become part of the police or the army, she will have to learn to face a world full of the opposite sex. She may feel completely at odds with the rules and disciplines which are designed predominantly for men. 

To conclude, physically, emotionally, and socially speaking, women are not suitable to serve in the police or armed forces. However, this does not mean that women do not have their share of responsibility to protect their country. As a supporter of "labor distribution" theory, I think women can help the men serving in the police and the army by taking care of their parents, children, and the family. This is as important as working in the police or the army themselves.

(364 words)



1. Not afraid of the accusation of being biased against women or even male chauvinistic, I strongly believe that men and only men should be members of the police and military force.


2. While I am not willing to say that all women are lacking in these qualities, I am pretty sure that most women are not physically fit to do all this.


3. Even if a woman does become part of the police or the army, she will have to learn to face a world full of the opposite sex. She may feel completely at odds with the rules and disciplines which are designed predominantly for men.


4. As a supporter of "labor distribution" theory, I think women can help the men serving in the police and the army by taking care of their parents, children, and the family.



