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2019.4.13雅思大作文范文解析 | 名人支持国际救助组织的利弊!

来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2019-04-29 14:04




Some people believe famous people's support for international aid organizations draws the attention to problems, while others think celebrities make the problems less important.

Discuss both of the views and give your opinion.



That celebrities speak for charitable (慈善的)organizations is commonplace (常见的). Although some people worry that the attention is paid to those stars rather than the issues, the actual case is the opposite of the concern. The celebrities’ stardom (明星光环/地位) is often well utilized (使xxx发挥作用)and successfully directs people’s attention to the problems. [措辞上避开人称的讨论更显客观]

[行文:先让步讨论反方的想法] It is reasonable to have the concern that people and the media may be off-topic when they see celebrities. People, especially the fans, are likely to be curious about the stars’ personal lives and careers or interested in other things, such as their styles, and the media, especially the tabloids (报道花边新闻的小报), often consider it as their job to find gossip. [行文:然后转折讨论反方想法的漏洞] However, it is only when celebrities make appearances as pure entertainers that the public and the media pay attention to those matters. [强调句:only when引导的(时间)条件状语被强调] People are rational (理智的) when they see the stars are ambassadors (代言人/形象大使)of charitable activities. [行文:必要时举例诠释道理] For example, when a famous actor speaks for the starving (挨饿的) children in some impoverished (贫穷的)areas of the world [注意对应题目中的international], people are more likely to find the issue serious than to find the star adorable (讨喜的). [讨论对方漏洞的时候,其实往往也是讨论自己的立场的合理性]

As a matter of fact, famous performers and athletes [通过细化人群来换词] can direct people’s attention to the problems first because their high social status enables them to be credible and persuasive (有说服力的). [然后细化解释] In others words, when the celebrities are concerned about the sufferings (痛苦的遭遇) and misery (悲惨)of some disadvantaged groups (弱势群体) or victims, people tend to follow them out of their faith (信任/信心)in the stars [讲清楚“为什么”]. In addition, since these charitable establishments know their jobs are serious missions, they are careful with their choice of endorsers (支持者). They have abundant (丰富的) experience in finding the most appropriate ambassadors—stars who have few scandals (丑闻) and stars who would not create the excessive impression of amusement (n. 惹人发笑)or entertainment. As desired, people’s eye is often caught by the problems instead of the celebrities themselves.

In conclusion, it is normal that some people are concerned about the deviation (n. 偏离) of the public’s attention. However, they do not need to be [语法:省略(重复的)]. In fact, famous people's advocate (n. (公开)支持) for international aid organizations can successfully draw the attention to problems.


