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常州雅思培训: 头发掉光了也写不会的地图题,终于有救了!

来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2019-08-12 09:35



雅思小作文地图题——引入一个visitor (第三视角)

☆ 句型可以更多样

☆ 摆脱单调机械的“东南西北”表达

☆ 有些措辞和描述从而变容易

☆ 路线比方位更有“情境感

1、高分范文及解析(1)《剑 14》Test 4


The two maps, as they are put together, show how Grange Park now is different from it was in 1920.

In 1920, visitors could enter the park from either the Arnold Avenue entrance or the Eldon Street one and would see a fountain in the park’s center. West of the fountain was a musical stage, and on the north and south sides of the stage were rose gardens with seats in the vicinity. Visitors would see another rose garden in the east, by the Arnold Avenue entrance, a pond for aquatic plants in the northwestern corner, and a glasshouse by the Eldon Street entrance with seats nearby. [注意:“visitor视角”写法并不意味着抛弃描述方位,“第三视角”是“描述东南西北”的补充。]

[写出与历史情况的关键区别。注意:关键区别 (main features) 即可,无需面面俱到。] Now, the fountain is gone, and now there is a square rose garden with seats on its four sides. Second, the musical stage is upgraded to an amphitheater for concerts. In addition, visitors entering from Arnold Avenue will see a café and a children’s playground in the corner on their left, and if patrons enter from Eldon Street, they will see a water feature on their right. It is also notable that there is an underground car park near the water feature.

[地图的综述很好写,就写变化程度的大小] Clearly, the park has changed immensely.

2、高分范文及解析(2)《剑 13》Test 1

The two maps illustrate the changed [改造类地图的核心就是change] road access to a city hospital in 2010 compared with 2007.

In 2007, the hospital was in the loop created by the Ring Road and accessible only from Hospital Road, which had an intersection with City Road. A visitor should go north on Hospital Road to enter the building and would see a number of bus stops on both sides of the road. If the visitor arrived by car, the car should turn east at the northern end of Hospital Road and would find the car park on Ring Road. [写出“路线感”]

In 2010, a visitor could take basically the same pathway [描述了两个图之间的关系], despite the few major developments in front of the hospital building. A visitor, going north, would need to pass the roundabout to go on Hospital Road and see a bus station on the left as the replacement of the bus stops, and the car park on the right became only for the staff’s vehicles. Going down the road, there was another roundabout whose eastern exit, on Ring Road, led to the public car park on the east side of the hospital building. [写出“路线感”]

Overall, the change was marked. 

以上就是常州雅思培训老师给大家雅思作文地图题的一个写作办法,引入一个visitor (第三视角),想要学习更多的雅思写作技巧,欢迎咨询在线客服。



