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2019.9.28.雅思大作文真题参考范文 | 父母和孩子间的年龄差增大优点VS缺点

来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2019-10-09 10:33



  “In some countries, the difference in age between parents and their children is generally greater than it was in the past. Do you think the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?”





  1. 父母经济条件更好



  1. 对父母的身体是一个挑战,父母可能看不到孩子长大就去世;

  2. 孩子刚刚走上社会,就面临着要照顾父母






  The number of older parents is on the rise as people are waiting until their 30s and 40s to start having babies, which has widened the age gap between parents and their children. For the most part, the benefits of this trend outweigh the drawbacks.



  (1) 本段开门见山给出背景,并明确提出自己的观点。

  (2) On the rise 在上升

  (3) For the most part 总体来说


  The widened gap in age between parents and their children may bring about financial and emotional benefits. Parents who decide to have babies later in life may have climbed the corporate ladder, received promotions, and are therefore financiallysecure to raise children. With that financial security would come the emotional privilege. Older parents seem to be more stable, relaxed, and less stressed-out than their youngercounterparts. Since older parents are more likely to have settled down professionally, they are able to allow themselves to spend more time with their children.



  (1) 本段讨论父母和孩子年龄差距增大的好处:经济和情感两个方面的好处。

  (2) Promotion 晋升

  (3) Secure 安全的

  (4) Counterpart 对应的人或物

  (5) Settle down 安定


  However, the choice to put off having babies may have negative implications for both parents and children. For parents, it is physically challenging to raise a baby when they are, say, over forty years old. The delayed parenthood is quite unfair for the children , too, because their parents probably will not be able to live long enough to see them grow up. Most importantly, when the parent-child age difference is 40 years or more, parents will very quickly become a burden to their children who are just starting their career as young adults. In this case, children might be forced to care for their older parents from a very young age.



  (1) 本段讨论推迟做父母可能带来的不利的影响,包括对父母自己和孩子。

  (2) Put off 推迟

  (3) Implication 含义

  (4) Delayed parenthood 推迟做父母


  For all these disadvantages, I still believe the greater parent-child age gap is a good thing, because it contributes to the economic and emotional well-being of children during the most important years of their growth. Meanwhile, with the improvement of medical technology and social pension system, the potential risks the older parents may experience and the burden they may give their children have been greatly reduced.



  (1) 本段是自己的观点部分。在这类“双边讨论”的作文结构中,作者需要在最后一段明确提出自己的观点,并简要给出理由。

  (2) For all 虽然,尽管

  (3) Contribute to... 有助于......

  (4) Potential 潜在的

  (5) Reduce 减少;压缩


  The number of older parents is on the rise as people are waiting until their 30s and 40s to start having babies, which has widened the age gap between parents and their children. For the most part, the benefits of this trend outweigh the drawbacks.

  The widened gap in age between parents and their children may bring about financial and emotional benefits. Parents who decide to have babies later in life may have climbed the corporate ladder, received promotions, and are therefore financially secure to raise children. With that financial security would come the emotional privilege. Older parents seem to be more stable, relaxed, and less stressed-out than their younger counterparts. Since older parents are more likely to have settled down professionally, they are able to allow themselves to spend more time with their children.

  However, the choice to put off having babies may have negative implications for both parents and children. For parents, it is physically challenging to raise a baby when they are, say, over forty years old. The delayed parenthood is quite unfair for the children , too, because their parents probably will not be able to live long enough to see them grow up. Most importantly, when the parent-child age difference is 40 years or more, parents will very quickly become a burden to their children who are just starting their career as young adults. In this case, children might be forced to care for their older parents from a very young age.

  For all these disadvantages, I still believe the greater parent-child age gap is a good thing, because it contributes to the economic and emotional well-being of children during the most important years of their growth. Meanwhile, with the improvement of medical technology and social pension system, the potential risks the older parents may experience and the burden they may give their children have been greatly reduced.

  (314 words)




