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2019.11.2雅思大作文真题参考范文 | 工作变化快,你该怎么办?

来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2019-11-07 14:20






“ The world of work is changing rapidly and people cannot depend on the same jobs or same conditions of work for life. Discuss the possible causes for this rapid change and give your suggestions on how people should prepare for work in the future.”



本题提出的现象是:现在工作世界正在发生快速变化,人们不能一辈子只从事一件工作,或者在一个工作条件下工作一辈子。原因大家应该比较容易想到:这是由于技术的更新换代引起的。技术变化,对工作的需求就要发生变化,工作的环境也会发生变化。在论述这个的时候,我们应该能想出1-2个具体的例子。比如在建筑工地上(construction site),以前很多由人工来完成的工作现在都由机器来完成,这必然会导致很多建筑工人失业。





The world of work is in transition due mainly to automation enabled by technologies including robotics and artificial intelligence. Automation is replacing human tasks, changing the occupational skills that employers are looking for in their employees. Many jobs that people are doing today have the potential to be automated and disappear altogether. For instance, the traditional construction site needed a lot of workers, but now most of the construction work is done by machines. Obviously, working conditions today are not the same as before and many people can no longer rely on taking the same job for good. 



(1) 本段开门见山,直接论述原因:自动化引起了工作及工作环境的变化。

(2) In transition 在转变中

(3) Automation 自动化

(4) Artificial intelligence 人工智能

(5) Construction site 建筑工地

(6) For good 永远地 (=forever)


As a result, there is a growing concern about whether there will be enough jobs for workers in future. This worry raises the question: How can people ensure that they are prepared for future work roles and what are those skills which are necessary for people to succeed in the new world of work? 



(1) 本段是过渡段,提出下一段即将回答的问题。

(2) There is a growing concern that...人们越来越担心......

(3) Ensure


Given the potential of automation to put jobs at risk, people should prepare to remain employable in the future by learning communication skills while keeping steps with new technologies. Although automation may be affecting manufacturing jobs, the human touch must be one thing that technologies cannot replace. In addition to working with the ever advancing technologies, therefore, it is important to realize that excellent interpersonal skills may play a vital role in future job market. Examples are plenty. For an office worker, that could mean being able to communicate across departments. For someone in customer service, it is interacting with another human. For a care provider, it is the empathy to help someone in need. Acquiring communication skills can set oneself apart fromhis/her competitors in the new world of work.



(1) 本段提出解决办法:除了适应新技术,还要提高与人沟通的能力。

(2) Put...at risk 让......处于危险之中

(3) Examples are plenty. 例子很多。

(4) Empathy 同情心;同理心

(5) Set oneself apart from... 使某人与......区别开来


To sum up, it is clear that the development of automation has rapidly changed the world’s work landscape. To become successful in the future workplace, it is crucial for people to know new technologies and how to communicate with others as well.



(1) 本段对前文内容进行了总结:原因及措施。

(2) Landscape 景观;局面


The world of work is in transition due mainly to automation enabled by technologies including robotics and artificial intelligence. Automation is replacing human tasks, changing the occupational skills that employers are looking for in their employees. Many jobs that people are doing today have the potential to be automated and disappear altogether. For instance, the traditional construction site needed a lot of workers, but now most of the construction work is done by machines. Obviously, working conditions today are not the same as before and many people can no longer rely on taking the same job for good.

As a result, there is a growing concern about whether there will be enough jobs for workers in the future. This worry raises the question: How can people ensure that they are prepared for future work roles and what are those skills which are necessary for people to succeed in the new world of work?

Given the potential of automation to put jobs at risk, people should prepare to remain employable in the future by learning communication skills while keeping steps with new technologies. Although automation may be affecting manufacturing jobs, the human touch must be one thing that technologies cannot replace. In addition to working with the ever advancing technologies, therefore, it is important to realize that excellent interpersonal skills may play a vital role in future job market. Examples are plenty. For an office worker, that could mean being able to communicate across departments. For someone in customer service, it is interacting with another human. For a care provider, it is the empathy to help someone in need. Acquiring communication skills can set oneself apart from his/her competitors in the new world of work.

To sum up, it is clear that the development of automation has rapidly changed the world’s work landscape. To become successful in the future workplace, it is crucial for people to know new technologies and how to communicate with others as well.   

(328 words)


1. Automation is replacing human tasks, changing the occupational skills that employers are looking for in their employees.


2. Given the potential of automation to put jobs at risk, people should prepare to remain employable in the future by learning communication skills while keeping steps with new technologies.


3. In addition to working with the ever advancing technologies, therefore, it is important to realize that excellent interpersonal skills may play a vital role in future job market.


4. To become successful in the future workplace, it is crucial for people to know new technologies and how to communicate with others as well.





