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来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2019-11-19 15:40


 最近几场的雅思官考又频上热搜, 尤其是听力部分的Rapper,再次成了大家吐槽的热点。其实语速的快慢并不是听力考试中非常大的障碍,不相信的小伙伴们,可以去做一下剑12Test6的Section4, 或是剑12Test8的Section3,说话人都是慢条斯理地聊天或是讲事情,但是他们仿佛谈的都是和题目无关紧要的内容,我们支愣着耳朵想找到定位词,可没想到一转眼他们就聊完了,这才是真正的绝望。所以,想要在听力上面有所突破,我们就得练就火眼金睛,识别各类陷阱。今天常州雅思就带大家来看看, 雅思考试中常用陷阱之一“偷梁换柱”是怎么回事。


  先让我们来看C7T1S3 Q27的这道题:

  27 Janice believes managers should

  A demonstrate good behaviour.

  B encourage co-operation early on.

  C increase financial incentives.


  Tutor: So how should managers deal with this?

  Janice: Rewards. When an individual demonstrates the behavior the organization expects, some kind of incentive can be given. What’s important here is that this happens right at the beginning so new recruits learn the rules of the system immediately. Also the incentive should be something the individual actually wants, and this isn’t always just money.

  小伙伴们在听到Janice回答的个句子的时候,很有可能选A,因为这段原文中的demonstrates the behavior the organization expects和A选项demonstrate good behaviour非常的接近,但其实这里就是一个典型的“偷梁换柱”的干扰项,27题题干问的是manager, 但是你在原文中听到的主语其实是individual,如果你识别出了这个陷阱,那么首先,A选项就可以排除了,然后在这一段的最后一句this isn’t always just money,也可以排除C选项,所以确定这一题的答案是B。


  29 What did Joanna’s subjects say about the audience at a performance?

  A The musician’s choice of clothing is linked to respect for the audience.

  B The clothing should not distract the audience from the music.

  C The audience should make the effort to dress appropriately.


  JOANNA: The subjects I interviewed felt this was really important. It’s all to do with what we understand by performance as a public event. They believed the audience had certain expectations and it was up to them as performers to fulfil these expectations, to show a kind of esteem…

  SUPERVISOR: …they weren’t afraid of looking as if they’d made an effort to look good.

  在原文里,我们听到的expectations和 esteem对应A选项的respect, 但是你接着往后,听到男声说的made an effort to look good貌似和C选项的make the effort to dress appropriately也非常的接近,那到底哪一个才是正确答案呢?其实这里再次用了“偷梁换柱”的 障眼法来迷惑我们,男声说的最后一个句子里,主语they指代的是上文一直在讲的subjects, 而选项C的主语,很明显,指的是audience, 所以C在这里其实是个偷换了主语的干扰项。选项A才是正确答案。



  Questions and Interruptions

  - Minimise interruptions by 40 them ( OG Test2 S4 Q40 )


  Interruptions, on the other hand, can be unwelcome and you may get them for a variety of reasons. It’s likely, however, that there’s something in your presentation that’s unclear or confusing. So my advice is to reduce problems by reading through your presentation beforehand and predicting potential points which could cause interruptions. You may then want to change that part of your presentation or, at least, you will be prepared if someone does interrupt you.

  大家在听原文时,很容易听出reduce和题干中的minimise是同义替换,紧接着后面出现了by reading through your presentation beforehand,于是很多同学便把reading through当作了40空的答案词。

  但其实这题没有那么简单,大家仔细读题,会发现在40空后面还有一个them,很明显这个代词是40空的宾语,那么40空毫无疑问是填一个动词的-ing形式, 同时,在面对代词时,大家一定要搞明白这个代词到底指代的是啥,根据代词的用法,他们往往就是为了避免重复上文刚刚提及到的名词,所以这里的them,应该毫无悬念地指句子前面的interruptions。

  那么现在问题就出现了,如果答案是reading through,那么我们在原文里听到的是by reading through your presentation beforehand,这里的your presentation和题干的them肯定不是同一个东西,所以非常遗憾,大家又掉进了这个“偷梁换柱”的坑了。

  那么正确答案到底在哪里呢,我们接着往后听,很快就会出现和reading through并列的下一个动词-ing形式,predicting potential points which could cause interruptions,而且这个predicting的后面也提到了interruptions,虽然,原文也没有那么直接的让interruptions跟在predicting的后面,而是以定语从句的形式去修饰predicting的宾语,但这个定语从句是能够让我们确认原文和题干的宾语可以完全对应,所以predicting才是正确的答案词。


