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雅思口语Part 3 观点题答题思路_常州雅思培训寒假班分享

来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2019-11-22 14:41




雅思口语Part 3 观点题答题思路.png

  观点类的题目也是雅思口语part3 中的老熟人,经常以“Do you think...?/ should...?”  等一般疑问句的方式来提问。这需要同学们来清晰地表达自己的看法。那么应对一般疑问句,只回答yes or no 就OK了吗?


  Do you think children do less sport than that in the past?


  ●Stating your opinion & Adding extra information to support  your argument.

  在遇到观点类题目时, 开头一定不要顾左右而言他,首先亮明你的观点。在回答yes or no 的时候我们也可以找一些其他的回答方式。

  ▲ Yes:


  短语:without a doubt; of course


  I’m pretty sure.

  I believe so.

  I supposed they do.

  I would say / have to say yes.

  Well, i can't speak everyone but I certainly do.

  I think the answer to this, on the whole, is yes.

  ▲ No :

  I doubt it.

  Not really.



  在表达完观点后,跟进一个主要论点。 例如“孩子们是为了学习比以前运动得少了”。

  “ Yes,  I supposed they do. Children nowadays are facing excessive pressure  of study. After all, attending an ideal school isan arduous process(艰苦的过程) for  them. so they have less time to play sports or do something outside.”

  ●Using examples from your own life.


  “For example, when I was younger, I played outside with my friends every  day after school. It was really an outlet of our energy (能量的释放) and a good way  to let off steam (释放压力).  Nowadays, I barely see children playing outside, not  to mention fierce sport competition(激烈的体育比赛). ”

  如果本身没有相关经历。可以借鉴身边的朋友,家人,甚至可以“无中生友” 进行杜撰。考官不会在意你讲的故事是否真实。比如:我有一个朋友  Sam,他的孩子平时是怎么挑灯夜战的。

  “My friend Sam and his wife have an 8-year-old daughter. She has to do  around two hours of homework every day after school,  of course, which means  she's too exhausted to go outside or do any strenuous sports (耗体力的运动) in the  evening. When I was eight years old, I could usually finish my homework before  dinner time”


  如果遇到实在难以“举个栗子”的话题也并不代表无话可说。我们可以换一个角度来推测一下造成yes 或者no的直接原因是什么。

  useful language :I suppose..../   style="mso-spacerun:'yes';font-family:'Times New Roman';color:rgb(0,0,0);  font-size:12.0000pt;" >It’s possible that...

  e.g. 1 孩子们不常做运动是因为没有“一番广袤天地大有作为”。

  “It’s possible that there aren't so many parks and other places where  children can play sports. In my hometown, the number of public parks isonly a  few to count (very few), because government has attached great importance (pay  attention to 的替代用法)to the construction of  business district while ignored  providing the places for citizens to enjoy entertainment and recreation.”

  E.g. 2 或者是因为吃鸡农药这类电脑手机游戏太“上头”。

  “One possible reason is that comparing with sport exercise, children  nowadays prefer video or mobile games.  I just noticed that every time when I  visited my uncle’s home, two younger cousins of mine always kept their phones  and were obsessed in PUBG which is a popular mobile game among children. I tried  to invite them to play basketball with me. The response, however, was always  unsurprisingly rejected.



  “Based on what I talked above, I don’t think it is not a good thing for  children, actually.  You know obesity(肥胖症) has become an increasingly (代替more  and more)common health problem among children now. Besides the unbalanced diet,  being over-weight also links to the lack of sports exercise. As far as I am  concerned, children, especially who are suffering from being obese,  should go  out of the door and make doing sport as a regular habit. Otherwise they would  never have the chance toburn extra calories (燃烧我的卡路里!). ”

 以上就是常州雅思培训老师的关于雅思口语Part 3 观点题答题思路的主要内容,希望大家可以学以致用争取在雅思口语考试中取得优异的成绩。

