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常州新航道 > 雅思 > 这么做雅思口语准备,想不拿高分都难


来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2020-02-07 19:29





怎么练,一道题一道题的来吗?那你得练到猴年马月。建议大家非常好是拿到话题,特别是part2,先分类,看看哪些话题可以套用你的同一个经历。还有就是Part2有范文的同学,别光背啊,通篇背诵这个习惯真的要改啊。同学们,有没有小时候,老师让背诵课文,背诵的时候有没有习惯就是一定要一字不漏的复述出来,一个字不对劲,就像从头开始。你觉得雅思口语考试的时候会让你从头来吗? 因此part2的范文,每次不要背诵,记住几个关键词,关键点。拿到话题,就练习。一定要多练习,不一定每次说的话都是一模一样的。一个人练习的小伙伴,用录音软件录下来,自己多听录音,你会肯定会发现自己的问题的,然后多练习,多改正!





Describe one of your favorite sport

Describe a way help you keep fit

Describe a famous athlete you know:

Who he/she is

How you know him or her

What he or she has achieved

Why he is famous



首先喜欢打羽毛球的人肯定知道:YONEX 日本的一个牌,林丹微博推荐

(Badminton) racket 球拍

Everyone knows how important it is to have the right racket. if you are serious about badminton, then you need to get the best suitable racket for you, so you can keep an edge over your competitors, if you are an experienced player, you might want to have a racket that brings you plenty of power and control with excellent maneuverability. Choosing a heavy-head and solid-construction racket which can bring you powerful and sharp smashed. However, heavy head rackets are not recommended for beginners because it can tire your wrist quickly if you are not well-seasoned.

Shuttlecocks 羽毛球:

plastic one (I don’t like it because it doesn’t fly very well compared with feather one)

The badminton shuttlecock will probably be the most expensive investment you have to make to play badminton. If you enjoy playing badminton or if you play rather intense badminton matches, it is very important that you play with durable and quality feather shuttlecocks. There are so many badminton shuttlecock brands out there (like Victor, Babolat…). However, not all manufacturers produce high-quality feather shuttlecocks. Yonex produces the best shuttlecock in the world. However, their shuttles are also the most expensive.



A badminton rally starts with the serve. Good serves definitely give you an edge over your opponent right from the start of the rally.

Serve to high: a good chance for your opponent attack you

Serve to short: it will be out

if you want to serve high, make sure hit it very hard to make sure the speed.


When you are playing, you shouldn’t attack the same place or the same corner. Attack four corners to consume your opponents’ energy.

Badminton shoes are very very important!

If you play a lot and play competition a lot, you have to wear badminton shoes to protect yourself. Because when you are playing, it requires a lot of movement in all directions.

The design of specialized badminton shoes takes into account the characteristics of the game, considering the rapid forward and back and left and right movement, the numerous sudden stops, cross steps, lunges, split steps and vertical leaps.

Badminton shoe design attaches importance to tight and comfortable fit, as well as increased lateral stability and increased traction so that the feet have sufficient anti-torque protection when a player is moving laterally at high speed. Also, because of the speed and agility that characterize badminton play, with the precondition of maintaining protective function, shoes are also made as light as possible to allow players to move around the court quickly and dive to make return shots when needed.

Some players go on court wearing running shoes or other leisure shoes, however, these don’t provide the feet with sufficient protection and can often lead to toe or even ankle sprains.

Last time, I sprained my ankle because I wore my running shoes to play. I wanted to smash. After I smash, I tried to move to the middle. I moved too quick, my toes got squeezed and turned in the shoes. It took me one month to recover and my plan to Finland the next day was canceled. I booked the flight already and it was not refundable. After that, I realized the importance of wearing specialized shoes for different sports.


I always feel upset and irascible if I immerse myself in writing assignments. Playing badminton for one or two hours is helpful to release pressure.


I go to many different badminton clubs. Some clubs for playing badminton, however, some clubs for me, there are more social where I met many interesting guys, some of them are students, some are working for differentcompanies. The most important thing is I met my boyfriend in one of a club. He absolutely is a master player and he’s training me a lot.


‘money as a gift’. 这个钱拿去干嘛了,买球鞋了嘛。




‘特别能说的人’ 我的好朋友,喜欢打球,每次说到羽毛球总是跟一个gun machine一样。。。。



