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《剑15》 Test 4 口语 Part 1&2 详细解读!

来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2020-06-22 11:12


剑15  Test 4 part 1&2详解


作为一个物品类话题,jewellery与之前题库中的gift话题有很多相似之处,同样涉及喜好,种类,频率和场合。Jewellery 是珠宝的总称,既指佩带或衣服的珠宝饰物,又指用普通金属、塑料或假宝石制作的装饰物。因此同学们日常佩戴的饰品都包含在范畴内。去年9-12月题库中perfume和make-up话题的作答方式也可以用做参考。

Jewellery作为通常意义上女生较为熟悉和偏爱的物品,对男生来说相关“佩戴频率”以及“喜好”的题目可能会有一些难以回答,那么首先基础的手饰品种词汇,例如:necklace, earing, ring, bangle, bracelet, brooch, charm, pendant等,需要进行一些补充;除此以外,在回答自己不擅长的话题时,要善于将话锋转向自己有所认知的内容,例如:如果作为男生,对首饰不太了解,可以考虑提及平时自己会佩戴或携带的装饰类物品例如腕带或眼镜,避免露怯和作答空洞无物。


1. How often do you wear jewellery? [Why/Why not?]

I suppose that most people would expect young women like me to be fanatical about jewellery, but actually I’m not. I mean I do enjoy looking at glittering pieces coz they are true artworks that demonstrate admirable craftsmanship, but I just feel comfortable having those little items on me.

2. What type of jewellery do you like best? [Why/Why not?]

I would say bracelets got to be the one. I wasn’t a fan of jewellery until Pandora got me started. In fact the concept of string up the good times of every moment in life was really appealing, overlaps of charms which represent different meanings was so fun that I’m not able to stop collecting them.

3. When do people like to give jewellery in your country [Why?]

There are couple of occasions throughout the year when giving jewelry as a gift might be a good idea. Buying something valuable along their style would definitely be appropriate when Parents’ birthdays are approaching, same as best friends’.  Apart from that, jewellery is also great for some other occasions like Valentine’s, Christmas or best friend’s wedding.

4.Have you ever given jewellery to someone as a gift? [Why/Why not?]

This past mother’s day I bought my mum a piece of pearl necklace which looks elegant and quite different from other gifts I used to give her. She was so surprised when opening up the gift box and it turns out that the necklace became her must-wear since then.

TV programme 也是在Part 2出现频率较高的话题,去年最后一个题季中就出现过“TV game or quiz show”此类话题要求同学们有一定量的电视节目种类的词汇储备,同时在描述节目内容时有意识的使用从句,被动语态来避免过多的使用简单句。除此以外,对于节目的观感可以融合在节目内容描述中表述,从而避免临近收尾时的形容词罗列的现象。

由于题目中提及的是过去看过的与科学有关的电视节目,在lexical resource上需要补充与科学相关词汇,而grammatical range and accuracy 则需要除了注意准确使用一般过去时,还可以创造机会在铺垫背景时使用过去完成时,和在描述细节时使用过去进行时。

What science topic this TV programme was about

The one and only science related TV programme rooted in my mind got to be the Discovery Channel. It covers whole pile of topics from flora to fauna and geography to astronomy.

When you saw this TV programme

There was a time when Cartoon Network was no longer able to be watched from our local channel, the Discover took place of it and influenced me greatly since then.

What you learnt from this TV programme about a science topic

Before I got the chance to go to the wild animal zoo, I had already knew quite a lot about animals because of the Discovery Channel. Grazers march on the African savannahs in search of grass and water. Polar bears float on sheets of ice in order to reach the land hundreds of miles away.

And explain why you found this TV programme interesting

I can imagine that If it’s not for the Discovery Channel, my parents would never have let me near the TV as much as I was allowed. Even they believe that their kid was absorbing some serious fun science stuff rather than wasting time while watching TV.

