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常州新航道 > 雅思 > 2020年9月20日雅思大作文真题参考范文 | 个人和国家未雨绸缪有多重要?

2020年9月20日雅思大作文真题参考范文 | 个人和国家未雨绸缪有多重要?

来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2020-09-24 15:36


  今天,常州雅思培训班小编给大家分享一下2020年9月20日雅思大作文真题参考范文 | 个人和国家未雨绸缪有多重要? 

 How important is it for individuals and countries to think about future rather than focus on present? (2020/9/20)

2020年9月20日雅思大作文真题参考范文 | 个人和国家未雨绸缪有多重要?





  那么在本题中,我们是否需要分别讨论“个人”和“国家”两种情况呢?老雅认为,如果我们把重点放在论证“未雨绸缪很重要”,那么我们就不需要专门去区分“个人”和“国家”,因为无论是谁都需要未雨绸缪,而且原因也是完全一样的。但是,如果我们认为“个人”和“国家”情况不同,比如认为“国家更需要未雨绸缪,而个人并不特别需要”,或者认为“个人和国家都需要未雨绸缪,但原因并不相同”,那么,我们就需要对“个人”和“国家”进行单独讨论。此外,本题问的是how important,而不是why important,因此重点不是讲理由,而是讲未雨绸缪的重要性,或者反过来,不未雨绸缪会带来什么后果。



  1. 未雨绸缪对个人和国家来说都很重要,但重要程度并不相同。

  2. 对个人而言,未雨绸缪意味着制订一个未来10年或20年的计划,然后努力去实现这个计划。制订这样的计划会让我们每天过得更有意义,更加充实。但这个计划可以根据个人实际情况变化而变化,而且即使没有这个计划,只要专注现在,个人依然可能收获幸福。

  3. 然而对国家而言,未雨绸缪则是必须的。通常来说,一个国家需要制订100年甚至更远的计划。制订这个计划,才能确定发展方向,从而在国与国之间的激烈竞争中占得先机【这里可以举例,比如19世纪的工业革命和当今的数字化革命】。如果一个国家仅关注现在,这个国家注定没有前途。

  4. 结论:未雨绸缪对个人和国家都是重要的,但似乎对国家而言更为重要。



  To think about future is always important to both individuals and countries, but I think it is more so to the latter.

  For individuals, to think about future means having a 10-year or 20-year future plan in mind while living at present. The plan is often about what kind of people we would like to become in future or what risks we have to avoid. Needless to say, with such a plan to guide us, our everyday life will be invested with a purpose telling us what to do and where to go. However, this does not mean that without such a plan our life will surely become intolerable. In fact, many people choose to focus on present. As they see it, thinking too much about future may become a huge burden and prevent them from enjoying the moment.

  While individuals can enjoy the moment, countries can never do the same. The only option for countries is getting well prepared for future. A country that just focuses on present has no future, no matter how strong it may be now. This is because the world is changing almost on a daily basis. Those countries that fail to make right judgments about the future will soon decline and fall in a world governed by the law of jungle, as is evidenced by Roman Empire and the numerous feudal dynasties in China.

  In summary, while it is important for both individuals and countries to have future in mind, there is more at stake for countries than individuals to be future-oriented. Without a future plan, an individual can still live a happy life, but what awaits a country is nothing else but its disapperance from the world.

  (285 words)


