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常州新航道 > 雅思 > 2021年2月6日雅思大作文真题参考范文 | 出国变得越来越简单,是好事还是坏事?

2021年2月6日雅思大作文真题参考范文 | 出国变得越来越简单,是好事还是坏事?

来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2021-02-19 13:55



  It has become easier and more affordable for people to visit other countries.

  Is it a positive or negative development?




  Visiting other countries is fantastic and favorable. The visit, gratifyingly, has become more easier for people, whether it is because of the simplified procedures like the visa-free scheme or the lower expense.


  Ø 开篇通过数个正面评价词汇体现作者本身的Ø 立场:赞同积极

  Ø fantastic 极好的

  Ø favorable 有利的

  Ø gratifyingly 令人欣喜地


  [概括观点] Being dropped into a new country can expand the visitor’s perspective.[解释观点] Suddenly, one has to order meals in a new language, navigate unfamiliar places, and cope with unexpected dilemma, through which he could realize how resourceful and capable he could be. Educational as these unforgettable novelties are, they, different from what the visitors have known, could also teach them to be tolerant, appreciating these differences. [概括观点] For the destination, the more outboard visitors, the better preservation of its culture. [解释观点] To specify, having plumbed that people come for new things, local government would try its best to prevent culture from fading away. This way, cultural diversity is guaranteed.


  Ø 贴紧开篇的积极立场开始阐述存在的好处

  Ø navigate 导航

  Ø resourceful 足智多谋的

  Ø capable 有能力的

  Ø novelty 新奇的事物

  Ø plumb 探出

  Ø fade away 消失


  [适度的转折]Indeed, this is not the whole story.[解释观点]A deluge of visitors can be devastating to local environment, as they may litter everywhere and mark the facilities. [举例证实] As a matter of fact, even the relatively most inaccessible scenic spots, the Mount Everest, for example, have not escaped human-generated waste. [对应着驳倒] However, I personally think such an ongoing plight can and is being changed, thanks to the booming tourism. [解释理由] This is because more and more authorities have realized that the sustainable tourism hinges largely on a neat and tidy environment, so how could anyone of them fail to clean the garbage-engulfed corners and repair damaged facilities?


  Ø 不忘去一分为二地看待问题

  Ø this is not the whole story 这不是全貌

  Ø litter 扔垃圾

  Ø mark 作记号

  Ø a deluge of 洪水般涌来的

  Ø devastating 破坏性极强的

  Ø ongoing plight 糟糕状况

  Ø hinge on 取决于

  Ø engulf 吞没


  In conclusion, when people can tour other countries more easily and affordably, the long-lasting benefits to both individuals and destinations far outweigh the underlying demerits. To support the development, all we visitors need to do is to be a sustainable visitor, protecting local environment while enjoying the fine view and impressive culture.


  Ø 解析:简洁地总结上文


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