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常州新航道 > 雅思 > 2021年3月4日雅思大作文真题参考范文 | 我们只保护对人类有用的濒危动物,就行了吗?

2021年3月4日雅思大作文真题参考范文 | 我们只保护对人类有用的濒危动物,就行了吗?

来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2021-03-11 09:44


  2021年3月4日雅思大作文真题参考范文 | 我们只保护对人类有用的濒危动物,就行了吗?

  Many animals are endangered. Some people argue that we should only protect animals that are useful to human. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2021年3月4日雅思大作文真题参考范文 | 我们只保护对人类有用的濒危动物,就行了吗?



  Troubled by the rising number of endangered animals, many people propose that animal conservation should only be centered on the benefits for humans. I do not think such a viewpoint is acceptable.


  Ø 根据题目背景,确定写作范围是围绕濒危动物而展开,因此所保护的并非是所有动物


  Admittedly, these people have the validity to hold this opinion, which is because the existence and extinction of species are originally a demonstration of a natural law: survival for the fittest. As the highest creature in nature, humans should consider the benefits brought by these endangered animals to our survival and development, and then selectively protect them. For example, in order to protect ourselves from the cold, people can choose to use the fur from the wild mink to make clothes for people to keep warm, and through the protection of these wild animals, the relevant mink-made products are available to people for a long time. However, this is a dangerous choice, violating the laws and regulations as those animals are hunted almost to extinction. What people see as "useful" is actually profitable, and "profit" is mostly driven by greed.


  Ø 这一段让步从“利”的角度出发,阐述人们能从保护对人有益的濒危动物中获取到的好处,并以野生貂为例;

  Ø validity:符合逻辑的

  Ø mink:貂

  Ø profitable:有利可图的

  Ø greed:贪婪


  In modern days, the reason why numerous animals become endangered is largely due to the random killing by humans. In order to improve the so-called "quality of life", humans will hunt and kill many animals to make the corresponding goods, such as elephant for ivory, rhinoceros for horns and Tibetan antelope for skin. With these animals dying out, the ecological balance will be disrupted, followed by some potential irreversible effects. A potent illustration of this is the proliferation of a certain species caused by the disappearance of its natural enemies, which in turn incurs the damage to people's lives. While if endangered animals are protected as a whole, the public can be educated to re-examine the role they play in the biosphere, thus changing consumption choices and creating a healthy balance between economy and ecology. Hence, we should protect all endangered animals in order to help maintain the stability of the ecosphere.


  Ø 反驳段开门见山指出当下动物濒危的原因几乎都和人类有关,因此应该对这些动物都进行保护,否则生态平衡会进一步受到影响;

  Ø ivory:象牙

  Ø rhinoceros horns:犀牛角

  Ø Tibetan antelope: 藏羚羊

  Ø disrupt:使混乱

  Ø potent:强有力的

  Ø proliferation:激增

  Ø natural enemies:天敌

  Ø biosphere/ ecosphere:生物圈


  In short, people cannot protect endangered animals selectively. The protection of these animals is closely related to the future development of human beings.


  Ø 总结人们不应选择性保护,因为保护这些动物和人类的未来息息相关。

