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常州新航道 > 雅思 > 2021年2月27日雅思大作文真题参考范文 | 水资源短缺的原因和解决措施!

2021年2月27日雅思大作文真题参考范文 | 水资源短缺的原因和解决措施!

来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2021-03-11 09:49


  2021年2月27日雅思大作文真题参考范文 | 水资源短缺的原因和解决措施!

  Water scarcity is a serious problem in many countries. What are the causes of this?And what solutions can be done by individuals and the government?

2021年2月27日雅思大作文真题参考范文 | 水资源短缺的原因和解决措施!



  Although the Earth is also known as the "water globe", there is not much water available for human to use. Many countries are still mired in water shortages. It is important to understand the reasons behind this and to propose solutions.


  Ø 题目背景的中心概念是水源短缺,因此可作同义转述,进而再点明文章内容是要讲原因和解决措施;

  Ø be mired:使陷入困境


  There are several reasons for water scarcity. For a start, many countries have primitive levels of economic and social development and therefore have a huge demand for water for both industrial and agricultural production. However, the lack of specific experience and technology in the usage and management of water resources in these countries can lead to serious crisis of water resources. For instance, some places in the world still irrigate extensively because of technical limitations, bringing about the decrease of watering efficiency. At the same time, many countries spare no expense in industrial production to boost GDP at any price, resulting in the overuse of water. In addition, the fact that people lack the awareness of water conservation should also be stressed, especially captured in the process of daily bathing and cooking, because many people argue that a little more water for one person does not have a direct impact on the inadequacy of water resources.


  Ø 主要原因可从两个层面展开:客观层面(工农业生产)以及主观层面(人们缺乏节水意识);

  Ø primitive:发展水平低的

  Ø spare no expense:不遗余力

  Ø capture:体现在


  For these reasons, it is essential to introduce some solutions to mitigate the crisis. Raising public awareness is crucial, and many social groups can be the facilitators to promote the importance of water conservation and impel the public to realize that this is not a national responsibility, but a civic duty. Besides, the government should help the relevant regions to introduce advanced water saving technologies and experience, such as upgrading the obsolete watering method into drip irrigation. What is more, the government can enact corresponding laws and regulations to stipulate and deter some water wasting behaviors.


  Ø 解决办法从个人和政府两个角度切入:提高个人意识;政府加强技术经验的引进和指导;制定法律规范;

  Ø mitigate:使缓和

  Ø facilitator:推动者

  Ø impel: 推动

  Ø obsolete:老旧的

  Ø drip irrigation:滴灌

  Ø enact:制定法律

  Ø stipulate:规定

  Ø deter:震慑


  Overall, water scarcity is a global problem that requires the combined efforts of individuals and governments to solve.


  Ø 总结水资源短缺问题需要政府和个人合力来解决。

