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2021年7月24日雅思大作文示范写作 | 依赖 or 独立?

来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2021-08-16 15:26



2021年7月24雅思大作文题目依赖 or 独立?

Some people think individuals are more and more dependent on each other. Others believe we are more and more independent. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

2021年7月24日雅思大作文示范写作 | 依赖 or 独立?



With the easier access to the Internet, people who claim that they can well perform their assignments, whether in work or in life, without the help of others only to find they may leave all the things in a mess. From my perspective, while we achieve independence in some ways, we are actually becoming more dependent on each other in others.


社会类的老话题,在13年、16年分别出现过,这次又重现。出现了讨论关键词“dependent VS independent”是抽象名词,略微有点难度。双边观点互斥,可以站边讨论。

▷ only to find 结果却发现(表达出人意料或不愉快的意思)

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Admittedly, it is justifiable for some to advocate the argument that citizens nowadays are becoming self-reliant. This is mainly because they seem to enjoy more freedom and fewer shackles, especially in finances. For instance, in the past, young school-leavers tended to secure a stable job and thus lean on the company to make ends meet; wives, “the angel in the house”, used to be fully engaged in domestic trivialities, being parasitic on their husbands financially; and the old always asked the young to take care of them. Things have changed. Graduates are allowed to start their own business from scratch based on the vigorous e-commerce; more women become breadwinners, leaving their husbands for babysitting; and the old, instead, freely choose to spend their late years in nursing homes. In this case, they are less dependent as they used to be.



▷ secure vt. 获得

▷ lean on v. 依靠

▷ make ends meet 收支平衡;量入为出

▷ the angel in the house 文学意向,指代照顾家庭的贤妻良母

▷ domestic trivialities n. 家庭琐事

▷ be parasitic on 寄生于

▷ from scratch 白手起家

▷ breadwinner n. 挣钱养家的人

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However, the above argument is rather an incomplete part of the whole picture, which indicates that cooperation is the necessity in both people’s work and their daily life. More accurately, since the division of labour has become more intensified, it is a commonplace that one may be a big fish in one domain but a small potato in another. In workplace, employees are more likely to work as a team, with everyone concentrating on his or her own module. In daily life, citizens, be they working professionals or entrepreneurs, husbands or wives, the old or the young, have to rely on others to address some trivial things, from delivering food to fixing the plumbing. In this sense, everyone leans on others, with no one being an exception.


从生活和工作两方面进行阐述: 劳动分工更加细化,导致人们在自己擅长的领域之外,不得不依赖其他职业的人。

▷ big fish n. 大人物

▷ small potato n. 无名小卒


To recapitulate, while people seem to be financially independent to some extent, collaboration with others, both in employment and daily life, is inevitable.



▷ recapitulate v. 总结

以上就是新航道常州雅思培训班小编分享的2021年7月24日雅思大作文示范写作 | 依赖 or 独立的全部内容,更多有关雅思考试的问题,可以咨询新航道在线老师或者拨打400-011-8885

