2021年7月17日雅思大作文示范写作 | 广告意在推销非必需品吗?
Some people say that the main aim of advertising is to improve the sales of products that people do not really need.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Advertising has been an integral part of our economic and social life now. However, as a powerful technique of promoting sales, it has been censured by some people for its “main aim”: to encourage shoppers to buy unnecessary goods. I tend to think that this view presents a very one-sided picture of advertising.
▷ integral part 不可或缺的部分
▷ censure 谴责v.
▷ one-sided 片面的adj.
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The commentary is understandable that advertising creates unconscious desires. People holding this view may ascribe their over-consumption to advertisers’ exaggerated claims of their marketing pitches, which means advertising puts goods in a positive light, creating unrealistic expectations, all for the benefit of selling. Enticed by these messages, consumers would buy goods of little or no value to themselves on impulse, be it a new cell phone or a massage armchair.
▷ ascribe … to … 归咎于
▷ marketing pitch 市场营销
▷ entice 怂恿 v.
▷ on impulse 一时冲动
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To persuade potential customers through evoking their psychological appeals, indeed, is one objective of advertising. However, I would argue that there is a controversy in what constitutes necessities versus non-essentials. This ambiguous notion is changing, along with the change in generations. To explain, what seems nonessential now – a massage armchair, for example – may fulfill its function years later, whereas what seems required now – a cell phone, for example – may soon lose its value if operating systems suddenly upgrade.
▷ evoke 唤醒 v.
▷ psychological appeals
▷ controversy 争议 n.
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My firm conviction is that the real objective of advertising is to promote effective communication between producers and consumers. When a new product is to be introduced in the market, producers create memorable advertising campaigns that boost brans recognition, from which potential customers can be informed more about product advantages and know what suits their requirements and budget. Not only that, advertising helps maintain the demand for existing products and services.
▷ introduce 引入v.
In conclusion, I would say that the main aim of advertising is to prepare a ground for the sales of products, but we cannot affirm that the promoted goods are unnecessary.
▷ prepare a ground for 为…打基础
▷ affirm 断言v.
以上就是新航道常州雅思培训机构老师分享的2021年7月17日雅思大作文示范写作 | 广告意在推销非必需品吗的全部内容,希望能对大家的学习有所帮助。
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