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常州新航道 > 雅思 > 雅思口语Part 2话题 —《敬佩的商人》聊一聊新四大发明共享单车ofo品牌创始人

雅思口语Part 2话题 —《敬佩的商人》聊一聊新四大发明共享单车ofo品牌创始人

来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2021-09-17 13:50


  《敬佩的商人》是9-12月口语换题季的新题,这道题整体难度不大,我们先来一步一步拆解开来。首先题目要求描述这个人是谁,大家在选择人物的时候还是要选择自己熟悉的人,选择对象可以是国内著 名商人,也可以是国外的商人。

  其次就是“How you knew this person”这个问题,在这里特别要注意的是,题目中的“admire”一词是重点,他一定是你敬佩的商人。

雅思口语Part 2话题 —《敬佩的商人》聊一聊新四大发明共享单车ofo品牌创始人


  Describe a businessman you admire

  You should say

  Who this person is

  How you knew this person

  What kinds of business this person does


  1. to run your own business:经营自己的企业

  2. Make great contributions :做出巨大贡献

  3. Be well-known for :以..而闻名

  4. to draw up a business plan :起草一份商业计划书

  5. Seek common ground while reserving differences :求同存异

  6. be extremely cruel and merciless :心狠手辣

  7.to launch a product(to start selling and promoting a new product ):发布产品(开始销售和推广新产品)

  1.Who this person is

  第 一小问这个人是谁,是一个人物类的常规问题,相信大家的回答经验很应该很丰富了,可以回答他是来自哪里,从事哪个方面的工作,在哪里生活等等。

  2.How you knew this person


  3.What kinds of business this person does


  4.And explain why you like or dislike it


  下面是新航道常州雅思培训老师挑选的9-12月最 新口语题库中的高分口语答案,主题描述的是OFO创始人,一起来看看吧。







  The businessman l admire most was Dai Wei, founder and CEO of the ofo sharing bicycles. He used to study at Peking University, one of the two best universities in China and do a degree in finance.

  After graduation, he could have gone to a commercial bank and become a millionaire at a very early stage of his lfe.But,instead, he volunteered to be a maths teacher in an impoverished town in Qinghai province.This article is from Laokaoya website. Do not copy or repost it. A year later, he came back to school and embarked on his master degree.During this time,he established ofo sharing bicycles with three co-founders. What l find interesting about this man is that every step of his life was beyond people’s anticipation. He chose to become a teacher instead of a banker and built a company when he was supposed to study.

  The products of his company, little yellow bikes, which you can see all over the street, have dramatically changed the way of transportation. In the past, l used the bus or subway to travel to work or school. They were not bad, but could be a little frustrating, since l still had to walk a certain distance to get to my destination afterl got of. And sometimes that can be a long way.

  The yellow bikes alleviate this problem.

  Now when I reach the station, l pull out my cellphone, scan the QR code, unlock the bicycle, and ride to my destination.It is more convenient, simpler and much less physical-demanding.This is why l admire Dai Wei.His company actually benefits our life.

