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雅思口语Part 2:描述一下你喜欢或不喜欢的城市中的一座高楼—中国尊到底有多神奇?

来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2021-09-23 11:16


  雅思口语Part 2:描述一下你喜欢或不喜欢的城市中的一座高楼—中国尊到底有多神奇?节目结合时事以及主流热点,每期节目控制在3分钟左右,碎片化学习,每周更新一期。


  最 新的雅思口语题库这样一道题“Describe a tall building in your city you like or dislike. ",这让我想起了北京的新地标——中国尊。它位于北京最繁华的国贸CBD,是中信集团的总部大厦,总高度达528米,是目前北京最 高的建筑。它建筑构思源于中国传统礼器——“尊”的意象,体现了中国的文化以及北京的未来,被评为“中国当代十大建筑“。今天,新航道常州雅思培训班老师就结合这道口语话题,一起聊聊中国尊吧!


雅思口语Part 2:描述一下你喜欢或不喜欢的城市中的一座高楼—中国尊到底有多神奇?

  本期Part 2 话题

  Describe a tall building in your city you like or dislike.

  You should say:

  Where it is

  What it is used for

  What it looks like

  And explain why you like or dislike it.


  Well, a tall building in my city I like. I live in Beijing now, so for this topic, the first building that springs to my mind is the CITIC Tower, also known as China Zun. Being the tallest skyscraper in the Central Business District, China Zun has 109 stories in total and it's 528 meters high, surpassing the China World Trade Center Tower III, becoming one of the most prominent icons of the city.

  As the name suggests, this building resembles an ancient Chinese ceremonial vessel, called the Zun, which was first made in the bronze age. The architecture is a perfect mix of ancient culture and modern style, making it stand out and striking. It features 60 floors of office space, 20 floors of luxury apartments as well as 20 floors of hotel. Now, not only is it an office building, it's also one of the most-visited tourist attractions in Beijing. Many tourists or local people head to it because on the top floor, there's an observation deck where visitors can enjoy the panoramic view of the city.


  1. skyscraper n. 摩天大楼

  2. prominent adj. 突出的,显著的

  3. resemble vt. 类似,像

  以上就是新航道常州雅思培训班老师分享的雅思口语Part 2:描述一下你喜欢或不喜欢的城市中的一座高楼—中国尊到底有多神奇的全部内容,每周都会更新,大家可以继续关注新航道官网,如果还有关于雅思考试的问题,也可以咨询新航道在线客服。

