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常州新航道 > 雅思 > 2021年6月5日雅思大作文示范写作 | 家庭影响 or 外界影响更大?

2021年6月5日雅思大作文示范写作 | 家庭影响 or 外界影响更大?

来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2021-09-23 11:20



  2021年6月5日雅思大作文示范写作 | 家庭影响 or 外界影响更大?

  A family has a great influence on children’s development, but the influence from outside the home plays a bigger part in children’s life. Do you agree or disagree?

2021年6月5日雅思大作文示范写作 | 家庭影响 or 外界影响更大?



  (交代背景)The growth of a child is affected by numerous factors. (复述题目)Some feel a family is of great importance to children, while others argue that influences from outside the home play a larger role in shaping them. (作者立场)In my view, it is a child’s family that has a more significant impact on how the child develops.


  (作者理由)Children learn most of their habits and behaviors from those with whom they spend the most time during early childhood, i.e. their family members. Parents are the ones raising their children, after all, and it is during children’s formative years that their brains encode vital socialization skills and other interactive attitudes. (举例)This is exemplified by the high rate of criminality among children who grew up in broken homes. When parents are neglectful or abusive, children learn these habits and have high tendencies to repeat such behaviors themselves. (对比)On the opposite end of the spectrum, parents who teach constructive habits such as responsibility and independence to their children most often produce competent and upstanding citizens who know better than(不至于) to follow the crowd. Such children do not require the approval of others for validation(确认;证实), and thus are not affected by outside influences as much.


  (让步)Admittedly, there are situations in which influences outside the home have a greater effect on a child’s development than families do. As mentioned above, when parents are neglectful their children will instinctively seek out role models whom they can emulate(努力赶上). This frequently leads to them “falling in with a bad crowd” or being peer pressured into activities or lifestyles which are not healthy. For instance, drug abusers often started because their parents were not around to supervise them or educate them, and thus as children they spent time with similar children to whom they could relate. As the adage goes, “when the blind lead the blind, everyone falls in the ditch.” (转折)Yet, even in this case, it is ultimately the influence of the family, or lack thereof that has the greatest effect on how a child develops: whether for good or ill, it all stems from one’s home life.


  (复述立场)All in all, I believe that children develop along the path that a family leads them to. (总结论点)Good homes and parents will plan a clear path easy to follow, whereas a neglectful or abusive family may cause children to be led astray by outside influences. With good parenting, no amount of peer pressure or other non-home factors can have much of an effect on a child.

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