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常州新航道 > 雅思 > 2021年5月15日雅思大作文真题范文 I 保持身体健康是为社会还是为个人?

2021年5月15日雅思大作文真题范文 I 保持身体健康是为社会还是为个人?

来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2021-09-24 10:50



  2021年5月15日雅思大作文真题范文 I 保持身体健康是为社会还是为个人?

  People should look after their health as a duty to the society where they live, rather than their own benefits. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




  When health problems of the public are turning into a social concern, many deem that individuals, as a member of the community, should maintain their health in terms of fulfilling one of their social obligations instead of reaping their own benefits. From my perspective, I tend to think otherwise.


  注意题干中的rather than(而不是),意味着这个观点是认为“take care of their health”只是“a duty to the society”。我们站其对立面时,可以是认为保持健康“只”和个人相关,也可站在“与个人和社会均有关”。曾有类似题目问的是“个人保持健康应该是个人负责还是政府负责”,要区分这两个问题的差异。

  Concession & Refutation

  Admittedly, it is justifiable for some to perform their social duty by leading a healthy life. This is mainly because as a member of society, one throughout his or her entire life usually enjoys the social welfare, especially in health care, such as footing part of the medical bills, offering free vaccinations, and investing in medical research for the sake of bettering people’s well-being. In return, it naturally follows that citizens should assume their responsibility to repay the community by at least not putting extra burden on the corridors of power. In other words, citizens should facilitate the reduction of financial cost in medical field, and thus stay healthy to this end. However, this is an incomplete part of the whole picture, which indicates that individuals should adopt healthy habits not only for social duties but also for their personal benefits.




  As a matter of fact, aiming at reaping one’s own benefits is more likely to enable him or her to secure a sound physique. Such is human nature that people usually have every reason to negotiate the impediments and fulfil the goal for their own sake, with a sense of social responsibility being too abstract to serve as the motivation. A typical example is what happened in China at the beginning of 2020 when the nightmarish pandemic – COVID-19 – impacted. Why did most Chinese citizens conform to a series of policies issued by the government and stay at home for months during the lockdown? The answer may be the social obligation of helping alleviate the tension, but a more real response to this question is human’s innate fear of suffering from the torture of diseases, physically and mentally.




  To sum up, it is much easier for citizens to stay healthy for the purpose of deriving their own benefits, which further secures a win-win result for both individuals and the society.



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