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2021.9.26雅思大作文参考范文 | 科技打击犯罪还是鼓励犯罪?

来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2021-09-29 14:28



2021.9.26雅思大作文参考范文 | 科技打击犯罪还是鼓励犯罪?

Some people think technological development can reduce crime, while others think it actually encourages crime.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.




Many may say, and I agree, that crime has fallen dramatically these days due to breakthroughs in technology. Yet, I am also convinced of the connection between them and the occurrence of certain crimes.


It is irrefutable that the latest technology can deter some would-be wrong-doers. They, for example the drivers or domestic abusers, may think twice before running a stoplight or inflicting harm on families to avoid being captured and sent to prison, thanks to the installation of digital cameras everywhere. The surveillance also makes it much easier to track suspects. Not only that, but law enforcement agencies are harnessing big data and analytic tools to predict where and when different types of crimes may occur. In this way, more police forces now are patrolling in high-risk areas, which ensures them to halt and eradicate crimes more effectively. (科技进步首先能震慑潜在罪犯:如摄像头的存在作用;大数据分析同时还能预判犯罪行为的高发地,从而提高办案效率。)


* irrefutable 无可辩驳的

* deter would-be wrong-doer威慑潜在的不法分子

* inflict harm on 对…施加伤害

* installation 安装

* surveillance 监控,监视

* track suspects 追踪嫌疑犯

* harness 利用

* patrol 巡逻

* halt 制止

* eradicate 消除


However, to a certain extent, advancement in technology opens more opportunities for criminals. Take the Internet as an example. Its anonymity and billions of active users daily make it a playground for potential online criminals, who unscrupulously steal others’ private information, such as bank account and phone number, online. Much of this eventually evolves into cyber fraud. In addition, the lack of money is one of the chief culprits shepherding people to commit crimes. With this in mind, should technology proliferate, more people may be desperate, because it allows for the replacement of human workers. Then, it is not difficult to understand why they end up being outlaws. (网络的匿名性和大量的活跃用户使网络诈骗频发;科技的进步在逐步取代人工,而失业会致使人犯罪。)


* open opportunities 提供机会

* anonymity 匿名性

* unscrupulously 无道德原则地

* evolve into 演变为

* chief culprit 罪魁祸首

* shepherd 诱使

* unscrupulously

* proliferate 扩散

* be desperate 铤而走险

* outlaw 亡命之徒


In conclusion, technological development is not merely the crime stopper as it seems. It seems to me that realizing and avoiding the adverse impacts are equally essential.

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