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雅思口语Part2话题:《想提升的天赋》怎么找到自己的nature talent?

来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2021-09-30 14:48


  《想提升的天赋》是2021年5-8月口语题库的一道新题,难度系数适中,在题目中已经给到了大家回答的方向,描述一个想提升的天赋,例如:运动、音乐等,那么顺着艺术类、运动类方向来回答肯定不会偏题。那么,如何找到题目中所说的nature talent呢?在这里新航道常州雅思培训班老师给大家一个方向,不用太纠结nature talent的定义,可以往自己的感兴趣的技能或爱好作为出发点,选一个自己熟悉的领域来作答就不至于后面的问题卡壳。



  “hobbies”means an activity or interest pursued outside one's regular occupation and engaged in primarily for pleasure.

  只要选择工作或学习之外的娱乐活动都可以作为hobbies来展开描述,比如绘画、演讲、赛车等,甚至电竞游戏也可以作为nature talent的一个方向来回答。

雅思口语Part2话题:《想提升的天赋》怎么找到自己的nature talent?


  Describe a natural talent(sports, music,etc)you want to improve

  You should say:

  What it is

  When you discovered it

  How you want to improve it

  And how you feel about it


  level up;polish 提升

  recreational activity 休闲活动

  get the hang of 掌握

  tap my full potential on 充分发挥潜力

  Celebrities 名人

  perseverance, persistence 坚持

  amateur 业余爱好者

  public speaking 演讲能力

  critical thinking 批判性思维

  1.What it is

  第 一小问需要介绍这项天赋是什么,可以介绍这个天赋的所属领域是什么,它的发展史(history)是怎样的,还可以介绍在这项天赋中有哪些名人和领 袖,选取两个维度展开描述即可。

  Example one:

  Painting is one of many art forms, which belongs to the plastic arts. In the

  history of western art, many painters have made outstanding

  achievements in the field of painting, such as Van Gogh, Picasso, and


  Example two:

  Singing is an art that requires the combination of emotion and voice. My

  favorite female singers are Beyonce and Rihanna. Their high pitches are

  surprising and comfortable to listen to.

  2.When you discovered it


  Example one:

  I discovered my talent in a singing competition in high school, where my song "If I Were a Boy" won the first prize in school, so I began to practice my voice and treble regularly.

  Example two:

  I found that I had this talent when I was in college. It was in a friendly

  basketball match. As I was tall, I played as a forward and scored well in

  several games. Of course, this is also the result of my hard training before

  the match and the constant practice with my teammates.

  3.How you want to improve it


  Example one:

  I'm going to do physical exercises every day and then take part

  in a local basketball game and find a professional coach to guide me. In

  order to improve my ability more effectively, I will also consult the

  seniors and PE teachers.

  Example two:

  In order to improve this talent and not hurt my voice, I plan to find a professional treble teacher to guide me, and I also want to buy a guitar to try to compose my own lyrics and music, so as to improve my creative ability.

  4.And how you feel about it

  第四小问事常规的主观类回答,可以套用咱们经常使用的万 能模板来回答,这项天赋的提升给你带来的影响是“positive”还是“negative”的,选取一个角度展开阐述。

  Example one:

  I think singing can vent the pressures of life, and enrich spare time. Singing can also bring happiness and encouragement to others. For example, I always listen to the songs of my favorite singers when I am feeling down, and their voices always bring me strength.

  Example two:

  Playing basketball makes me more and more energetic. It not only makes

  me more outgoing, but it also helps me find my direction in life: to

  become a professional basketball player.

  下面是新航道常州雅思培训班老师挑选的5-8月最 新口语题库中的高分口语答案,主题描述的是绘画天赋,一起来看看吧。


  我最想提升的是绘画天赋,绘画是众多艺术形式的其中一门,属于造型艺术,在西方艺术史中有很多画家在绘画领域取得了卓越的成就,比如梵高,毕加索,达利,他们的画作都有独特的个人风格,作品在拍卖会上价值连城。我最初是在读小学的时候发现我有这个天赋的,那是在一堂美术课上,我的画作获得了美术老师的表扬,从那以后我就喜欢上了绘画。我准备先在网上找一些视频来边学边画,另外我买了一些关于艺术史的书籍来阅读,提升自己的审美水平。我认为艺术能让自己感到很放松,在创造出一幅优 秀的作品时会很有成就感。


  What I want to improve most is my skills in painting. I have been interested in painting since I was in primary school, and I have expanded my talents in this field through further professional training. However,there is no end to learning, so I hope I can make continuous progress.Painting is one of many art forms, which belongs to the plastic arts. In the history of western art, many painters have made outstanding

  achievements in the field of painting, such as Van Gogh, Picasso, and Dali. Their paintings all have unique personal styles and their works are worth a lot of money at auction.

  I first discovered that I had this talent when I was in primary school. It was in an art class that my painting was praised by my art teacher. From then on, I fell in love with painting. I plan to look for some videos on the Internet which teach me how to learn and draw so I can further my skills.In addition, I bought some books about art history to read to improve my aesthetic level. I think art makes me feel relaxed, and I feel a sense of accomplishment when I create excellent work. What’s more, the artistic

  accomplishment can also bring people enjoyment of beauty and improve

  the ability to perceive beauty.

