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2021年10月17日雅思大作文真题参考范文 | 人们为什么努力工作?

来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2021-10-21 10:45



  2021年10月17日雅思大作文真题参考范文 | 人们为什么努力工作?

  The only reason for people working hard is to earn money.

  To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2021年10月17日雅思大作文真题参考范文 | 人们为什么努力工作?


  看见题中出现绝 对词,例如the best, the only 等,建议大家在考场上迅速决定采取 反对立场。因为这样写内容更加丰富。文章结构如下:

  【introduction】1. 说明题干观点确实言之有理;2. 反驳题中唯 一这个关键词,同时预告下文将会介绍更多别的原因

  【body 1】1. 阐述题中观点为何言之有理;2. 转折,为下段陈述别的原因做铺垫

  【body 2】 分别论证别的两个原因




  Money, synonymous with more control over our own life and fewer constraints on our choices, motivates us to work and compels us to work harder. However, it does not follow that it is the only reason why people work, and this essay will elaborate some other reasons.


  * Compel v. 迫使;使必须

  * Synonymous adj.等同于;与...密不可分的


  It is true that before taking a job a starting a business, most people, understandably, first look at the financial prospects. After all, with a handsome pay, they cannot only buy daily necessities, but also go through financial struggles like debts and loans. Hence, to earn a good salary, they are intrinsically motivated to work around the clock. However, this motivation cannot explain the fact that many old people with sufficient savings and pensions continue to work hard after their retirement, nor can it demonstrate the extra work time committed by the average people.


  * Handsome adj. 数量大的;

  * work around the clock 日以夜绩的工作

  * Commit v. 花(钱或时间)


  Therefore, in addition to money, there must be other reasons incentivizing people to work hard. Among them, the desire to climb the social ladder may be the most obvious one. Some workers with heavy workload cannot receive commensurate reward promptly, but they do not therefore shirk. This is because they want to showcase their talents, which is the precondition to get promoted and be respected. Another motivating factor is also convincing - to maintain a sense of community. Many senior citizens lead an isolated existence after retirement, which is scientifically proved to be hazardous to their mental and physical health. Hence, to alleviate loneliness or to keep fit, they choose to affiliate themselves with a company, where they live a busy yet meaningful life.


  * Commensurate adj. (在大小、重要性、质量等方面)相称的,相当的

  * Shirk v. (工作)偷懒

  * 本段开头的in addition to + 上段的内容(money)是为了完成段落间的衔接


  In conclusion, while money is one main driving force behind people working hard, it is unfair to state that it is the only reason, because everyone’s priorities vary greatly.


  * 结尾段写作最简单的方法就是改写开头段第二句话

  * Vary v. 相异,不同,有别

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