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常州新航道 > 雅思 > 2017年3月30日大作文范文-知识存储在网络上是好是坏?


来源:常州编辑      浏览:414475      发布日期:2018-09-17 15:03




“ In the past, knowledge was stored in books, but now it is stored in the Internet. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?”








当然,本周考题几乎更是2014年3月13日的原题翻版,大约3年前的那道题目是这样的:Printed books are not necessary in digital era because books can be stored electronically, while others believe that printed books will continue to play an important part in our lives. Give your own opinion based on your experience. 即,现在书籍都可以电子化了,那么印刷的书籍还有存在的必要吗?




另外,昨天唐老师收到一个短信问disadvantages outweigh advantages这类题目,是不是一定要求考生明确自己的立场:要么优势大于劣势,要么劣势大于优势?对此,唐老师的回答是,原则上来说这是应该的,但考生也可通过两种不同的途径来明确立场:可以详细论述一方优势,对方优势一笔带过,然后阐明自己立场;也可以讨论双边优势,然后阐明自己立场。写作无定法,没有非要写什么,不写什么的限制,主要看是否切题,文字是否准确,逻辑是否通顺,还有,最重要的一点就是:哪种方式你写起来最顺手,而且凑够250字!




Today we all believe that knowledge is just at the tip of our fingers because all knowledge seems to be have been stored electronically and is easily accessible on the Internet. There have been mixed responses to this development, and personally I think more and more people will rely on the Internet for knowledge though the printed books will never completely disappear.


Storing knowledge in the Internet has obvious advantages. Owing to its virtually unlimited capacity, the Internet can store all knowledge in the world. This makes it quite unnecessary for us to spend that much money constructing the brick-and-mortar libraries. Then as long as we have Internet connection, we can find whatever we desire to know no matter where we are. So, rather than carrying heavy books on American culture with me, I can sit at a coffee table and with a few simple keyboard clicks, I can have immediate access to any book in the world on that topic. What is more, if I would like to share some important knowledge with my friend, again a few simple clicks would do, but were the knowledge stored in the book form, then I would probably have to find time to go to the post-office and send the book to him/her, which is far more time-consuming and less efficient.


Keeping knowledge in the Internet, however, will make us excessively dependent on electronic devices. Simply put, in case of power-off or computer break-down, we will be thrown into a terribly helpless situation. But this is not a problem for people who learn things from books. Additionally, many people simply prefer reading real books for knowledge to online sources, because they believe books are more reliable and they find themselves emotionally and intellectually more attached to knowledge in books.


My conclusion, then, is that knowledge will increasingly find its way to the Internet and it will make knowledge storage more economical and convenient, yet books will never vanish because there are always people who would like to embrace knowledge in printed form. 

(340 words)






Today we all believe that knowledge is just at the tip of our fingers because all knowledge seems to be have been stored electronically and is easily accessible on the Internet. There have been mixed responses to this development, and personally I think more and more people will rely on the Internet for knowledge though the printed books will never completely disappear.





(1) 本段引出话题,提出自己下文拟论证的观点:知识上网有很多优势,但印刷书籍也不会消失。请学习唐老师是如何规避“有些人认为......,另外一些人认为.......”这个模板套路的。

(2) at the tip of fingers 近在咫尺;在指尖

(3) electronically 电子化地

(4) accessible 可以获取的

(5) mixed responses 各种不同的反应




Storing knowledge in the Internet has obvious advantages. Owing to its virtually unlimited capacity, the Internet can store all knowledge in the world. This makes it quite unnecessary for us to spend that much money constructing the brick-and-mortar libraries. Then as long as we have Internet connection, we can find whatever we desire to know no matter where we are. So, rather than carrying heavy books on American culture with me, I can sit at a coffee table and with a few simple keyboard clicks, I can have immediate access to any book in the world on that topic. What is more, if I would like to share some important knowledge with my friend, again a few simple clicks would do, but were the knowledge stored in the book form, then I would probably have to find time to go to the post-office and send the book to him/her, which is far more time-consuming and less efficient.






(2)owing to 由于,因为

(3)virtually (=nearly; actually; almost) 几乎;实际上地

(4)capacity 容量;空间;能力

(5)brick-and-mortar 实体的(相对于虚拟的)

(6)time-consuming 耗时的

(7)efficient 有效率的




Keeping knowledge in the Internet, however, will make us excessively dependent on electronic devices. Simply put, in case of power-off or computer break-down, we will be thrown into a terribly helpless situation. But this is not a problem for people who learn things from books. Additionally, many people simply prefer reading real books for knowledge to online sources, because they believe books are more reliable and they find themselves emotionally and intellectually more attached to knowledge in books. 






(2)excessively 过分地

(3)be dependent on... 依赖于......

(4)prefer ...to... 更喜欢......不喜欢......

(5)attached 紧密的;依恋的




My conclusion, then, is that knowledge will increasingly find its way to the Internet and it will make knowledge storage more economical and convenient, yet books will never vanish because there are always people who would like to embrace knowledge in printed form.





(2)find its way to... 走进......

(3)economical 节约的

(4)vanish 消失

(5)embrace 拥抱





