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常州新航道 > 雅思 > 2017年6月3日雅思大作文范文:生活在大城市不利于身体健康吗?


来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2018-09-17 16:48




“ Some people think living in big cities is bad for people’s health. To what extent do you agree or disagree?”












While enjoying all the conveniences in big cities such as supermarkets, shopping malls, and public transport, many people complain that living in big cities is harmful for our health. This opinion certainly carries a lot of truth, yet it should also be treated with a grain of salt.


Compared with the rural areas which are usually more peaceful and quiet, big cities are often extremely noisy. The forever crowded streets are full of people rushing back and forth, vehicles hustling along, and stores vying for attention. Besides, with factories producing wastes and vehicles emitting exhaust gas, the air in big cities is often so heavily polluted that many people have to put on a mask when walking outside in the street.


Then, the busy city life is also negative for our mental health. The fierce competition that exists everywhere in big cities is destructive to our relationship with our colleagues, neighbors, and even friends, resulting in our isolation and loneliness. In order to catch up with the Joneses, we often have to make more money by working extra hours which will eventually affect our health.


Yet big cities do offer many things that can benefit our health. Big cities, for instance, have better sports facilities and better equipped gyms and stadiums. They also have more parks and gardens. So we can see many city dwellers enjoying themselves by doing sports in gyms or walking in parks on weekends while in the countryside people can only stay at home. More importantly, in big cities, people enjoy better medical services because the best hospitals and medical professionals are often found in big cities rather than rural countryside.


So it is hard to decide with certainty whether living in big cities is bad or good for our health. Life in big cities does bring about many negative effects on our health (both physical and mental), but it also has much to offer which actually helps us stay healthy. 

(324 words)






While enjoying all the conveniences in big cities such as supermarkets, shopping malls, and public transport, many people complain that living in big cities is harmful for our health. This opinion certainly carries a lot of truth, yet it should also be treated with a grain of salt. 







(2)Convenience 方便;便利

(3)A grain of salt 一粒盐;打个折扣




Compared with the rural areas which are usually more peaceful and quiet, big cities are often extremely noisy. The forever crowded streets are full of people rushing back and forth, vehicles hustling along, and stores vying for attention. Besides, with factories producing wastes and vehicles emitting exhaust gas, the air in big cities is often so heavily polluted that many people have to put on a mask when walking outside in the street.







(2)Hustle 拥挤

(3)Vie for 为......竞争

(4)Emit 散发




Then, the busy city life is also negative for our mental health. The fierce competition that exists everywhere in big cities is destructive to our relationship with our colleagues, neighbors, and even friends, resulting in our isolation and loneliness. In order to catch up with the Joneses, we often have to make more money by working extra hours which will eventually affect our health.







(2)Fierce 激烈的

(3)Result in 导致

(4)Isolation 孤立

(5)Catch up with the Joneses 与邻居攀比

(6)Work extra hours 加班工作

(7)Eventually 最终




Yet big cities do offer many things that can benefit our health. Big cities, for instance, have better sports facilities and better equipped gyms and stadiums. They also have more parks and gardens. So we can see many city dwellers enjoying themselves by doing sports in gyms or walking in parks on weekends while in the countryside people can only stay at home. More importantly, in big cities, people enjoy better medical services because the best hospitals and medical professionals are often found in big cities rather than rural countryside.







(2)Facilities 设施

(3)Medical professional 医护专业人员



So it is hard to decide with certainty whether living in big cities is bad or good for our health. Life in big cities does bring about many negative effects on our health (both physical and mental), but it also has much to offer which actually helps us stay healthy.







(2)With certainty 确定地

(3)Stay healthy 保持健康




