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《剑15》Test 1 口语 Part 3 详细解读!

来源:常州编辑      浏览:      发布日期:2020-06-08 13:59


剑15 Test 1 口语Part 3 详解



“ 我们今天盘Part 3”


剑15的Part3除了按照出题规律,紧密衔接Part2话题以外,也遵从了Part3的2-way discussion理念。Staying hotels主要是围绕旅游的住宿选择方式和消费观展开;Working in hotels其实相对简单,是同学们非常熟悉的career观点讨论。

旅游的住宿选择方式和消费观更偏向于旅游类话题和住宿要求的结合型话题。剑14-Test2-Part3的different types of home其实就是围绕人们的住宿要求和体验感展开。对住宿的地点、内部装修、设施便利性和酒店服务(小区物业)进行列举,便可以覆盖所有住宿类话题的Part3.

Working in hotels的问题跟剑14-Test3-Part3的personal career success几乎如出一辙,跟以往的work in a big company or work in a small company的答题思路极其相似。同学们需要在工作要求和个人诉求上具体分析,比如围绕:工作技能掌握,个人学历背景,综合能力体现,薪资待遇以及工作长远规划等方面。


What things are important when people are choosing a hotel?

There are lots of factors that are need to be considered when people are choosing a hotel.

- the price and the size of the rooms

- the distance between the hotel and the downtown (or tourist attractions)

- whether the room service is satisfactory (check the online reviews)

Why do some people not like staying in hotels?

Some people would like to get immersed into the local culture by living in the homestay (B&B). Also the price is much cheaper comparing to the hotels’, which is more suitable for young travelers. Some people say it’s cold to live in hotels as most of the facilities are plain, not like the cozy rooms in B&B, which are well-decorated by the owner.

Do you think staying in a luxury hotel is a waste of money?

Not for me. I believe that most of the hotels are worthwhile for guests to spend more money on. Good stuffs and completed facilities require a great amount of capital, which means the price of the hotel would be higher. When a guest comes to a new city, it’s nice to stay in a cozy room with hospitable servers. You would enjoy the journey by waking up in a comfortable bed every morning.

Do you think hotel work is a good career for life?

For a person who likes to meet different people every day, I would say yes.

- meet new people and give a lovely smile to them (a fantastic job)

- improve interpersonal ability by doing lots of social works

- stay in a pleasant atmosphere

How does working in a big hotel compare with working in a small hotel?

There are a lots of differences of working in a big hotel and a small hotel. Actually, both of them have got a few benefits.

A big hotel: large scale, lively business, high reputation, diverse work experience;

A small hotel: less complex work, lower pressure, get closer to guests, more opportunities to get promoted;

What skills are needed to be a successful hotel manager?

Obviously, leadership is the most important quality for a hotel manager. Many skills are required to a leadership position.

- communicate well with employees and guests

- range the complex works and organize them properly

- deal with the urgent situation in an appropriate way




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